March 10, 2025


Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a caring learning environment.

Vision Statement

“Every Student, Every Day”


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight- Brenna Hutson (Dance and Drill)

    6. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Approve Minutes

    2. Finance Report

    3. Payment of Bills

    4. Open Enrollment Requests

    5. Personnel Items

    6. Fundraising Requests

  3. Student Learning.

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. West Elementary

      4. East Elementary

      5. Home School 

      6. Virtual Learning

      7. Special Education

      8. Transportation

      9. Curriculum

      10. Activities 

    2. Public Hearing at 6:30pm on Grade-Alike Attendance Centers for the 2026-2027 School Year

    3. Second Reading of Board Policies

      1. 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence (Policy)

      2. 903.3 Visitors to School Buildings and Sites And Communication With School Personnel (Policy)

  4. Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1. Boards Involvement with DSP Document (Document)

    2. Set a Public Hearing for the Proposed Property Tax Rates for the 2025-2026 School Year for March 24, 2025. at 6:15 p.m. (Document)

    3. Flexibility Spending Resolution for Home School Assistance Funds (Document)

    4. AIA Contract with Carl A. Nelson Company for the Construction Management and Advisor of the Wrestling and Activity Center Project (Document)

  5. Board Development and Inservice Activities

  6. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

    1. March 24th Work Session

      1. Cell Phone Policy

      2. Incentive Possibilities for difficult-to-fill or in-demand endorsements for candidates

      3. Handbooks/Discipline Consistency

      4. Home Construction Program

      5. Crossing Guard Update

  7. Adjournment


Prepared: 3/7/2025



February 24, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM

Work Session Immediately After General Maintenance

  1. Call to Order

  2. Adopt Agenda

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

  5. Hawk Highlight- Instructional Coaches

  6. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

Business Items - Finance and Long Range Planning

  1. Public Hearing for Flexibility Transfer of HSAP Funds at 6:30 p.m.

  2. Fund Transfer Resolution to Flexibility Account

  3. Washington County Riverboat Grant Request and Resolution - HS Football and Track Scoreboard

  4. Redemption Resolution of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2024 Resolution

  5. Set a Public Hearing for Grade-alike Attendance Center for the 26-27 year.

Work Session

  1. Crossing Guard

  2. Review Electronic Device Survey

  3. Cell Phone Policy

  4. Alternative Kindergarten Discussion

  5. Additional stipend for difficult-to-fill positions.

  6. Community Auditorium Task Force and Finance Update

Next Meeting and Suggestions for Agenda

  1. March 10, 2025



Prepared: 2/20/2025



February 10, 2025

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a caring learning environment.

Vision Statement

“Every Student, Every Day”


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight

    6. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

  3. Student Learning.

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. West Elementary

      4. East Elementary

      5. Home School 

      6. Virtual Learning

      7. Special Education

      8. Transportation

      9. Curriculum

      10. Activities 

    2. Second Reading of Board Policies

      1. 710.4 Meal Charges (Policy)

      2. 804.5 Stock Prescription Medication Supply (Policy)

    3. First Reading of Board Policies

      1. 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence (Policy)

      2. 903.3 Visitors to School Buildings and Sites And Communication With School Personnel (Policy)

    4. Proposed 2025-2026 School Calendar (Document)

      1. Public 2025-2026 Calendar (Document)

  4. Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1. Washington County Riverboat Foundation Grant Request and Resolution

    2. Set a Public Hearing for a Flexibility Account Transfer and Spending of HSAP Funds

  5. Board Development and Inservice Activities

    1. Discuss electronic device survey

  6. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

    1. February 24th Work Session

      1. Cell phone policy and review data from the recent survey.

      2. Community Auditorium Task Force and Finance Update

      3. Intentions for Grade-alike Attendance Center for 26-27; Set a Public Hearing date on February 24th?

    2.  March 10th Board Business Meeting- 

  7. Adjournment


Prepared: 2/7/2025



January 27, 2025

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM

Work Session Immediately After General Maintenance


  1. Call to Order

  2. Adopt Agenda

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

  5. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests


Business Item - Finance



Work Session

  1. District Strategic Plan

  2. Potential 2025-2026 School Calendar

  3. HSAP Flexibility Transfer Approach

  4. Cell Phone Conversation

  5. 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence

  6. Grade-ALike Attendance Centers Timeline

  7. Funding Amount for an Auditorium


Next Meeting and Suggestions for Agenda

  1. February 10, 2025 Business Meeting

  2. February 24, 2025 Work Session



Prepared: 1/24/2025



January 13, 2025

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a caring learning environment.

Vision Statement

“Every Student, Every Day”


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

  3. Student Learning.

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. West Elementary

      4. East Elementary

      5. Home School 

      6. Virtual Learning

      7. Special Education

      8. Transportation

      9. Curriculum

      10. Activities 

    2. SBRC Resolution Request for Additional Allowable Growth for At-Risk & Drop-Out Prevention Program (Document)

    3. First Reading of Board Policies

      1. 710.4 Meal Charges (Policy)

      2. 804.5 Stock Prescription Medication Supply (Policy)

  4. Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1. Board Policy 407.1 Licensed Employee Early Resignation Amount Determination (Policy)

    2. Board Policy 405.2 Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection Sign-On Incentive (Policy)

    3. Certified Budget Season Update Report

  5. Board Development and Inservice Activities

  6. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

    1. January 27th Board Work Session

      1. Cell Phone Policy

      2. Dollar amount towards Community Auditorium

      3. Next steps to moving 2nd grade to West Elementary for 26-27 school year

      4. District Strategic Plan

    2. February 10th Board Business Meeting

  7. Superintendent Evaluation per Iowa Code 21.5 subsection 1e. (Closed Session)

  8. Adjournment


Prepared: 1/10/2025



December 9, 2024

Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356


6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight- 

      1. Andy Miller update Youth Project

      2. FFA National Convention

    6. Public Forum

  1. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

    5. ALC Graduate

  1. Student Learning.

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. West Elementary

      4. East Elementary

      5. Home School 

      6. Virtual Learning

      7. Special Education

      8. Transportation

      9. Curriculum

      10. Activities 

  1. Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1. Matching Funds Approval for FY 2024-2025 per Board Policy 903.6 (Policy)

    2. Additional Allowable Growth for Open Enrollment In and ELL Beyond Five Years for FY 2024-2025 (Document)

    3. Budget Guarantee Resolution for FY 2025-2026 (Document)

    4. Staff Payment for December 2024 Payroll

  1. Board Development and Inservice Activities

  2. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

    1. January 13th Board Business Meeting

    2. January 27th Board Work Session

  3. Closed Session - Consultation with Legal Counsel

    1. Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation.

  1. Adjournment

November 25, 2024

Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356


6:15 PM

Work Session Immediately After General Maintenance


  1. Call to Order

  2. Adopt Agenda

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

  5. Hawk Highlight- Instructional Coaches

  6. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

Business Item - Finance

  1. East Elementary Paraprofessional 0.5 FTE Proposal

Work Session

  1. Recap from the IASB Convention 

  2. Cell Phone Conversation sample IASB Policy

  3. Grade-A-Like Attendance Centers Discussion

  4. Funding amount for an auditorium

  5. State Report Card Update

  6. Other topics of interest: board goals, consistent behavior plans/handbook, evaluation of staff and coaches, alternate online meeting option(s) for board and or Community

Next Meeting and Suggestions for Agenda

  1. December 9, 2024


November 11, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening  - 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Adopt an Agenda

    3. Pledge of Allegiance

    4. Reading of the Mission Statement- Vice President

  2. Consent Items

    1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

  3. Adjournment (Sine Die)

  4. New Board of Education- Organization of the 2024-2025

    1. Opening and Call to Order by Board Secretary

    2. Nominations and Election of Officers/Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer

      1. Election of President and Vice President

      2. Oath of Office

      3. Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer

    3. Opening for the New School Board

      1. Call to Order by New President

      2. Adopt and Agenda

      3. Hawk Highlight- FAC Team Presentation

      4. Public Forum

  5. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Request

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

  6. Student Learning

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. West Elementary

      4. East Elementary

      5. Home School

      6. Special Education

      7. Transportation

      8. Curriculum

      9. Activities

      10. Virtual Learning

  7.  Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1.  Superintendent Mid-Year Check-in Expectations for 11-28-24

  8. Board Development and Inservice Activities

    1. IASB Convention, November 20-22, 2024 Board Registration

  9. Announcement and Suggestions for Next Meeting

    1. November 25th Board Work Session @ 6:15 PM

      1. Cell Phone Information

      2. Grade-alike Discussion

    2. December 9th Board Meeting @ 6:15 PM. (1 Board Meeting in December)

  10. Adjournment


Prepared: 11/08/2024



October 28, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


Work Session Immediately After General Maintenance


  1. Call to Order
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Reading of mission statement- Vice President
  5. Consent Agenda
    1. Payment of Bills
    2. Open Enrollment Requests
    3. Personnel Items
    4. Fundraising Requests


Business Item - Finance – No Items

  1. NA


Work Session

  1. Cell Phone Conversation
  2. Dollar amount for the auditorium
  3. Rollover for HSAP Building Needs and Flexibility Transfer
  4. Grade-A-Like Attendance Centers Discussion
  5. Mid-year Superintendent Evaluation/Check-in


Next Meeting and Suggestions for Agenda

  1. November 11th, 2024




Prepared: 10/25/2024



October 14, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight- Marci Stanfield, Nutrition Director

    6. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

    5. ALC Graduate

  3. Student Learning.

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. West Elementary

      4. East Elementary

      5. Home School 

      6. Virtual Learning

      7. Special Education

      8. Transportation

      9. Curriculum

      10. Activities 


      4.  Finance and Long-Range Planning

  1. Appointment of Level 1 Investigators

  2. Additional Allowable Growth Resolution for Limited English Proficiency Funds (Document)


      5.  Board Development and Inservice Activities

       a.IASB Convention, November 20-22, 2024 Board Registration


      6. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

  1. October 28th Board Work Session @ 6:15 PM

  2. November 11th Board Meeting @ 6:15 PM.


      7.  Adjournment


Prepared: 10/11/2024



September 23, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


Work Session Immediately After General Maintenance


  1. Call to Order

  2. Adopt Agenda

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

  5. Consent Agenda

    1. Open Enrollment Requests

    2. Personnel Items

    3. Fundraising Requests

Business Item - Finance

  1. Special Education Spending Authority Resolution (Document)

Work Session

  1. Audit Committee For Fiscal Year 2024 Audit Fieldwork Upcoming

  2. Board discussion about cell phone policy

  3. Discussion on Board Policies 200.4 and 401.14 

  4. Adjournment

Prepared: 9/20/2024


September 9, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356


6:15 PM

  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight- High School students to share about local and state fair experiences.

    6. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

    5. 2023-2024 Audit Engagement Letter (Document)

  3. Student Learning.

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. Central Office

      2. High School

      3. Middle School

      4. West Elementary

      5. East Elementary

      6. Home School 

      7. Virtual Learning

      8. Special Education

      9. Transportation

      10. Curriculum

      11. Activities 

    2. Madrigal Choir Out of State Travel October 13-14 (to Augustana College in Rock Island, IL).

  4. Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1. Appoint a Delegate to the IASB Convention

    2. Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Treasurer’s Report (Document)

  5. Board Development and Inservice Activities

  6. IASB Convention, November 20-22, 2024 Board Registration

  7. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

    1. September 23rd Board Work Session @ 6:15 PM

  8. Adjournment

Prepared: 9/6/2024



August 26, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


Work Session Immediately After General Maintenance


  1. Call to Order

  2. Adopt Agenda

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

  5. Consent Agenda

    1. Open Enrollment Requests

    2. Personnel Items

    3. Fundraising Requests


Business Item - Finance

  1. East Elementary Additional Special Education Paraprofessionals Proposal


Work Session

  1. IASB Needs Assessment

  2. 2025 IASB Legislative Priorities

  3. Tammy Drawbaugh Information (Document)

  4. Discussion From Previous Work Sessions About Additional Trade Classes and Options

  5. Discussion on Board Policies 200.4 and 401.15 

  6. E3, Safety Grant Update

  7. Tour West, High School and HSEC

  8. Adjournment

August 12, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight- E3 system

    6. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

    5. National FFA Convention Oct. 22-26, 2024 in Indianapolis

    6. 28E Agreement with Kirkwood Community College on the College K-12 Partnership Agreement

  3. Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1. Bank Depository Resolution for the 2024-2025 School Year (Document)

    2. 2022-2023 Independent Audit Report -  Report and Acceptance (Document)

    3. Second Reading of the IASB Board Policy Primer Updates (Document)

    4. Second Reading of Board Policy Chapter 700’s Non-Instructional Operations & Business Service (Document)

    5. Second Reading of Board Policy Chapter 800’s Buildings and Sites (Document)

    6. Second Reading of Board Policy Chapter 900’s School District-Community Relations (Document)

  4. Board Development and Inservice Activities

    1. IASB Convention, November 20-24, 2024 Board Registration

  5. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

    1. August 26th Board Work Session @ 6:15 PM

  6. Student Learning

    1. Tour of East Elementary and Middle School

  7. Adjournment

Prepared: 8/9/2024 #mphawks

July 29, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356


6:15 PM


Work Session Immediately After General Maintenance


  1. Call to Order

  2. Adopt Agenda

  3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

  5. Consent Agenda

    1. Open Enrollment Requests

    2. Personnel Items

    3. Fundraising Requests

  6. Second Reading of Attendance Policy

    1. 501.3 Compulsory Attendance- Policy

    2. 501.10 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy- Policy


Work Session

  1. Board Professional Learning provided by IASB Tammi Drawbaugh (IASB)

  2. Adjournment

July 8, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight- Dr. Chris Greir 

    6. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

  3. Student Learning 

    1. Building Handbooks

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. Elementary

      4. HSAP

      5. Virtual

      6. ALC

  4. Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1. First Reading of the IASB Board Policy Primer Updates (Document)

    2. First Reading of Board Policy Chapter 700’s Non-Instructional Operations & Business Service (Document)

    3. First Reading of Board Policy Chapter 800’s Buildings and Sites (Document)

    4. First Reading of Board Policy Chapter 900’s School District-Community Relations (Document)

  5. Adjournment

Prepared: 7/5/2024


July 1, 2024 Agenda SPECIAL MEETING

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356




Tentative Agenda




  1. Opening – 5:15 PM
    1. Call to Order by President
    2. Adopt an Agenda


        2.   Closed Session Superintendent Evaluation per Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (i)

              To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session as provided by 21.5(1)(i), Code of Iowa.


       3.    Adjournment


Prepared: 6/28/2024
