November 14, 2022

Mid-Prairie Community-based School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

PO Box 150

Wellman, Ia 52356 


Tentative Agenda


  1. Opening- 6:15 PM

    1. Call to order by President

    2. Adopt an Agenda current board

    3. Consent Items

      1. Minutes Previous Meetings

    4. Adjournment (Sine Die)


  1. Organizational Meeting of Selection of Officers for the  Board of Education

    1. Call to Order by Board Secretary

    2. Election of Board President and Vice-President

    3. Oath of Office to President and Vice-President

  1. Call to order by President

    1. Adopt an Agenda for the new board

  1. Work Session

    1. Hawk Highlight- Elementary Behavior Interventionist

    2. Board and administration dialogue

      1. Facility Long-term prioritizing

        1. 2022 11 03 Borrowing Scenarios Revised for 6

        2. Mid-Prairie CSC Structural Scenarios

        3. Piper-Sandler Full

  1. Business Meeting- at the conclusion of the work session

    1. Public Forum 7:00 p.m.

    2. Consent Items

      1. Minutes Previous Meeting

      2. Finance Report

      3. Payment of Bills

      4. Open Enrollment Requests

      5. Personnel Items

      6. Fundraising Requests

  1. The Board will Focus on School Finance

    1. Interest-Based Bargaining Board Representative Selection

    2. Washington & Johnson County Conference Boards Representatives

    3. IASB Confirmation

    4. Utility Easement

    5. Resolution for School Budget Review Committee for Additional Allowable Growth

  1. The Board Will Focus on Student Learning

    1. Carl A Nelson and Shive-Hattery presentation of DD for the upcoming East Elementary and Middle School additions and renovations projects

      1. MPCSD- DD Budget Report 11-9-22

    2. Reschedule the March 13, 2023 School Board Meeting

    3. Information about the superintendent evaluation process

  1. Work Session for Unfinished Section B Items

  1. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

  1. Board Highlights from Meeting