October 23, 2023

Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office

1636 Hwy 22

Wellman, IA  52356


Tentative Agenda


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Adopt an Agenda

    3. Hawk Highlight- Christi Meader and the cast from “Into the Woods”

    4. Public Forum

  1. Work Session

    1. Administration Reports and Board Dialogue

      1.  High School Report

      2.  Middle School Report

      3.  West Elementary Report

      4.  East Elementary Report

      5.  Home School Report

      6.  Virtual Learning Report

      7.  Special Education Report

      8.  Transportation Report

      9.  Curriculum Report

                          10. Facilities Committee and Current Bond Update

3.     Business Meeting

  1. Consent Items

    1.  Minutes Previous Meeting

    2.  Finance Report

    3.  Payment of Bills

    4.  Open Enrollment Requests

    5.  Personnel Items

    6.  Fundraising Requests

    7.  Home School Assistance Program 28E Agreement Renewals


  1. The Board will Focus on Student Learning.

  1.  Grant Wood AEA District 6 Director


  1. The Board will Focus on School Finances.

    1.  SBRC Resolution for Additional Allowable Growth for Enrollment and ELL

4.    Board Development and Inservice Activities

A. IASB Convention, November 15 to 17, 2023 (Information)

5.    Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

A. Superintendent Performance Evaluation Mid-Year

6.     Board Highlights

    A. Pickard

    B. Snider

    C. Frederick

    D. Allred

    E. Chittick

    F.  Schlabach

    G. Seward

7.     Adjournment