September 26, 2022

Mission Statement 

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a caring 

learning environment. 

Mid-Prairie Community School District 


Central Office Community Room 

1636 Hwy 22 East 

PO Box 150 

Wellman, Ia 52356 


Tentative Agenda 

A. Opening- 6:15 PM 

a. Call to order by President 

b. Adopt an Agenda 

B. Work Session 

a. Hawk Highlight- (Kaden Meader) 

b. Board and administration dialogue 

C. Business Meeting- 7:00 PM 

a. Consent Items 

i. Minutes Previous Meeting 

ii. Finance Report 

iii. Payment of Bills 

iv. Open Enrollment Requests 

v. Personnel Items 

vi. Fundraising Requests 

vii. Walsh Door Proposal at West Elementary 

D. The Board Will Focus on Student Learning 

a. Graduation Requirements 

E. The Board will Focus on School Finance 

a. IASB Annual Conference Registration 

b. Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Treasurer’s Report 

c. Special Education Deficit Spending Authority Resolution 

d. Timing on the General Obligation Bonds and setting of priorities. 

i. 2022 09 13 Borrowing Thumbnail Projection 

ii. Facilities Committee Feedback 

iii. Review Committee Work 

iv. Committee Common Themes 

v. Staff Common Themes 

vi. High School Student Brainstorming and Prioritization 

vii. Middle School Student Brainstorming and Prioritization 

viii. High School Student Feedback 

ix. Middle School Student Feedback 

x. Committee Brainstorming and Prioritization 

xi. Reviewed Enrollment and Building Utilization 

xii. Reviewed Enrollment and Building Utilization

xiii. Summarization of Common Themes 

xiv. Facilities Committee Priority Recommendations: January 2020 xv. Carl A Nelson & Co. Master Plan Budget Report- 10/25/21 

F. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting 

G. Board Highlights