April 8, 2024

Mid-Prairie Community School District

Kalona, Wellman, West Chester

Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA  52356

April 8, 2024 – 6:15 p.m.



Vice-President Gabrielle Frederick called the meeting to order in the initial absence of President Jake Snider.

Board members present:   Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider  (arrived at 6:40 p.m.).

Board members absent:  Jake Snider (arrived at 6:40 p.m.).

Also Present:  Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.

Pledge of Allegiance

Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President

Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Jed Seward.  Motion carried 6-0.

Hawk Highlight – Hawks News from West Elementary – Principal Robin Foster brought a group of four students to discuss the Hawks News production as the Trailblazers of the Fourth Graders. Hawks News is produced on a weekly basis.  A video was shown of the Hawks News production as an introduction.  The students then talked about their experiences.  The Board engaged the students in a discussion of highlights and questions.

Public Forum

No one spoke.


The Board reviewed the Administrators’ written reports to the Board.  Time was allotted to ask questions and discuss the reports.  No questions were asked.

1:1 Computer Purchases -- Superintendent Stone noted the need to get the 1:1 Computer Purchases underway.  The purchases are approximately $151,500. The purchases need to get underway with formal approval at the next business meeting in May.  It is not different than the past practice.

Architectural Contract – for Wrestling/Activity Facility was noted as received after the Board Agenda deadline.  The contract is under review. The compensation portion for schematic design is $160,000.  Due the interest of time, the work will go forward, and this will be brought to the Board for formal signature at the next Business Meeting on May 13th.

Certified Budget Presentation for 2024-2025 School Year – School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber provided a budget presentation for the upcoming school year.  The Allowable Growth for the upcoming school year is 2.5% and was passed on March 27, 2024.  This growth percentage allows for new money to the District to spend on expenses.  When compared to student enrollment there are normally additional dollars.  As the enrollment was slightly down, the District is in a Budget Guarantee situation where the new General Fund dollars are $46,213.00.  Property taxes account for about 31% of total District Spending for next school year while 34% will come from State Foundation Aid.  When SSA was set the overall District Property Tax rate will be $13.15, or $0.03 less than published at the first public hearing on March 25th.  Unspent Balance remains strong at $7.2 million at the end of FY2023 and estimated at $6.6 million at the end of FY2025 with the latter including a more aggressive expense projection.  The Board asked questions for clarification.  Swartzentruber noted that the presentation is in preparation for the second Public Hearing at the April 22, 2024, meeting.

Summer 2024 Projects – Superintendent Stone shared a list of the Summer Projects to be addressed in the buildings.  The spending amount will be around $135,000 for the Summer.  This is less than last Summer and more in line with the average spent.  None of the individual projects exceeds $20,000.  The Board asked questions for clarification.

(Jake Snider joined the meeting during this agenda item at 6:40 p.m. and let Frederick continue in the position of chair of the meeting).


Consent Items

Superintendent Stone informed the Board of the following transfers – Billy Matiyabo Sr. transfers to Lead Custodian from Second Custodian at East Elementary effective April 9, 2024; Makenzie Mantz transfers to First Grade from Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 School Year; Will Van Soelen transfers to First Grade from Second Grade for the 2024-2025 School Year;

Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the following consent items.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of March 11, 2024 Meeting, and March 25, 2024 Work Session;

Finance Report

The Finance Report for March of 2024;

Payment of Bills

The bills as listed for April 8, 2024; Prepaid Bills;

Open Enrollment Requests

Open Enrollment In Requests total 43 students;

Open Enrolled Out Requests total 1 students;

Personnel Items

Work Agreement issued to Billy Matiyabo, Sr., Route Bus Driver, $26.18 per hour;

Contract issued to Justin Barthelman, MS Soccer Assistant Coach, $1,875.60 per annum;

Work Agreement issued to Elijah Meader, HS Custodian, $16.19 per hour;

Contract issued to Jodee Beck, Special Education Director, $104,500.00 per annum for the 2024-2025 School Year;

Resignation of Natalie Silbaugh, High School Social Studies Teacher, $49,345 per annum, effective the end of the 2023-2024 School Year;

Fundraising Requests

Mid-Prairie Peer 2 Peer Group requests approval to raise funds through sale of t-shirts in the month of April to provide resources for service projects by the group;

Denise Chittick seconded the consent items.  Motion carried 7-0.

Student Learning

Fine Arts Upgrades at the High School

Drapery Estimate – Superintendent Stone provided the estimate for the stage drapery.  The estimate provided by Tiffin Scenic Studios is $13,222.00. The Board reviewed the estimate and asked questions for clarification both for this portion of the project and for the broader impact with the other items presented here.

High School Rigging Renovation Estimate – Superintendent Stone provided the estimate for the stage rigging renovation.  The estimate provided by Tiffin Scenic Studios is $38,581.00.  Again, the Board reviewed the estimate and asked questions about this portion of the project and its relationship to the broader impact.

High School Hanging Assembly and Track Estimate

Superintendent Stone provided the estimate for the stage hanging assembly and track mechanism.  The estimate provided by Tiffin Scenic Studios is $27,746.00. Again, the Board reviewed the estimate and asked questions about this portion of the project and its relationship to the broader project.  As this was processed the Board leaned away from this aspect of the project based upon their understanding of the estimate.

HS Auditorium Seating Budget Pricing – Superintendent Stone provided the estimate for the telescoping auditorium seating.  The estimate provided by H2I Group has two options.  The first option is $134,900 and is a lesser quality.  The second option is $281,300 is the higher quality option.  The pricing could be adjusted as the quote is from June of 2023.

The source of funds for all of these improvements would be interest earned on the Revenue Bonds held during the project timeline.

Jed Seward moved to approve the purchase SEATING Budget of the first option of $134,900 with H2I Group, then the Track Replacements on the stage, Scaled Down installation of stage hanging assembly and track mechanism by Tiffin Scenic Studios for approximately $51,803.  The total of the two vendors is $186,703.00.  Jake Snyder seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

High School Girls Head Wrestling Coach Proposal

Superintendent Stone and Activities Director, Pete Cavanagh outlined the proposal to add a Girls Head Wrestling Coach and the rationale as the number of girls has been a count of 20 the past few years.  The Boys Head Coach would also be retained along with two assistant coach positions for Wrestling.  Most likely the assistant coaches would be assigned one each to boys and girls.  The Board asked questions for clarification and understanding. 

Jed Seward moved to approve the creation of a new paid Girls Head Wrestling Coach position for the Wrestling Program.  Jake Snider seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.


Set the Public Hearing for Proposed Contract Documents for West Elementary Parking and Traffic Flow Project at 6:20 p.m. on April 22, 2024

School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber and Superintendent Stone shared the Public Hearing document and plans and specifications for the West Elementary Parking lot.  A public hearing needs to be set to allow for public input on the plans prior to the bids being received on May 7, 2024 in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room.  Bids would be accepted on the May 13, 2024 School Board Meeting. 

Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve to set the Public Hearing for Proposed Contract Documents for West Elementary Parking and Traffic Flow Project at 6:20 p.m. on April 22, 2024 in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room.  Randy Billups seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Set the Public Hearing for Proposed Contract Documents for East Elementary Parking and Traffic Flow Project at 6:25 p.m. on April 22, 2024

School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber and Superintendent Stone shared the Public Hearing document and plans and specifications for the East Elementary Parking lot.  A public hearing needs to be set to allow for public input on the plans prior to the bids being received on May 7, 2024 in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room.  Bids would be accepted on the May 13, 2024 School Board Meeting. 

Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve to set the Public Hearing for Proposed Contract Documents for East Elementary Parking and Traffic Flow Project at 6:25 p.m. on April 22, 2024 in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room.  Randy Billups seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Set the Public Hearing for the 2024-2025 Certified Budget at 6:30 p.m. on April 22, 2024

Superintendent Stone and SBO Swartzentruber recommend a Public Hearing for the proposed 2024-2025 Budget be set for April 22, 2024 at 6:30pm in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room.  A Notice of Public Hearing that includes the Budget Summary for Fiscal 2023-2024 is set to be published in the News upon approval.

Denise Chittick moved to approve the Notice of Public Hearing on the 2024-2025 Proposed Budget for April 22, 2024 at 6:30pm in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room.  Jake Snider seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Approval of Bus Bid Award for 2025-2026 School Year

Superintendent Stone, SBO Swartzentruber, along with Transportation Director Teresa Hartley directed the Board’s attention to Bid Results for 2 Diesel Powered buses for the bids opened on March 21, 2024.  School Bus Sales (Bluebird) presented the lowest bid at $289,282.  Hoglund Bus Sales presented the next lowest bid of $296,000 for two buses, each would be half of the total.  Thomas Bus Sales’s bid was $308,000.  The recommendation is to move ahead with ordering the two buses from Hoglund even though their bid is higher due to service and responsiveness issues with School Bus Sales the past few years.  It is also recommended the District sell Buses #8 and #14 at auction rather than trading them as the price at auction would be higher and would potentially cover a portion of the difference in the two bids.  Without the trade-ins, the value of the buses would be $146,441 and $151,000 each from School Bus Sales and Hoglund Bus Sales, respectively.

Delivery of these buses would be expected in July/August of 2025.  The Board asked questions about the current fleet. Mark English, Transportation Maintenance Engineer for the District answered questions related to the technical side.  The Board asked if there was a way to check on trade versus sell them outright.  The plan is to sell the buses rather than trade once these buses are delivered to the District.

Ryan Schlabaugh moved to accept the bid from Hoglund Bus Sales in the amount not to exceed $302,000 for the purchase of two new yellow school.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

28E Sharing Agreements for the 2024-2025 School Year Shared Staff

Superintendent Stone presented the four 28E Agreements with Clear Creek Amana School District and the one agreement with the Lone Tree School District. These are a continuation of sharing agreements that have been in place over the past number of years.  The District hires and shares the Human Resources Coordinator position and the Social Worker Position with Clear Creek Amana School District.  Clear Creek Amana School District hires and shares the Curriculum Director and Buildings and Grounds Director with the District.  At Lone Tree we are sharing one position, Transportation Director.  There are sharing revenue dollars available to both Districts in this arrangement.  It is 16 FTEs in funding received by both Districts that totals $125,200.

Denise Chittick moved to approve the four 28E Agreements with Clear Creek Amana School District for the 2024-2025 School Year – Human Resources Coordinator, Social Worker, Curriculum Director, and Buildings and Grounds Director and the Transportation Director with Lone Tree School District.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Superintendent Contract Discussion for 2024-25 and 2026

Vice President Frederick opened the discussion on the Contract.  Frederick asked to set a date for the evaluation of the Superintendent—the process for the evaluation and policy needs to be evaluated and updated.  Frederick also discussed the need to set up a new two-year for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 School Year.  Frederick also noted the use of the Joint Statement in the past and discussed the importance of the statement for communication purposes between the Board and the Superintendent.  She asked for the conversation to happen at the April 22nd Work Session in preparation for the evaluation in May and for the contract.  Frederick will send the policy with changes to Brian who will send it to the Board to review and comment on changes for use at the next meeting.

Board Development and Inservice Activities

Determine the discussion topics for the July 29th Work Session with IASB.  The link below is for the Board to evaluate and select the topic(s) and it may not be a topic on the link, below.  This will be a topic at the Work Session on April 22, 2024.


Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda

The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, April 22, 2024 at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.  There will be some Business   Agenda items to include:

  • Approval of the 2024 GO Bond Sale that occurs the morning of April 22, 2024
  • The three public hearings approved at this meeting
  • Work Session Topics: Discussion of the Architectural Contract for the Wrestling Facility Project, Superintendent Evaluation and Contract Discussion process; Discuss the July 29th Board Work Session with IASB

A special Board meeting will need to be called once the MPEA and MPESSA votes on the 2024-2025 wage and benefits package.

The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, May 13, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.  Agenda items to include:

  • Board Policy Chapter 200 changes on First Reading
  • Acceptance of bids for MP West Elementary and MP East Elementary Parking and Traffic Flow Projects
  • Architectural Contract for Wrestling Facility (currently under review)

Board Highlights

  • Frederick – Pleased to learn more about the Special Education Director, Jodee Beck.
  • Allred, Seward, and Chittick appreciated the Hawk Highlight with the Fourth Graders and the Hawks News presentation.
  • Schlabaugh – Noted a group that has gone to Florida on Hurricane Relief Trip and the opportunity provided to students.


The meeting adjourned at 8:25p.m.