July 10, 2023


Mid-Prairie Community School District

Kalona, Wellman, West Chester

Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA  52356

July 10, 2023 – 6:15 p.m.



President Jeremy Pickard called the meeting to order.

Board members present:   Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick (arrived at 6:16 p.m.), Jeremy Pickard, Marianne Schlabach, Jed Seward, Jake Snider.

Board members absent:  Gabrielle Frederick (arrived at 6:16 p.m.).

Also Present:  Brian Stone, Jeff Swartzentruber.

Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Marianne Schlabach.  Motion carried 6-0.


Hawk Highlight – Custodian Update – Steve Mayer, Lead Custodian at the Middle School provided an update to the Board about the Summer Activities of the Custodians.   He recognized the team of custodians that are working together at the buildings.  The Board asked questions and expressed appreciation

Gabrielle Frederick arrived at 6:16 p.m. during this agenda item.

Public Forum

A parent and former employee shared about the positive experience at District, and then expressed concerns about the lack of ADA portion of the upcoming expansion plans.  She asked for more consideration and accommodations as expansion plans are developed.


Review Chapter 600’s Policies

Superintendent Stone reviewed the process and approval on First Reading of the Chapter 600 Policies at the June 26, 2023, School Board meeting.  He reviewed again the changes made to the policies as an overview for the Business Meeting agenda item.  The policy language changes included policies 601, 603.2, 603.6, 603.11, 605.1, 605.2, 605.3, 605.5, 606.2, 606.3, 606.6, 607.2.  He also shared about the audit of the Policies by IASB and that we appear to be in very good condition with District Policies.


Consent Items

Superintendent Stone noted the following transfers:  Pete Cavanagh from High School Social Studies Teacher to 7-12 Activities Director; Dylan Walther from ALC Teacher to High School Social Studies Teacher; Billy Matiyabo, Sr. from West Elementary to East Elementary Custodian; and Katie Roth from Fifth Grade back to Special Education.

Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the following consent items.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of June 26, 2023;

Finance Report

The Finance Report for June 2023;

Payment of Bills

The bills as listed for July 10, 2023; Prepaid Bills;

Open Enrollment Requests

Sadie Passmore requests Cohen Passmore (Kindergarten), attend Mid-Prairie from Iowa City Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;

Personnel Items

Work Agreement issued to Lori Schultz, High School General Cook, $14.97 per hour;

Contract issued to Kevin Cortum, High School Assistant Football Coach, $3,601 per season;

Contract issued to Dylan Wertz, High School Assistant Football Coach, $2,926 per season;

Resignation of Alec Clark, 7-12 Activities Director, $98,000.00 per annum, effective June 29, 2023;

Fundraising Requests

Mid-Prairie Football requests approval to raise funds through sale of discount cards to promote local businesses for uniforms, football equipment, volunteer coach pay, player and coach apparel;

Teacher Apprenticeship Programs Memorandum of Understanding for the 2023-2024 School Year

Updated Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) for the Teacher/Paraeducator Apprenticeship (TPRA) Program for the University of Dubuque, Buena Vista University, and William Penn University.  These MOU’s extend the term from August 1, 2022, to December 31, 2025.  The previous term ended December 31, 2024. 

Marianne Schlabach seconded the consent items.  Motion carried 6-1 with Jake Snider voting no.

Student Learning

Student/Parent Handbooks

Superintendent Stone reviewed the previous meeting where the handbooks were covered by Building Principals.  Acceptance of the handbooks was tabled at the June 26, 2023, meeting due to the Board’s request for additional, more specific language be added to High School Handbook the “Procedure for Short Term Suspensions Academic Honor Code” and revisions to the Good Conduct Rule Policy for Activities—Policy 503.4.  Stone stated that the language in the Good Conduct Policy that had been in section A. 5., was removed and therefore, no change has been made to the Policy at this time.  Some changes in the Middle School handbook has been made to follow the High School handbook language.  Board members discussed the language and ambiguity versus specificity in various sections of the handbooks including definitions and consequences.  The language on specificity of consequences and the consistency of consequences is also a concern.  The board would like to see some change in language on specificity of consequences with the cheating policy. 

Gabrielle Frederick moved to accept the Handbooks for the High School, Middle School, Elementary Schools, Home School Assistance Program, and Virtual Academy as presented with request for additional, more specific language on consequences for both High School and Middle School handbooks.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

2023 2024 MPHS Elevate Information

Superintendent Stone shared of the open High School Business Teacher position and that there have been no candidates to fill the position.  Because of this situation, the District recommends the implementation of an on-line learning platform, Elevate, to meet the needs of the students and meet the requirements of the Perkins program.  Elevate will use 4 blocks of Business and Computer Science during the first half of the year at a cost of $28,880, or $7,220 for each class.  The goal would be to hire a teacher at mid-year.  However, if a teacher is not found, an additional 4 blocks would be needed for the second half of the year at the same price.  The Board asked questions for clarification.

Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the agreement to use Elevate to teach 4 blocks of business classes at the High School at a cost of $28,880 for the first half and in the event that a Business Teacher is not hired for the second half of the school year, and additional 4 blocks at $28,880 as recommended.  Denise Chittick seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

2024 IASB Legislative Priorities

Business Manager Swartzentruber drew the Board’s attention to the IASB Legislative Priorities document for the 2022-2023 Legislative Year.  IASB has begun the inquiry and process for districts to determine their legislative priorities for the 2023-2024 Year.  The process starts with the Board review of this document and then the process to determine the priorities to communicate to IASB for next year.  The Board discussed the potential legislative priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

The agreed upon priorities include:

  •  7.   Mental Health
  • 11.  Teacher Recruitment and Licensure
  • 12.  Teacher Professional Development and Retention
  • 14.  School Funding Policy

Jed Seward moved to approve the legislative priorities as noted above for the 2023-2024 Legislative Year and submit to IASB.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Board Policy Chapter 600 Changes on Second Reading

Superintendent Stone and President Pickard inquired if there were any further questions or discussion on the changes.  A motion to approve on Second Reading was requested.

Mary Allred moved to approval Policies 601, 603.2, 603.6, 603.11, 605.1, 605.2, 605.3, 605.5, 606.2, 606.3, 606.6, and 607.2, on Second Reading as presented.  Marianne Schlabach second the motion.  Motion carried 7-0.


Facilities Committee Presentation

Ryan Schlabaugh and Matt Gent, representing the Mid-Prairie Facilities Committee presented the Facilities Committee Findings to the Board.  OPN Architect representatives Vicki Hyland and Carly Weber were present also for this agenda item.  Schlabaugh and Gent shared about the process and their impressions of the process, an on-going commitment to develop a long term master plan, and the Committee’s consensus recommendation to the School Board to seek a General Obligation Bond Referendum in the amount of $8.7 million.  The draft petition and ballot language is as follows:

“Shall the Board of Directors of the Mid-Prairie Community School District in the Counties of Washington, Iowa, and Johnson, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $8,700,000 to provide funds to build, furnish and equip a wrestling / activity center at the high school, including related site improvements; to improve the East Elementary and West Elementary sites, including improved pickup and drop off routes and parking improvements to address student safety concerns; and to build, furnish, and equip additional classroom space at West Elementary with related remodeling and improvements, HVAC improvements, and site improvements?”

Next steps are to finalize the petition/ballot language and begin to gather the required signatures on the petition to call for the bond election—272 minimum. 

The Board asked questions for clarification.  The Board provided an informal affirmation of the Facility Committee’s work and recommendation and encouraged them to start their petition efforts. 

Board Development and Inservice Activities

Superintendent Stone discussed the Potential Workshop Topics from IASB for the Board to consider.  He shared a list of seven topics for the Board to consider in a development session.  The goal is to have a session that covers two to three of these topics. He asked each Board member to share their top two topics with him so that he can compile.  The session would be planned to be scheduled before November.  There was some interest in Board Self-Assessment and Vision, and Goal Assessment

Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda

School Board Election:  Swartzentruber reminded the Board that School Board elections are coming up on November 7, 2023.  First day to file election paperwork is August 28th and last day is September 21st.  The paperwork is available on the School Board page of the website or from Swartzentruber at Central Office.  There are four seats open for election to four-year terms.

The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, August 14, 2023, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.  Agenda items to include: Annual Bank Resolution; Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2022; Schedule building tours; Information on Turnover, Retention and exit surveys (a stay survey); and enrollment (AP and concurrent enrollment) concerns at the High School the last not necessarily at the next meeting.

Board Highlights

  • Facility Committee consensus


The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.