September 11, 2023


Mid-Prairie Community School District

Kalona, Wellman, West Chester

Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA  52356

September 11, 2023 – 6:15 p.m.

President Jeremy Pickard called the meeting to order.

Board members present:   Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Jeremy Pickard, Marianne Schlabach, Jed Seward, Jake Snider.

Board members absent:  None.

Also Present:  Brian Stone, Jeff Swartzentruber, Chuck Banks, Robin Foster, Rob Hruby, Greg Jergens, Rachel Kerns, Amy Shalla.

Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Marianne Schlabach.  Motion carried 7-0.

Hawk Highlight – Jeff Swartzentruber, School Business Official for the District, shared about a recent article/case study that the District’s attendance and timeclock partner, Frontline Education, shared with their partners and customers across the country.  The case study highlighted Mid-Prairie and the Central Office team of Carmela Ulin, Cindy Malichky, and Swartzentruber.  Frontline approached Swartzentruber with a request to do a case study as the District has worked with the combined system since 2015.  The case study was shared on their website and on the LinkedIn social media platform.

Public Forum

A parent spoke about a concern with a bus stop in the southern part of the District.  There is a bus that goes by their house for the Washington Community School District but cannot stop in front of their house because their house is in the Mid-Prairie School District.  He is asking for a stop in front of their house as their children attend in Washington.


The Board asked questions and discussed the report forms shared by each Administrator about their areas of responsibility.  The Board asked for a brief report from Administrators on the first few weeks of school.

Superintendent Stone provided a facility update for the ongoing construction at the Kalona buildings.  The project continues to be ahead of schedule by about 2.5 to 3 weeks with Middle School being on schedule and East Elementary being a 2.5 to 3 weeks ahead.  Both projects are under budgeted/bid costs.  Stone also provided thoughts and plans to reconvene the Facilities Committee to continue the process of the long-range plan.  The plan is to reconvene the Facilities Committee on Wednesday, September 20th.

School Business Official Swartzentruber updated the Board on the Fiscal Year End 2023 financial reports.    The General Fund Balance has increased $396,000 between unassigned fund balance and restricted fund balance--$410,000 in unassigned fund balance.  The Special Education Supplement currently shows a $13,000 deficit for 2022-2023.  The Special Education deficit will require a Board Resolution at the next meeting to allow it to increase the District’s Spending Authority.  The three key year end reports were certified today ahead of the September 15, 2023 deadline set by the Iowa Department of Education.


Consent Items

Mary Allred moved to approve the following consent items.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of August 28, 2023;

Finance Report

The Finance Report for August 2023 and June 2023 updated to reflect Certified Annual Report Data;

Payment of Bills

The bills as listed for September 11, 2023; Prepaid Bills;

Open Enrollment Requests

Open Enrollment In Requests total 7 students;

Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;

Personnel Items

Work Agreement issued to Sandra Popejoy, High School Paraprofessional, $14.98 per hour;

Fall Volunteer Coach

Anna Hochstetler, Middle School Cross Country Assistant Coach;

Fundraising Requests – No fundraising requests are submitted for consideration;

Denise Chittick seconded the consent items.  Motion carried 7-0.

Student Learning

FFA National Convention Travel

Superintendent Stone reported that the FFA National Convention will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, again from November 1st to 4th.  The students will travel on October 31st and November 4th.  Due to the out of state travel it is recommended that the Board approve the trip. 

Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the FFA students out of state travel to Indianapolis, Indiana for the FFA national Convention between October 31, 2023 and November 4, 2023 as presented.  Marianne Schlabach seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.


Appoint a Delegate to the IASB Convention

Superintendent Stone reviewed the appointment at the last meeting of Gabrielle Frederick as the delegate for the Board at the State convention.  Gabrielle asked to be relieved of this assignment due to other priorities with business and family.  The Board discussed appointing another delegate for the convention.  It was decided that Jake Snider would be the delegate.  Gabrielle Frederick would be the backup.

Jed Seward moved to approve Jake Snider as the Board delegate to the IASB Convention on November 15 to 17, 2023.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 6-0, Jake abstained.

Board Development and Inservice Activities

IASB Convention, November 15-17, 2023:  Registration is completed.  Jake Snider asked if there is a way to share knowledge of information gained from the various sessions.  A plan is developing for this request.

Grant Wood AEA has issued a memo dated August 31, 2023, to seek candidates for election to their board of directors for a four-year term beginning December 13, 2023.  The candidacy submissions are due between September 15th and October 15th.  Pickard, Stone, and Swartzentruber have candidate paperwork.  Mid-Prairie is in District 6 if any Board members have interest.

Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda

School Board Candidates paperwork is due to Swartzentruber at Central Office by 5pm on Thursday, September 21st.

The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, September 25, 2023, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.  Agenda items to include:  Instructional Support Levy Public Hearing and initial actions; 2022-2023 Treasurer’s Report; Special Education Deficit Resolution will be presented for approval; Bus Stop agenda item and bring information on the agreement with GWAEA; and at some point Jeremy Pickard would like a Board discussion about Concurrent Enrollment program and approach.

Board Highlights

  • Mary Allred expressed appreciation for the Mums fundraiser by HSAP
  • Jed Seward expressed appreciation to hear that enrollment may be close to flat preliminarily
  • Denise Chittick thanked Swartzentruber for his report on the Frontline relationship and payroll efficiencies.


The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.