Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
April 10 , 2023 – 6:15 p.m.
Vice President Gabrielle Frederick called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jeremy Pickard.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Jeremy Pickard (arrived at 7:05 p.m.), Marianne Schlabach, Jed Seward, Jake Snider.
Board members absent: Marianne Schlabach, Jeremy Pickard (arrived at 7:05 p.m.)
Also Present: Brian Stone, Jeff Swartzentruber, Chuck Banks, Robin Foster, Rob Hruby, Greg Jergens, Amy Shalla, and Frank Slabaugh.
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Denise Chittick. Motion carried 5-0.
Public Forum
A parent with students in the District talked about some issues for one of their students related to an incident riding the bus. There are concerns about how the situation is handled.
Another parent addressed the Board about a February bus driving incident with their student. Their student’s teacher was pulled to go drive a school bus and left the student. She asked the Board and administrators some questions related to the incident.
Hawk Highlight – Georgia Relief Trip
Amy Shalla Special Education Administrator and a student who participated in the trip provided a report of the trip to Georgia during the week of March 20th to volunteer their efforts at rebuilding after the 2023 hurricane—and the tornados that the storm spawned. A student provided an update about the 15 students who went on the trip in two vans along with staff. They discussed the projects, skills learned, and impact on the people helped and on the Mid-Prairie participants. The group spent the entire week at a golf course that had significant clean up needs due insurance issues. The group spent the entire week helping to clear the golf course of debris. The group also took some time to enjoy some down time. The group relationships deepened during the week. The Board asked questions about the work completed and the relationships built.
Consent Items
Denise Chittick moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of March 27, 2023;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for March 2023;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for April 10, 2023; Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Brooke Wilson requests Brittney Wilson (Grade 6), attend Mid-Prairie from Columbus Junction Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;
Chelsea Bell requests Jaiden Lara (Grade 8) and Jaxxon Ball (Grade 1), attend Mid-Prairie from Washington Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;
Rachael May requests Jace May (Grade 1) attend Mid-Prairie’s Home School Assistance Program from Iowa City Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;
Sarah Wilde requests Esther Wilde (Grade 7) attend Mid-Prairie’s Home School Assistance Program from Iowa City Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;
Personnel Items
Contract issued to Matt Freel, MS Assistant Soccer Coach, $1,674 per annum;
Contract issued to Kevin Cortum, MS Assistant 8th Grade Boys Track Coach, $1,612 per season;
Contract issued to Frank Slabaugh, MS 0.5 FTE Academic Interventionist, $31,796 per annum;
Contract issued to Taylor Weber, MS 0.5 FTE Academic Interventionist, $27,105 per annum;
Contract issued to Marisa Bieschke, 2nd Grade Teacher, $40,310 per annum;
Contract issued to Madigan Young, MS Art Teacher, $45,523 per annum;
Resignation of Tyler Hotz, HS Assistant Principal and Activities Director, $96,410 per annum; effective end of 2022-2023 School Year;
Resignation of Jill Nisly, HS Paraprofessional, $16.50 per hour, effective end of 2022-2023 School Year;
Resignation of Angie Boyse, HS Junior Varsity Girls Basketball, $3,013 per season, effective March 30, 2023;
Resignation of Gretchen Steffen, HS Head Dance Coach, $2,808.15 per season, effective April 8, 2023;
Resignation of Ashley Streb, HS Assistant Dance Coach, $1,487.76 per season, effective April 8, 2023;
Resignation of Paige Peiffer, MS Volleyball Coach, $2,256 per annum, effective April 8, 2023;
Volunteer Coach
Terra Huber, MS Girls Assistant Track Coach
Fundraising Requests – None were presented
OPN Master Planning and Design Services
Contract for Services with OPN for $38,800 to follow up OPN selection as Architectural Firm for the Facilities Plan work.
Mary Allred seconded the consent items. Motion carried 5-0.
6:30PM Public Hearing – 2023-2024 Certified Budget
Board Vice-President Frederick opened the Public Hearing on the Certified Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. No one spoke. Vice-President Frederick closed the Public Hearing at 6:33p.m.
Approve the 2023-2024 Certified Budget
Board Vice-President Frederick asked if there were any questions or further discussion.
Mary Allred moved to approve 2023-2024 Certified Budget as presented. Jed Seward seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
6:40PM Public Hearing – Amend the 2022-2023 Amended Budget
Board Vice-President Frederick opened the Public Hearing on the Amendment to the Certified Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. No one spoke. Vice-President Frederick closed the Public Hearing at 6:41p.m.
Approve the 2022-2023 Certified Budget Amendment
Board Vice-President Frederick asked if there were any questions or further discussion.
Mary Allred moved to approve the 2022-2023 Certified Budget Amendment as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
28E Agreements for the 2023-2024 School Year
Superintendent Stone directed the Board to the Board Document Site where the 28E Agreements for the 2023-2024 School Year. We are working to again and continue to share 6 positions with two districts. This amounts to 18 Operational Sharing student FTEs for $137,430 of additional General Fund Revenue with 21 FTEs being the maximum in any given year. Two positions are sought for sharing at Lone Tree Schools: Special Education Director (2) and Transportation Director (4). Four positions are sought for sharing at Clear Creek Amana Schools: Buildings and Grounds (4), Human Resources (4), Curriculum Director (2), and Social Worker (2). If the Board asks the Superintendent to pursue renewal, the President will sign the six agreements and then the signed agreements will go to the two districts.
Jed Seward moved to approve the 28E Agreements—2 to Lone Tree CSD and 4 to Clear Creek Amana CSD for the 2023-2024 School Year as presented. Mary Allred seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Salaries for Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors and Central Office Staff for the 2023-2024 School Year
Superintendent Stone recommends a 3.2% package increase for Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors and Central Office Staff for the 2023-2024 School Year. This is consistent with the 3.2% package approval for Teachers and Support Staff passed at a March 27, 2023, School Board Meeting. He shared the documents showing the individual changes. Two principals receive an experience increase of $2,000 in addition to the 3.2% as has been written into their contracts. HSAP Administrative Staff and Hourly Teaching Staff raises will be presented for review at the next Board Meeting. The Board asked questions about the packages and the step increases for two of the administrators.
Jed Seward moved to approve the District Administrators, and Directors wage and package increases of 3.2% for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Jake Snider moved to approve the Central Office Staff wage and package increases of 3.2% for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 as presented. Mary Allred seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrative Reports
The Board asked questions and discussed the report forms shared by each Administrator about their areas of responsibility.
The Board asked questions about the student clean up efforts last Thursday and Friday including the number of students and the properties on which the students worked. Also, there was discussion for projects that are upcoming.
Superintendent Stone shared about the Softball Lights project that it is moving along nicely. He also shared about the Wrestling Room project. We originally had $1 million set aside for this project. Upon review by OPN, the project is estimated to be at $1.8 million. There are not enough funds to complete the Wrestling Room in the current project. This will be brought to the Facilities Committee at Wednesday night’s meeting for consideration in the Facilities Plan.
Jeremy Pickard arrived at 7:05 p.m. at the end of this agenda item.
ISFIS 5-Year Projection Discussion with Larry Sigel
Larry Sigel, ISFIS Executive Partner, joined the Board via Zoom Link to discuss some of the key elements of the 5-Year Projections that the District works through each year. Superintendent Stone introduced the time by noting the need for SBO Swartzentruber and Stone to continuously review the financial outcomes for the District. The COVID funding ends at the end of FY2023 and the assumptions made on expenses, student growth, and revenue growth are key as the District looks out five years. Sigel demonstrated how minor assumption changes can impact the outcomes of Unspent Authorized Balances and General Fund Balance. Staff costs are 75-80% of total General Fund Costs. This means that the balance between numbers of staff and pay to staff are key markers to watch. The State Legislature funding increases continue at historic lows in a challenging public school climate. These make the awareness of trends much more crucial in the near term. The Board discussed the various elements of the trends.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
Superintendent evaluation is currently set for May 15th in closed session if/as requested by the Superintendent. Wednesday, May 24th at 7pm is suggested as a fall back. Also, May 8th as part of the regular meeting is also a possibility. Gabby will send an email to the Board to confirm.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, April 24, 2023, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Honor the teacher retirees; and discussion of the Telephone Towers agreement initially researched by Swartzentruber and Stone
Board Highlights
The meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.