Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
February 24, 2025– 6:15 p.m.
Vice President Ryan Schlabaugh called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jake Snider.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:29 p.m.).
Board members absent: Jed Seward and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:29 p.m.).
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Denise Chittick. Motion carried 5-0.
Business Meeting
Consent Items
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the following consent items. Melissa Thomas will be going to the Middle School from West Elementary as a Title I Teacher; Taylor Weber will be moving to East Elementary from the Middle School and will remain half time as an educational interventionist. Jill Lundberg will transfer to 1st Grade from 2nd Grade for the 2025-2026 School Year.
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for February 24, 2025, and prepaid bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 5 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;
Personnel Items
Work Agreement issued to Spencer McVey, Wellman Elementary Custodian 2, $16.5 per hour;
Resignation of Anna Davila, Middle School General Cook, $15.28 per hour, effective February 21, 2025;
Fundraising Requests
FCCLA requests approval to raise funds with a Mini Dance Marathon on March 7, 2025, where pledges, donations and t-shirt sales will be used to raise funds for children and families experiencing childhood cancer.
Mary Allred seconded the consent items. Motion carried 6-0.
Business Items
Public Hearing for the Flexibility Transfer of HSAP Funds
President Snider opened the Public Hearing, set for 6:30 p.m., and asked if anyone was present to speak on the Flexibility Transfer. No one was present for the Public Hearing. President Snider closed the Public Hearing at 6:32 p.m. The amount to be transferred from the Home School Assistance Program is $350,000. These are unspent funds available after the HSAP has completed all program expenditures for the prior year of 2023-2024.
Fund Transfer Resolution to Flexibility Account
President Snyder asked for a motion to approve the Flexibility Account Transfer Resolution.
Mary Allred moved to approve Resolution 02242502 Flexibility Fund Transfer from the Home School Assistance Program Fund Balance to the Flexibility Account in the amount of $350,000.00 and read pertinent parts of the Resolution. Denise Chittick seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - absent Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 6-0.
Washington County Riverboat Foundation Grant Request and Resolution
SBO Swartzentruber noted one additional Riverboat Foundation Request has been made. Pete Cavanagh, Activities Director, described the Football and Track Scoreboard Proposal for a Riverboat Foundation Grant with a Power Point slide presentation. The total project cost is set at $160,000 of which the Athletic Boosters will provide $50,000, the District Match of $15,000 is applied for, and the application for a Riverboat Foundation Grant of $60,000 will be completed. This leaves $35,000 to be raised by outside parties. Work will not begin until the monies are raised through the Riverboat Foundation Grant and private donations. The application is due on March 15, 2025.
Denise Chittick moved to approve Resolution 02242501 for the Football and Track Scoreboard Project Washington County Riverboat Foundation Grant in the amount of $60,000 on the $160,000 total project cost. Mary Allred seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - absent Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 6-0.
President Snyder arrived at 6:29 p.m. during this agenda item and assumed the chair and then moved to the Public Hearing minute, above.
Redemption Resolution of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2024 Resolution
SBO Swartzentruber shared the Resolution as prepared by Ahlers and Cooney for the advanced Debt Service Levy for the 2025-2026 School Year. This advanced levy will allow the District to escrow additional principal of $75,000. These funds will be held in escrow at UMB Bank until the first call date in Fiscal Year 2028. This resolution will allow the District to levy the $2.70 maximum and continue past practice of paying the debt down faster with interest savings in a fiscally responsible manner. If the resolution passes, the escrow agreement with UMB Bank will be signed by the Board President and Board Secretary.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the Resolution for the Advanced Debt Service Levy to pay an additional principal amount of $75,000 in Fiscal Year 2025-2026. Randy Billups seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - absent Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 6-0.
Set a Public Hearing for the Grade-alike Attendance Center Changes for Fiscal Year 2026-2027
Superintendent Stone noted the Board’s request to set a Public Hearing on the stated plans to implement changes to the Grade-alike Attendance Center at the start of the 2026-2027 School Year. The proposal is to make the East Elementary School in Kalona, Iowa, changed from Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 to Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 and make the West Elementary School in Wellman, Iowa, changed from Preschool, Grades 3 and 4 to Grades 2, 3, and 4.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to set a Public Hearing on the Grade-alike Attendance Centers on March 10, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room. Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Work Session
Crossing Guards
Superintendent Stone provided an update to the Board on the Crossing Guard Situation and happenings during the School Year. Both of the crossing guards for Highway 22 resigned at the same time. West Elementary has the Lead Custodian handling the duties in the morning and a Paraprofessional walks the group to the intersection in the afternoon. At East Elementary the Highway 22 intersection is currently being handled by assignment by the Building Principal. The positions were posted today as these are two hour per day positions. The Board asked questions about the situation. And, the Board advocated for hiring of the Crossing Guards.
Review Electronic Devise Survey
Superintendent Stone shared the results of the Survey on Full Ban or Partial Ban for the Cellphone Policy. The full ban versus partial ban was pretty close with the largest comment related to contact between student and parent in case of emergency. The Board continued the conversation surrounding the results of the survey.
Cell Phone Policy
Superintendent Stone shared a few example policy IASB model policy 503.9. He also shared what is currently in the handbook at the Middle School and High School. Stone also shared Ottumwa’s student handbook that follows their Board policy. The Board discussed the options and next steps to be considered including some details related to implementation to be considered. Policy 401.13 was also noted for review. The Board asked for Superintendent Stone to review the language of the Policy and bring Policy language to the March work session.
Alternative Kindergarten Discussion
Superintendent Stone discussed the Alternative Kindergarten situation and shared a handout of data. The Board discussed the ideas and approach to Kindergarten and Alternative Kindergarten. Currently, Alternative Kindergarten is taught at West Elementary. It would be the intention of administrators to move Alternative Kindergarten to East Elementary for the 2025-2026 School Year if it is maintained. If a change is to be made, the Board will work through the process with Superintendent Stone. A change is not anticipated at this time.
Additional Stipend for Difficult-to-Fill Positions
Superintendent Stone discussed the types of hard to filled positions. Of greatest concern is the Special Education Teachers need—required endorsements—and competitive nature of the recruitment process. This may include deepening the Concurrent Enrollment courses. He would like to bring a proposal to the Board. The Board asked questions for clarification and discussed the issues related to this situation. They were supportive of further work being done on this proposal.
Community Auditorium Task Force and Finance Update
Superintendent Stone shared an update on the work of Auditorium Task Force as well as some very preliminary cost numbers. The square footage numbers are currently being reviewed by functions and rooms. Once those are identified, the space can be better defined.
Next Meeting and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Public Hearing at 6:30pm on Grade-alike Transitions for the 2026-2027 School Year; Set a Public Hearing for the 2025-2026 Property Tax Rates for March 24, 2025; Flexibility Fund Spending Resolution; and Second Readings for Policies 503.8 and 903.3.
The next Work Session will be on Monday, March 24, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda Items to include: Cell Phone Policy proposal; and Public Hearing on Property Tax rates.
The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
February 10, 2025 – 6:15 p.m.
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: None.
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Adopt the Agenda
Gabrielle Frederick moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Mary Allred. Motion carried 7-0.
Hawk Highlight – The Middle School Library Renovation Project – Kaitlyn Dodds, District Librarian, and committee (Rachel Foubert Lori Miller, and Beth Fiordelise) shared their vision for the Middle School Library spaces and plans to submit a Spring Grant to the Washington Riverboat Foundation later in February.
Public Forum
No one spoke.
Consent Items
Jed Seward moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of January 13, 2025 and January 27, 2025;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for January, 2025;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for February 10, 2025; Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 5 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 1 students;
Personnel Items
Work Agreement issued to Courtney Pettit, Middle School General Cook, $15.28 per hour;
Resignation of AuDeanna Fritz, Middle School Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour, effective February 3, 2025;
Resignation of Mathew O’Brien, Middle School Paraprofessional, $15.79 per hour, effective February 10, 2025;
Resignation of Rebecca Hathaway, West Elementary Paraprofessional, $15.41 per hour, effective February 4, 2025;
Resignation of Grace Pike, West Elementary Custodian, $16.50 per hour, effective February 10, 2025;
Resignation of Amy Johnston, Middle School Special Education Teacher, $48,042 per annum, effective End of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Jenny Riggan-Sexton, Middle School Special Education Teacher, $68,690 per annum, effective End of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Katlyn Ruth, East Elementary Kindergarten Teacher, $53,341 per annum, effective End of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Traci Zahradnek, High School Special Education Teacher, $74,115 per annum, effective End of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Traci Zahradnek, Special Olympics Coach for Fall and Spring, $1,510.80 per annum, effective End of 2024-2025 School Year;
Fundraising Requests
Middle School Student Leadership Team requests approval to raise funds for Paws & Moore in Washington, Iowa, through the sale of lollipops for Valentine’s Day from February 11th through February 14th as a community participation event;
Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the consent items. Motion carried 7-0.
Student Learning
The Board reviewed the Administrators’ written reports to the Board. Time was allotted to ask questions and discuss the reports. The Board commented on the Kirkwood (Concurrent Enrollment) classes offering and appreciation for these opportunities for the District’s students. The Board commented with appreciation on the preliminary drawings for the Home School Education Center footprint prepared by CANCO for the District as the HSAP Program continues to grow reaching 700 students.
Second Reading of Board Policies 710.4 and 804.5
Superintendent Stone noted that Board Policies 710.4 – Meal Charges and 804.5 – Stock Prescription Medication Supply were passed on First Reading at the January 13, 2025 meeting. It is time to consider the policies for Second Reading. He asked for any further questions or conversation on either policy. There were none.
Jed Seward moved to approve Board Policy 701.4 Meal Charges on Second Reading as presented. Randy Billups seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve Board Policy 804.5 Stock Prescriptions of Medication Supply on Second Reading as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
First Reading of Board Policies 503.8 and 903.3
Superintendent Stone reviewed two new Board Policies. These were discussed at the January 27, 2025, Work Session. The policies are 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence and 903.3 Visitors to School Buildings and Sites and Communication with School Personnel. The Board asked questions for clarification on both policies.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve Board Policy 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence on First Reading as presented. Jed Seward seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Jed Seward moved to approve Board Policy 903.3 Visitors to School Buildings and Sites and Communication with School Personnel on First Reading as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Proposed 2025-2026 School Calendar
Superintendent Stone provided the School Calendar for the 2025-2026 School Year in two formats. The dates are the same in both with one for internal purposes and one for use by the Public. This the same School Calendar shared at the January 27, 2025, Work Session. He asked for questions from the Board. This has been worked on with IBB Committee for their input over the past two months. It is recommended for adoption by the Board.
Jed Seward moved to approve the 2025-2026 School Calendar as presented and pending any legislative changes. Randy Billups seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Finance-Long Range Planning
Washington County Riverboat Foundation Grant Request and Resolution
SBO Swartzentruber, District Librarian. She is bringing a request to the Board for updating and upgrading the Middle School Library with the use of a Riverboat Foundation Grant. Dodds presented a slide show of the project and requested the Board’s support. The application is due on March 15, 2025. The amount of the project is projected to be $79,475.52, of which the District will provide funds of $15,000. This leaves a grant request amount of $64,475.52.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve Resolution 02102501 for the Middle School Library Upgrade Project in the amount of $64,475.52. Mary Allred seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - yes Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 7-0.
Set a Public Hearing for a Flexibility Account Transfer and Spending of HSAP Funds
School Business Official Swartzentruber stated that a Public Hearing for the transfer of Flexibility Funds from the Home School Assistance Program to the General Fund needs to be set. The amount to be transferred from the Home School Assistance Program is $350,000.00. These are unspent funds available after HSAP has completed the program expenditures for the 2023-2024 School Year. The Public Hearing is proposed for Monday, February 24, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to set the Public Hearing on the Flexibility Account Transfer for February 24, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. in the Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room. Randy Billups seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
Superintendent Stone discussed the electronic device survey as he provided a draft of the survey to go to parents. The data would be collected prior to the February 24, 2025 Work Session. The Board discussed the questions on the survey and asked for some changes to the questions.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. Agenda items to include: Public Hearing for the HSAP Flexibility Transfer and Spending, Resolution for Flexibility Transfer, Cell phone policy and review of survey data; Community Auditorium Task Force and Finance Update; and Intentions for Grade-alike Attendance Centers for 2026-2027—set a Public Hearing date on February 24th for March 10th;
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Resolution for HSAP Flexibility Spending, and Set the First Certified Budget Public Hearing on Property Tax Rates for March 24th
The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
January 27, 2025, 2025– 6:15 p.m.
Vice President Ryan Schlabaugh called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jake Snider.
Board members present: Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:22p.m).
Board members absent: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Jake Snider (arrived at 6.22p.m).
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Staff Chuck Banks, Tim Bartels, Robin Foster, Greg Jergens, Rachel Kerns, Jodee Beck, Kristan Hunter – for Strategic Plan.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by – Gabrielle Frederick
Gabrielle Frederick moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Denise Chittick. Motion carried 4-0.
Public Forum No one spoke.
Business Meeting
Consent Items
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the following consent items.
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for January 27, 2025 and prepaid bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 2 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;
Personnel Items
Resignation of Callie Adkins, 4th Grade Teacher, $47,500 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Makenzie Mantz, 1st Grade Teacher, $47,500 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Will Van Soelen, 1st Grade Teacher, $47,500 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Melissa Rediger, High School Student Leadership Team Leader 0.5, $327 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Pete Cavanagh, High School Student Leadership Team Leader 0.5, $327 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Fundraising Requests
FCCLA requests approval to raise funds through their annual Strawberry Sales from February 1st to February 15th for Community, Student Body, and Leadership projects for the club;
Jed Seward seconded the consent items. Motion carried 4-0.
Business Item -- None
Work Session
District Strategic Plan
Superintendent Stone provided an introduction on the District Strategic Plan work completed to date by the Administrative Leadership Team. This is a new process for the Administrative Team, Board, and for the community. This is a great start but is not yet complete. This included Collective Commitment, District Values, Strengths, In 5 Years, and Vision (Every Student, Every Day) along with the current state Mission. The Team then provided a presentation on the current status of the Strategic Plan starting at a High Level and the diving into the “Three Rocks”—bedrocks of the plan. Some Highlights include the Aims Statements:
The Board asked questions about each of the Aims Statements and underlying details to gain additional understanding in approach and data used.
President Snider arrived at 6:22 p.m. during the beginning of this agenda item.
Potential 2025 2026 School Calendar
Superintendent Stone provided an update on the current status of the 2025-2026 School Calendar and the work done to date by the Interest Based Bargaining Group starting in November 2024. He provided context to Professional Development (PD) times on Fridays to increase the PD time by 11 hours from previous years. The Board asked questions about the calendar changes as it affects students and staff.
HSAP Flexibility Transfer Approach
SBO Swartzentruber provided a memo to the Board as a springboard to discussion about the HSAP Flexibility Transfer. He provided a bit of history of the transfer done since COVID ended and the growth of the HSAP program. Rachel Kerns also provided input on the program and some of the needs that are mid-term and longer term priorities. The Board asked questions for additional understanding.
Cell Phone Conversation Sample IASB Policy
Superintendent Stone provided a copy of the IASB Cellphone Policy 503.09 “Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices” as the next step in the discussion process the Board has engaged in over the past few Work Sessions. The Board again discussed effect of cellphones on education, then determine the extent to which the ins and outs of the policy, and the communication strategy to the students, families, and staff. Each Board member spoke about their understanding and current position on the topic.
Board Policy 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence
Superintendent Stone the IASB Model Policy and the Administrative Regulation. This will be a First Reading at the February 10th Business Meeting.
Grade-Alike Attendance Centers Timeline
Superintendent Stone noted the conversations by the Board in prior Work Sessions. The discussion has anticipated changing the grade-alike centers at East Elementary to include Prekindergarten, Kindergarten and Grade 1 and at West Elementary to include Grades 2, 3, and 4 starting in the 2026-2027 School Year. This is considered as part of the additional classroom space requirements at West Elementary. Additional discussion items include: the timeline for communication, community comment through public forums, etc.
Funding Amount for an Auditorium
Superintendent Stone provided an update on the current status of determining the amount. Stone reported on the group that visited West Branch, Marion, and Auburnett schools to see their auditoriums along with OPN staff on Thursday, January 23rd. Stone discussed the seating sizes at each and also two of the three have an orchestra pit. Stone has requested a number from OPN for a 499-seat auditorium, band and choir rooms, and parking as requested by the Board.
Next Meeting and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Board meeting will be on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Approve the 2025-2026 School Calendar; Setting a Public Hearing for the HSAP Flexibility Transfer; Second Reading of Board Policies 701.4 Meal Charges and 804.5 Stock Prescriptions Medication Supply; First Reading of 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence; Set a Public Hearing on for the Grade-Alike attendance center at February 24th meeting;
The next Board Work Session will be on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: 2025-2026 Debt Surplus Levy; Cellphone policy discussion with survey results and cost of the bags;
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
January 13, 2025 – 6:15 p.m.
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: Mary Allred.
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Adopt the Agenda
Gabrielle Frederick moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Jed Seward. Motion carried 6-0.
Public Forum
A taxpayer spoke about his concern for the test scores from the State of Iowa and the Boards responsibility for curriculum.
Consent Items
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of December 9, 2024;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for December 2024;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for January 13, 2025; Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 4 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;
Personnel Items
Contract issued to David Murray, Middle School Girls Wrestling Coach, $2,467.64 per Season;
Contract issued to Aaron Coghlan, Professional Partner, $250 Paid Over two Months;
Work Agreement issued to Grace Pike, West Elementary 2nd Custodian, $16.5 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Danielle Williams, East Elementary Paraprofessional 0.56FTE, $15.29 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to AuDeana Fritz, East Elementary Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Resignation of Tobi Anderson, Middle School General Cook, $15.28 per hour, effective 12/10/2024;
Resignation of Jodi Meader, HSAP Media Secretary, $15.54 per hour, effective End of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Natalie Twaddle, Middle School Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour, effective 12/31/2024;
Volunteer Coaches for Winter Sports
Ryan Cortum – Boys Basketball Tim O’Toole – Boys Basketball
Vinnie Bowlin – Boys Wrestling Ben Meader – Boys Wrestling
Brent Foster – Boys Wrestling Shannon McCain – Boys Wrestling
Fundraising Requests – None presented for consideration
Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the consent items. Motion carried 6-0.
Student Learning
The Board reviewed the Administrators’ written reports to the Board. Time was allotted to ask questions and discuss the reports. No questions were asked. A compliment to Home School Assistance Program by a Board Member for the work being done.
SBRC Resolution Request for Additional Allowable Growth for At-Risk & Drop-Out Prevention Program
SBO Swartzentruber introduced the annual resolution for consideration. The request is for Modified Supplemental Aid for 2025-2026 Dropout Prevention Program of $253,005.00 to implement the At-Risk and Dropout Prevention program plans. The local match component is $84,335. It is recommended that the Board pass this resolution prior to the January 15, 2025, deadline. The Board commented about the process.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the resolution by reading Resolution 01132501 for Additional Allowable Growth for Modified Supplemental Aid of $253,005.00 for implementation of the 2025-2026 School Year At-Risk and Dropout Prevention program plans by reading the resolution. Jed Seward seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - absent
Jed Seward - yes Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 6-0.
First Reading of Board Policies 701.4 Meal Charges and 804.5 Stock Prescriptions Medication Supply
Superintendent Stone introduced the policies for consideration. These are mandatory policies as established recently by IASB. These are part of the IASB Policy Primer for policies that need to be reviewed and revised.
Policy 710.4 Meal Charges expands Policy 710.1. The Board discussed the policy. The amounts in the policy were discussed and values assigned.
Policy 804.5 Stock Prescriptions of Medication Supply provides policy for keeping certain stock medicines in place at the buildings. The Board discussed the policy.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve Board Policy 701.4 Meal Charges on First Reading as determined with amounts. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve Board Policy 804.5 Stock Prescriptions of Medication Supply on First Reading as presented. Randy Billups seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Finance-Long Range Planning
Board Policy 407.1 Licensed Employee Resignation Amount Determination
School Business Official Swartzentruber noted the dates per Board Policy to be the first Monday in February and the first Monday in March for the Early Resignation Incentive. The amount for the first date was $2,000, and the amount for the second date was $1,000 in fiscal year 2023-2024. It is recommended the amounts stay the same for February of 2025 and March of 2025, respectively. The incentive is paid in the June 2025 pay period. The Board discussed the recommendation.
Jed Seward moved to approve the resignation incentive amounts remain at $2.000 for the first Monday in February and $1,000 for the first Monday in March of 2025. Gabrielle Frederick seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Board Policy 405.2 Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection Sign-On Incentive
Superintendent Stone stated the need for the Board to select an amount for the New Teacher Sign-On Incentive. The past few years the amount has been $5,000 paid in two installments. The first is half of the amount September of 2025. The second half would be paid in September of 2026 provided the teacher is still employed with the District. The Board discussed the incentive and the payment amount.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the Licensed Employee Sign-On payment at $5,000 for the 2025-2026 School Year. Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Certified Budget Season Update
SBO Swartzentruber updated the Board on the Certified Budget steps for the 2025-2026 Fiscal Year. First Public Hearing documents need to be to Washington County Auditor by March 5th with the first public hearing possible on March 20th. There will need to be two Public Hearings with the first being March 24, 2025 and the second to be either April 8th or April 21st. The first Public Hearing will be a separate one item agenda meeting. The Hearing needs to be set and notifications sent with the March 10, 2025, Board Meeting. The second Public Hearing needs to be by April 21, 2025, though we will aim for April 8, 2025. As this is a reporting item, there is no action to be taken at this time.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
Nothing was added.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. Agenda items to include: Cellphone Policy, Auditorium Discussion, Strategic Plan, Flexibility Funds Transfer for Home School Assistance Program, and Discussion of the 2025-2026 School Calendar.
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Set a Public Hearing for the Flexibility Transfer of Home School Assistance Program funds of June 30, 2024; Riverboat Foundation Grant for Middle School Library; and approval of the 2025-2026 School Calendar.
Superintendent Evaluation per Iowa Code 21.5 Subsection 1e.
Ryan Schlabaugh asked for a motion to go into closed session to conduct the evaluation of Superintendent Stone.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5, 1e. to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation, and that individual requests a closed session.
Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - absent
Jed Seward - yes Randy Billups - yes
Ryan Schlabaugh - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 6-0.
Board Entered Closed Session at 7:02 p.m.
Board Exited Closed Session at 7:28 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
December 9, 2024 – 6:15 p.m.
Vice President Ryan Schlabaugh called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jake Snider.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: Jake Snider (arrived at 6:17 p.m.)
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Gabrielle Frederick
Adopt the Agenda
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Randy Billups. Motion carried 7-0.
Jake Snider arrived as the agenda was being adopted at 6:17pm and began to chair the meeting.
Hawk Highlights
Andy Miller joined the meeting to provide an update on Youth Project with Washington County Outreach. He complimented the students—Rylee and Jacob--of the District. He noted the leadership provided by our students and the activities. 113 students participated in 6 visitations with residents of various nursing homes. 75% said they would do this again. He thanked the Board for their willingness to let him share.
Public Forum
No one spoke.
Consent Items
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of November 11, 2024, and November 25, 2024;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for Year to Date November 2024;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for December 9, 2024; Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 3 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;
Personnel Items
Contract issued to Justin Barthelman, 0.5 FTE High School Physical Education Teacher, $23,750 per annum;
Contract Issued to Darrick Eldridge, High School Assistant Girls Wrestling Coach, $2,833 per season;
Fundraising Requests – No requests presented for approval
Mary Allred seconded the consent items. Motion carried 7-0.
Student Learning
The Board reviewed the Administrators’ written reports to the Board. Time was allotted to ask questions and discuss the reports. No questions were asked. Frederick expressed appreciation for the Virtual Academy/ALC Report. Stone talked about a first Strategic Planning meeting last week with a GWAEA representative and the Administrative Team and building state. A new vision statement is started “Every Student, Every Day”. This will begin to seen in every day communications and interactions.
Finance-Long Range Planning
Matching Funds Approval for FY 2024-2025
Superintendent Stone and SBO Swartzentruber brought this to the Board for consideration. Per Board Policy 903.6 the Board, in August of each year the Board makes a decision to promote joint fundraising for the three major Booster Groups including: Fine Arts Boosters, Athletic Boosters, and Student Boosters. In the past several years, the matching funds have been $15,000 per group or a total maximum of $45,000. The Board asked questions for clarification and understanding.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve matching funds of $15,000 to each of the three groups, totaling $45,000 for the 2024-2025 School Year. Jed Seward seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Additional Allowable Growth for Open Enrollment Out and ELL Beyond Five Years for FY 2024-2025
SBO Swartzentruber presented the additional allowable growth resolution for the current fiscal year. This happens every year after the Department of Education provides the calculations upon completion of their enrollment count process. If passed, the resolution will allow the District to increase spending authority of $83,625 for Open Enrollment Out and of $10,252 for ELL Beyond 5 Years. These amounts are a result of the Certified Enrollment data from the October 1, 2024 count date.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve Resolution 12092401 to allow the Superintendent to request increased spending authority of $83,625 on Open Enrollment Out for the 2024-2025 School Year and $10,252 for ELL Beyond 5 Years. Mary Allred seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - yes Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 7-0.
Budget Guarantee Resolution for FY 2025-2026
School Business Official Swartzentruber provided the Regular Program Budget Adjustment Resolution #120924 and recommended approval of the resolution. Due to the District’s Resident Student Count on October 1, 2024, reported as 39.46 students down from the previous October 1, 2023
Student Count, it is very likely that increased funding by the State of Iowa for schools will not meet last year’s budget funding, and this is a precautionary resolution. The resolution allows for the District to receive at least 101% of the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Revenue. Open Enrolled In students were up 19.20 students from the October 1, 2023 Student Count. While the Open Enrolled In students offset smooths the net trend, the District is slightly up by 2.24 students served compared to the 2023 count. This year’s resolution is a necessary precautionary protection of District funding.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve Resolution #120924 Regular Program Budget Adjustment for the 2025-2026 School Year as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - yes Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 7-0.
Staff Payment for December Payroll
Superintendent Stone shared that in the review of the District’s Fund Balance and Spending Authority results at June 30, 2024, he would like to recommend a one-time holiday payment to District staff under Contract and Work Agreements. The total cost to the District for 253 staff persons would be approximately $136,180. The recommended one-time payment would be made in the December payroll. The Board asked questions for clarification and understanding.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve a one-time holiday payment to District staff in the total amount of $136,180 on the December, 2024 payroll. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Board Development and Inservice Activities – There was nothing added at this time.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Consideration of an early resignation incentive, Resolution for 2025-2026 Dropout Prevention Modified Supplemental Amount,
The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, January 27, 2025 at 6:15 p.m. Agenda items to include: HSAP Flexibility Account Transfer; Grade-Alike Attendance Center Continued; Strategic Plan Discussion and update; Cell Phone Policy Discussion, and update on the Facilities Committee meetings and process.
Closed Session – Consultation with Legal Counsel
President Jake Snider asked for a motion to go into closed session in order to conduct discussions with legal counsel for the District.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to go to Closed Session under Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - yes Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 7-0.
The Board entered Closed Session at 6:43 p.m.
The Board exited Closed Session at 8:20 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
November 25, 2024– 6:15 p.m.
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: None.
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Gabrielle Frederick. Motion carried 7-0.
Hawk Highlight – Instructional Coaches – Kristan Hunter and the Instructional Coaches: Erin Cavanagh (HS), Kelsi TeBockhorst (MS), Emily Davis (West Elem), and Sarah Ihde (East Elem) provided the Board with an update on the Induction Coaching Program for FY2025; and the Beginning Teacher Network and Communication goal. The latter is an expansion of the FY2024 goal and includes new teachers and second year teachers. Topics are aligned with the Iowa Teaching Standards. They are also engaged in their Instructional Coaching duties. The Board asked questions about the program and approach to their duties and an expansion to the program.
Business Meeting
Consent Items
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the following consent items.
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for November 25, 2024 and prepaid bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 4 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 3 students;
Personnel Items
Work Agreement issued to Grace Baetsle, High School Special Education Para Professional, $15.29 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Jennifer Riddle, High School Special Education Para Professional, $15.29 per hour;
Resignation of Jane Blieu, High School Paraprofessional, $15.35 per hour, effective 11/27/2024;
Resignation of Mark Craft, West Elementary Custodian, $16.53 per hour, effective 11/21/2024;
Fundraising Requests
Girls Wrestling requests approval to raise fund through the sale of poured candles and t-shirts from November 18th to December 3rd to purchase new uniforms and warm up and to take the team to the state meet in Iowa City;
Boys Basketball requests approval to raise funds through a Donation Campaign to family and friends of the program from November 18th to December 2nd for the purchase of player/coach apparel, equipment, supplies, and volunteer coach pay;
Mary Allred seconded the consent items. Motion carried 7-0.
Business Item
East Elementary Paraprofessional 0.5 FTE Proposal
Superintendent Stone brought the proposal to add a 0.5 FTE Paraprofessional to East Elementary due to an Individual Education Plan Change. This position would work every morning for 4 hours. The expenses would be allocated to Special Education. The Board briefly discussed the proposal noting past practice.
Jed Seward moved to approve a half-time paraprofessional position at East Elementary as presented. Gabrielle Frederik seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Work Session
Recap from the IASB Convention
Board President Snider and Superintendent Stone led a discussion about the takeaways by the 5 Board Members that attended the IASB Annual Convention from November 20th to November 22nd in Des Moines. Each Board member in attendance noted some highlights. Board Members in attendance at IASB were: Jake Snider, Ryan Schlabaugh, Mary Allred, Jed Seward, and Denise Chittick. Superintendent Stone also provided thoughts and impressions on the Friday morning session.
Cell Phone Conversation and a Sample IASB Policy
In the continuing conversation about Cell Phone Policy and approach to cell phones in the High School and Middle School Buildings, the Board reviewed the IASB Sample Policy on Cell Phones. Superintendent Stone shared the Sample Policy 503.9. The Board discussed the policy and the State’s position in Senate File 2044 from the 2024 Session. Principals Banks (HS) and Tim Bartels (MS) were present for this agenda item and provided additional context. Discussion also centered on student health, social interaction, consistency, and enforceability. The Board asked for a survey of all staff as the next step.
Grade-A-Like Attendance Centers Discussion
Principals Banks (HS), Tim Bartels (MS), Robin Foster (West Elementary), and Greg Jergens (East Elementary) were present for this agenda items. Superintendent Stone introduced this topic and reminded the Board of earlier conversations. The thought process would be for changes to take place in the 2026-2027 School Year. The current thought process is Prekindergarten to Grade one in East Elementary, Grade Two to Grade Four in West Elementary. The planning process for space at West Elementary will be begin on Tuesday, November 26th with CANCO staff and OPN staff. The Board generally agrees the above changes make sense.
Funding Amount for an Auditorium
President Snider and Superintendent Stone continue to bring this to the Board for discussion and consideration. The goal is to provide a dollar amount the Board would allocate to a future bond referendum to the Fine Arts Boosters. Stone noted that he is still trying to work with outside parties to gather information toward determining a construction dollar amount. The Board then discussed some preliminary amounts and very high level ideas on bonding capacity. There would be other fundraising sources that would need to be utilized. It is recognized that the work of the Community Facilities Committee is important to the process in setting priorities and direction.
State Report Card Update
Superintendent Snider provided a snapshot and insight into the State Report Card for the District. There are conversations on-going about a strategic plan with the Administration Team, Grant Wood AEA, and Specialists. Stone shared two different high-level Strategic Plan—one a five-year, the second a ten-year—as examples and noted work that is underway with intention of sharing something with the Board at the Work Session in January. The Board discussed the data approaches to the Report Card and the next steps to the address the issues.
Other Topics of Interest: Consistency of Behavior Plans, Evaluation of Staff and Coaches; Alternative On-line meeting option for Board and or Community
Due to the lateness of the hour, these topics were tabled to a future Work Session. It was asked the concurrent enrollment and the trades be added to this list. Also, asked for Board Highlights to be added.
Board Highlights
Next Meeting and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: SBRC Resolution, and Budget Guarantee Resolution.
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
November 11, 2024 – 6:15 p.m.
Retiring School Board Annual Meeting
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: Jake Snider left the meeting at 7:00 p.m. to attend National Honor Society.
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Adopt the Agenda
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Jed Seward. Motion carried 7-0.
Consent Items
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of October 14, 2024 and October 28, 2024;
Denise Chittick seconded the consent items. Motion carried 7-0.
Adjournment (Sine Die) The Board President adjourned “sine die” the final meeting of the 2023-2024 Board.
New Board of Education – Organization of the 2024-2025 Board
Board Secretary, Jeff Swartzentruber, called the meeting to order.
The Board Secretary opened the floor for discussion for the Nominations for Board President and Vice-President.
Ryan Schlabaugh and Jake Snider both expressed interest in the President and Vice-President position. Frederick expressed appreciation for Jake Snider as President in the past year. The Board asked questions of the Schlabaugh and Snider.
Nominations for President of the Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 school year: Jed Seward nominated Jake Snider for President of the Board. Seconded by Randy Billups. Motion carried 6-0, with the nominee abstaining.
Nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 school year: Jake Snider nominated Ryan Schlabaugh for Vice-President. Seconded by Gabrielle Frederick. Motion carried 6-0, with the nominee abstaining.
The Oath of Office was administered individually to Jake Snider as President and to Ryan Schlabaugh as Vice-President.
Appointment of Board Secretary/Treasurer: Gabrielle Frederick nominated Jeffrey Swartzentruber, School Business Official as School Board Secretary and Board Treasurer. Seconded by Mary Allred. Motion carried 7-0. No oath was administered as the position continues with a paid staff person.
Opening for the New School Board
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Adopt the Agenda
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Jed Seward. Motion carried 7-0.
Hawk Highlight – Facilities Committee Presentation
Ryan Schlabaugh, Board Member, representing the Facilities Committee started a shortened presentation to highlight the progress currently being made on the 2024 GO Bond. He expressed appreciation for the process and the group’s work. Jake Snider talked about the process undertaken by the Steering Committee. Jed Seward, Board Member and member of the Steering Committee, discussed the 5 projects approved on the Bond and the current status of projects. The Elementary Schools Parking Lot projects—2 of the 5projects—came in under budget. The West Elementary HVAC/Humidity issues were reviewed and assessed. It was found that a number of control changes have solved the majority of the issues to the extent that there is a $900,000 savings. At West Elementary, the assessment of classroom space is on-going. In the assessment it has been determined that there is a need for 2 classrooms and improvements versus 4 classrooms for a savings. This led to a review of the 37 items developed by the Facilities Committee prior to the passage of the 2024 GO Bond. Superintendent Stone then showed the floor plan of the Wrestling/Activities facility. Included are 3 mats, changing/shower areas, storage and weight room on the top level. A concession area, restrooms and storage on the lower level facing the football field is also included in the plan. The original plan only included 1.5 mats and not a lot of amenities. Subsequent to the review of the 37 items by the Steering Committee, it was determined that the needs at the Wrestling/Activities facility could be expanded and begin to address 17 items of the 34 on the list from the original 5 items noted above while maintaining the integrity and letter of the Bond Referendum language. The current adjusted list will lead the Facilities Committee to begin to reprioritize the remaining items on the list and assess other items. The Board asked questions about the projects and possible projects. There is agreement that these developments are very positive for the District.
Jake Snider left the meeting at 7 p.m. during this agenda item and turned the chair over to Ryan Schlabaugh.
Public Forum
No one spoke.
Consent Items
Randy Billups moved to approve the following consent items.
Finance Report
The Finance Report for Year to Date October 2024;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for November 11, 2024; Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 3 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 1 students;
Personnel Items
Contract issued to Danielle Williams, High School Head Softball Coach, $5,464 per season;
Fundraising Requests
The Prom Committee requests approval to raise funds through an Ugly Sweater Sale from November 12th to November 21st to raise money to put on the Junior Senior Prom event in the Spring of 2025;
Gabrielle Frederick seconded the consent items. Motion carried 6-0.
Student Learning
The Board reviewed the Administrators’ written reports to the Board. Time was allotted to ask questions and discuss the reports. While no questions were asked on the reports, Superintendent Stone discussed the Veterans Day Assembly that took place today and the impact that it had on the students and those in attendance.
Finance-Long Range Planning
Superintendent Mid-Year Check-In Expectations for November 25, 2024
Vice-President Schlabaugh and former Vice-President Gabrielle Frederick noted the necessity to conduct a mid-year evaluation/check-in/discussion with Brian Stone, Superintendent. The evaluation needs to take place at the last Board Meeting in November. Schlabaugh and Frederick will gather information for standards items 1, 4, and 6.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
IASB Convention is November 20-22, 2024. Registrations have been completed for all Board members planning to attend and Superintendent Stone reviewed the details including transportation by School Board members.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, November 25, 22024 at 6:15 p.m. Agenda items to include: Grade A-like Attendance Center Discussion, Continuation of the Cellphone Discussion, Resolution for SBRC Spending Authority for ELL Beyond 5 years and for Open Enrollment In and Out counts; Semi-annual Superintendent Evaluation most likely conducted in closed session;
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. This is the only meeting planned for December.
The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
October 28, 2024– 6:15 p.m.
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: None.
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Randy Billups moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Jed Seward. Motion carried 7-0.
Business Meeting
Consent Items
Mary Allred moved to approve the following consent items.
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for October 28, 2024 and prepaid bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 0 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;
Personnel Items
Work Agreement issued to Heather Harms, East Elementary Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Cana Rediger, West Elementary Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Natalie Twaddle, Middle School Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Fundraising Requests
Post Prom requests approval to raise funds through an on-line Leading Edge event from November 15th to November 29th to raise funds for Post Prom Activities;
Post Prom requests approval to raise funds through a Drive Thru Pulled Pork Dinner on November 16th to raise funds for Post Prom Activities;
Post Prom requests approval to raise funds through the sale of Sugar Bottom Cookies from September 15th to October 14th to raise funds for Post Prom Activities;
Football requests approval to raise funds through sale of football playoff shirts from October 20th to 22nd for volunteer coach payments, equipment, supplies and jerseys;
Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the consent items. Motion carried 7-0.
Business Item - None
Work Session
Board Discussion About Cell Phone Policy
President Snider opened the discussion to continue from last month’s Work Session. Superintendent Stone provided input from Mr. Banks, and the High School staff on their experience and opinions. He also discussed the perspectives of the Middle School the input from Mr. Bartels and his staff. Also, joining the conversation were Jan Hochstetler, author of “Always More To Learn” and discussed Jonathon Haidt's book “The Anxious Generation”, included in the latter book is a description of the Great Rewiring, and the overprotection of our children. She provided some slides with data to show anxiety, screen time, and time spent with friends, etc. She also discussed the decline in academic test scores and other closely related topics. The Board thanked Hochstetler for her time, knowledge and information. The Board continued the discussion of the issues and potential movement towards a policy. More research and information gathering on policies are requested by the board.
Dollar Amount for the Auditorium
President Snider opened this conversation with the Board. About a year ago, the Fine Arts Boosters attended a Board Meeting to ask for support of the construction of an auditorium for the District. At that point they requested an amount that the District could fund. The Board discussed ideas and impressions of the process and then discussion of size of facility. This discussion will continue as the current Facilities Plan develops.
Rollover for HSAP Building Needs and Flexibility Transfer
Superintendent Stone and SBO Swartzentruber discussed the past practice with excess funds in the Flexibility Transfer from Home School Assistance Program. There have been some preliminary needs discussion at the Home School Building with Swartzentruber doing background work to find out what is possible for use of Flexibility Funds. Stone then discussed approach to the needs with the Board. The board asked questions of Stone and Swartzentruber to gain understanding of the situation. The Flexibility Transfer public hearings normally take place in January and February. Discussion in more detail is planned for the January Work Session.
Grade-A-Like Attendance Centers Discussion
Superintendent Stone discussed this as an important element of the current construction plan. This item was requested by the Board to revisit as a part of the 2024 GO Bond planning discussion, especially as it relates to West Elementary and East Elementary potential changes. It is proposed that West Elementary would become a Grades 2, 3 and 4 building while East Elementary would be a Preschool, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 building. The Board discussion centered on the pros and cons and timing. The Board encouraged further discussion at a future meeting. Potential action to be considered in an upcoming business meeting.
Mid-Year Superintendent Evaluation/Check-In
Tabled until the first meeting in November.
Next Meeting and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Annual Organization Meeting of the Board; Possible Resolution for SBRC Spending Authority for ELL Beyond 5 Years, and for Open Enrollment IN and Out items;
The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
October 14, 2024 – 6:15 p.m.
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: None.
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Adopt the Agenda
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Mary Allred. Motion carried 7-0.
Hawk Highlight – Marci Stanfield, District Nutrition Director, shared about Power Snack from the Hanson Foundation to provide students with opportunity to be fed during holiday breaks. She reached out to the Foundation to see if Mid-Prairie could participate in their program. All of the smaller local grocery stores and Fairway grocery stores are willing to honor the coupons. Each teacher gets a box of coupons and a beef stick for each student. The Board asked questions about the program and other opportunities for the students’ nutrition. The Board thanked Stanfield for her work.
Public Forum
No one spoke.
Consent Items
Randy Billups moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of September 9, 2024 and September 23, 2024;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for Year to Date September 2024;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for October 14, 2024; Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 1 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;
Personnel Items
Work Agreement issued to Tobi Anderson, Middle School General Cook, $15.28 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Karin Schadle, East Elementary Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Resignation of Ammie Neal, West Elementary Paraprofessional; $15.80 per hour effective September 28, 2024;
Fundraising Requests
Baseball requests approval to raise funds through annual can recycling drive on October 5th for the Baseball program, equipment and field maintenance;
ALC Graduate – Approval of Ms. Danielle Brown as an October 2024 graduate of the Mid-Prairie Alternative Learning Center.
Mary Allred seconded the consent items. Motion carried 7-0.
Student Learning
The Board reviewed the Administrators’ written reports to the Board. Time was allotted to ask questions and discuss the reports. No questions were asked. Superintendent Stone shared the Care Solace brochure.
Finance-Long Range Planning
Level 1 Investigators
Superintendent Stone shared that the District needs to appoint Level 1 Investigators per Board Policy 402.3. With changes in Staff it is appropriate to appoint Level 1 Investigators ahead of the normal January timeframe. Principals and Administrators recommended for appointment as Level 1 Investigators are: Jodee Beck, Rachel Kerns, Robin Foster, Greg Jergens, Chuck Banks, Tim Bartels, and Frank Slabaugh with Superintendent Stone appointed as the First Alternate to the Level 1 Investigators. Stone asked for questions and discussion from the Board. The Board asked questions about the role of investigators.
Denise Chittick moved to approve the above list as Level 1 Investigators as recommended. Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Additional Allowable Growth Resolution for Limited English Proficiency Funds
School Business Official Swartzentruber presented the Limited English Proficiency Funds Additional Allowable Growth Resolution #10142401 as required by law. This resolution recognizes the State funding for the District’s Limited English proficiency program is insufficient. The funding requirements are a calculation based upon student served. In the District’s case, the student count is not high enough to pay the compensation and expenses for a full-time teacher, though one is required. Once the District exceeds the funds allocated, the excess costs are tracked in order to receive additional spending authority. The resolution requests $36,944.36 additional spending authority.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve Resolution #10142401 for additional spending authority of $36,944.36. Mary Allred seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - yes Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 7-0.
Washington and Johnson County Conference Boards
The board discussed who the representatives for these boards will be for the 2024-2025 School Year. Normally this is completed in the November organizational meeting. However, Washington County has requested the names earlier than November, which can work this year due to no school board elections. Both boards work to approve the County Budget via the Assessor’s Office. It is noted that Gabrielle Frederick is the only Johnson County resident amongst the School Board Members. Gabrielle Frederick represented Mid-Prairie at Johnson County and Jed Seward represented Mid-Prairie at Washington County in the prior fiscal year.
Jed Seward moved to approve Gabrielle Frederick as the Johnson County Representative to the Johnson County Conference Board and Jed Seward as the Washington County Representative to the Washington County Conference Board for the 2024-2025 School Year. Gabrielle Fredrick seconded the motion. The Motions carried 7-0.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
IASB Convention is November 20-22, 2024. Registrations have been completed for all Board members planning to attend and Superintendent Stone covered the details.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, October 28, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. Agenda items to include: Continued discussion of Cell Phone Policy with Administrators from the Middle School and the High School present; Discussion of Home School Assistance Program Flexibility spending plan and ideas; Discussion of the Board Commitment to Fine Arts on the auditorium; Discussion and general update of the Safety Grants for the four attendance centers; Stone reported the Interest Based Bargaining Committee will kick off on November 11th.
The next business Board meeting will be on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. This will include the annual organizational meeting of the Board.
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
September 23, 2024– 6:15 p.m.
Vice President Gabrielle Frederick called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jake Snider prior to his arrival.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:20 p.m.).
Board members absent: Jake Snider (arrived at 6:20 p.m.).
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Jed Seward moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Mary Allred. Motion carried 6-0.
Business Meeting
Consent Items
Mary Allred moved to approve the following consent items.
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for September 23, 2024, and prepaid bills;
Open Enrollment Requests – No Open Enrollment Requests presented for consideration;
Personnel Items
Contract issued to Daniel Hershberger, Middle School Assistant Football Coach, $2,187.51 per annum;
Resignation of Robin Coffman, Middle School General Cook, $15.28 per hour, effective September 16, 2024;
Resignation of Jillian Wilson, East Elementary Paraprofessional, $15.84 per hour, effective October 3, 2024;
Resignation of Jenny Hobbs, High School Assistant Softball Coach, $4,079.00 per season, effective September 6, 2024;
Resignation of Amy Hartsock-Williams, High School Head Softball Coach, $6,654.00 per season, effective September 16, 2024;
Fundraising Requests – No Fundraising Requests presented for consideration;
Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the consent items. Motion carried 6-0.
Business Item
Special Education Deficit Spending Authority Resolution – Resolution 0923241
SBO Swartzentruber reviewed the SBRC Resolution for Additional Allowable Growth as a result of the Special Education Spending Deficit for the recently completed fiscal year ending on June 30, 2024. The reported deficit was $81,494.48 for last year as compared to $13,193.16 for the previous year. The request is rounded up to $85,000 to allow for any upward adjustment that might be found during the Department of Education’s year-end review.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve Resolution 0923241 to authorize the Superintendent to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for additional allowable growth of up to $85,000 to cover the deficit in Special Education funding from the year ending June 30, 2024. Mary Allred seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - yes Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - yes Jake Snider - absent
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 6-0.
Work Session
Audit Committee For Fiscal Year 2024
School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber noted that the audit fieldwork for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024 will begin tomorrow, September 24, 2024. The audit team will be conducting the audit remotely from their offices in Newton as they have done since fiscal year 2019-2020. It is anticipated that the audit fieldwork will take up to 3 days. With the implementation of Policy 707.6 Audit Committee, it may be time to select the committee. A closing conference with the auditors after the completion of fieldwork usually takes place towards the end of fieldwork. Swartzentruber and Stone are in attendance. Does the Board need representation to be in attendance? The Board discussed the need for someone to be present for the closing conference. Ryan Schlabaugh would like be involved. The Board informally agreed to have Ryan Schlabaugh present for the closing conference.
(Jake Snider arrived at 6:20pm during this agenda item.)
Discussion of Board Policies 200.4 and 401.14
President Snider asked for this discussion to be held first. The Board looked at both policies to review for similarities and consistency. Discussions for concerns for accountability and enforcement of the policies. Policy 200.4 is not a mandatory policy. The Board discussion would appear that this will not be pursued for acceptance and approval.
Board discussion about cell phone policy
President Snider opened the discussion. Superintendent Stone shared data and results of conversations with building administrators about cell phone experiences in the buildings from last year and into the beginning of this year. The administrators have not had significant issues. The Board talked about approach to cell phone policy discipline, student behaviors, and student health. Accountability and culture in the buildings was discussed at length. The Board asked for specific information for Stone to gather from administrators and staff for a future work session.
Next Meeting and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.
The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
September 9, 2024 – 6:15 p.m.
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: Gabrielle Frederick.
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Jed Seward. Motion carried 6-0.
Hawk Highlight – High School Student Sharing on Local and State Fair Experiences
Elsa Schmidt, High School FFA Teacher, introduced seven students to share about their local and state fair experiences and Summer Activities. Included activities were: Officer Planning Retreat in early June; Livestock Judging competition; Summer FFA Social Activity is held; FFA volunteered at West Chester to do community clean up—and have done this for the past 15 years; Eighteen students participated in the Washington County Fair; Three students participated in the Johnson County Fair; Twenty-one students exhibited at the State Fair as well as additional students served as ushers; Mid-Prairie was one of 60 FFA Chapters that participated in Photography; Mid-Prairie received a First Place Chapter in Floriculture. The Board thanked the students for their presentation and thanked Mrs. Schmidt for her work and dedication to the Mid-Prairie Program.
Public Forum
A parent of students who open enroll into the Washington School District from Mid-Prairie spoke to request consideration and approval for her students to ride the Washington School District Bus. They reside South and East of West Chester. The Washington District currently has a bus drive by their home to pick up a Washington student. There needs to be some additional work to determine if the situation requires Board approval or meets current State law.
Consent Items
Denise Chittick moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of August 12, 2024 and August 26, 2024;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for August 2024 and the Near Final June 2024 End of Year Report;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for September 9, 2024; Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 13 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;
Personnel Items
Contract issued to Derek Kalm, Middle School Assistant Volleyball Coach, $2,140 per season;
Work Agreement issued to Kristy Burke, Middle School Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Nicole Castillo, East Elementary Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Crystal Adair, High School General Cook, $15.28 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Robin Coffman, Middle School General Cook, $15.28 per hour;
Resignation of Marla Jennings, Middle School Paraprofessional, $15.38 per hour, effective September 12, 2024;
Fundraising Requests
Post Prom requests approval to raise funds through a “Chuck a Duck” fundraiser held at the Football Game on September 19th to be used for Post Prom Activities in the Spring of 2025;
FCCLA requests approval to raise funds through the sale of Homecoming T-shirts starting August 21st through September 14th to be used for community, student body, and leadership projects for the year;
The 2023-2024 Audit Engagement Letter
The audit engagement letter with Nolte, Cornman, and Johnson prior to the start of fieldwork on September 24, 2024.
Mary Allred seconded the consent items. Motion carried 6-0.
Student Learning
Building and Department Reports
The Board reviewed the Administrators’ written reports to the Board. Time was allotted to ask questions and discuss the reports. A question was raised on the parking space at the Home School Education Center given the current growth of students in the Home School Assistance Program with 650+ students currently enrolled in the program to date.
Madrigal Choir Out of State Travel
Collette McClellen has requested permission to take the Madrigal Choir to Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois on October 13 and 14, 2024 to participate in the College’s honor choir event.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the Madrigal Choir to travel to Rock Island, Illinois on October 13-14, 2024 to participate in the Augustana College honor choir event. Randy Billups seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Appoint a Delegate to the IASB Convention
School Business Official Swartzentruber reviewed the need to appoint a delegate for the Board at the State convention. Jake Snider served as the delegate for the Board at last year’s State convention. Jake was asked if he wished to continue in this role for the upcoming state convention on November 20-22, 2024. The Board discussed appointing another delegate for the convention. It was decided that Jake Snider would continue to be the delegate and as such no further action was needed.
Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Treasurer’s Report
SBO Swartzentruber presented the Fiscal Year 2024 Treasurer’s Report. This is the report that is provided after the Certified Annual Report is submitted to the State Department of Education Portal by the September 16, 2024, due date. Net Operating Fund Balance increased by $953,000 ($711,000 in Unassigned Fund Balance), compared to $396,000 for the previous fiscal year. The SAVE Fund decreased $16,235 due in part to early expenditures for the General Obligation Bond project for which we are not able to recoup from the bond proceeds. Debt Service decreased by $95,800 due to the additional early pay down on 2014 GO Bonds. The Nutrition Fund decreased by $58,500 as a result of less Federal funds made available for Nutrition. While the District has raised lunch prices for the new School Year to slow the decline down, the cash position in the fund remains strong at $385,440. Swartzentruber noted increases to the Student Activity Fund, Management Fund, PPEL Fund, and Capital Projects Funds.
Jed Seward moved to accept the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Treasurers Report as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
IASB Convention is November 20-22, 2024. Registration is now open. Swartzentruber requested Board Members to begin registration soon as he would like to register all Board at the same time as much as possible. Board Members provided feedback as to days they plan to attend.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 6:15 p.m. Agenda items to include: Resolution for the Special Education Deficit from Fiscal Year 2024; 200.4 Board Policy Discussion; Cell Phone Policy Discussion; Work Session Items will be the primary focus of the meeting.
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
August 26, 2024– 6:15 p.m.
Vice President Gabrielle Frederick called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jake Snider.
Board members present: Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:24 p.m.).
Board members absent: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:24 p.m.).
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Jed Seward moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Ryan Schlabaugh. Motion carried 4-0.
Business Meeting
Consent Items
Denise Chittick moved to approve the following consent items.
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for August 26, 2024, and prepaid bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 18 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 1 students;
Personnel Items
Work Agreement issued to Anna Davila, Middle School General Cook, $15.28 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Matthew O’Brien, Middle School Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Angelina Kazakov, East Elementary Paraprofessional, $15.29 per hour;
Work Agreement issued to Tory Lybarger, East Elementary Paraprofessional 0.56 FTE, $15.29 per hour;
TLC Professional Partner Contracts for 2024-2025 Issued to:
Jill Hartsock, West Elementary Sadie Barber, West Elementary
Amanda Smith, West Elementary Lisa Kesten, West Elementary
Amy Mercer, High School Sara Puttmann, High School
Traci Zahradnek, High School Denise Busch, Middle School
Resignation of Erin McCoy, Middle School Counselor, $47,500 per annum, effective 8/18/2024;
Resignation of Tobi Anderson, Middle School General Cook, $14.97 per hour, effective end of 2023-2024 Contract Year;
Fundraising Requests
Mid-Prairie Service Trip requests approval to raise funds through a 50/50 Raffle during homecoming week from September 9th to 13th for an out of state trip to help with cleanup after a disaster;
Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the consent items. Motion carried 4-0.
East Elementary Additional Special Education Paraprofessionals Proposal
Superintendent Stone discussed the need for additional Paraprofessionals at East Elementary. Based upon identified student Individual Education Plan (IEP) needs, Greg Jergens, East Elementary Principal requests approval to hire 2 additional Full-time Equivalents (FTEs). These positions will be charged to Special Education. The Board asked questions about the positions and needs.
Denise Chittick moved to approve two additional full-time paraprofessionals at East Elementary as presented. Jed Seward second the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Work Session
IASB Needs Assessment
Superintendent Stone discussed the IASB Needs Assessment document before the Board and has done some additional research. He believes we have much of this in place and is not inclined to recommend the District conduct a needs assessment. Frederick asked if the SIAC committee could present to the Board after the next meeting.
(Jake Snider arrived at 6:24 p.m. at the end of this agenda item.)
2025 IASB Legislative Priorities
Superintendent Stone and Business Manager Swartzentruber drew the Board’s attention to the IASB Legislative Priorities document for the 2024-2025 Legislative Year, especially starting with page 14. The process starts with the Board review of this document and then the process to determine the priorities to communicate to IASB for next year. The Board discussed the potential legislative priorities for the upcoming legislative session.
In the 2023-2024 Legislative Session the Board chose the priorities listed below:
The Board reviewed the 2024 document to identify four to five priorities for the upcoming legislative session. The Board included the following as focus items to IASB:
Tammy Drawbaugh Information
Superintendent Stone shared the working document provided by Drawbaugh and focused on the “What Do You Want to be Known for in 5 Years? At the next Work Session focus on the top portion of the “Student Success” category. Look first at where are we at in those areas—data points and potentially, trends per building and/or per grade level.
Discussion from Previous Work Sessions About Additional Trade Classes and Options
Superintendent Stone shared the current trades class offerings offered at the High School as well as the Career Academy with Kirkwood. Stone asked some questions of the Board to try to move toward a focus point and goals in and for the future. Discussion about the District’s student participation in the Kirkwood program, strengthening relationships with Kirkwood, and partnering with other trades organizations. Discussion about who leads, how leadership for the program is cultivated, and recognition these efforts would be an extension of the current High School program through outside organizations and partnerships. The District helps students learn of the different trades and trade skills that then expand into employment with a focus on the practical. Stone will contact some other districts and Kirkwood to do additional fact finding and research.
Discussion on Board Policies 200.4 and 401.15
The Board briefly continued discussion on proposed Policy 200.4—Board Member Social Media Engagement and related existing Policy 401.15—Staff Technology Use/Social Networking last reviewed 8/22/2022.
Requested this be tabled to the next, or future Work Session.
E3, Safety Grant Update
Stone shared that the four buildings (does not include Home School) will receive $50,000 in grant funds. Most of the focus is on technology related items. Stone discussed some of the details of the grants including expectations and limitations. Once the grant is “green lighted”, the process of identification and procurement can begin.
Tour of Buildings: High School, West Elementary, and Home School Education Center
The Board toured the West Elementary and Home School Education Center noted above to see the different improvements. The tours was by Superintendent Stone. High School improvements were discussed and the group elected to not tour the High School.
Next Meeting and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.
The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. at the Home School Education Center.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
August 12, 2024 – 6:15 p.m.
Board Secretary Jeff Swartzentruber called the meeting to order in the absence of both President Jake Snider and Vice President Gabrielle Frederick. Swartzentruber asked for a motion to appoint a President Pro Tem to act as chair of the meeting until one of the officers arrived.
Mary Allred moved to nominate Denise Chittick to be calls meeting to order and conducts election for Chairman Pro Tem. Jed Seward seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
Chittick called the meeting to order and preformed the items down to through the Hawk Highlight.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:22 p.m.).
Board members absent: Gabrielle Frederick, Randy Billups and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:22 p.m.).
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Jed Seward. Motion carried 4-0.
Hawk Highlight – E3 System application presented by Brian Stone. Allows for notifications and lockdown communication. The Board watched a video on the E3 System. It is both cell phone and desktop application for administration and staff. It has flexibility to be adapted to the District, Buildings, and Groups. The annual cost is $4,000 per year. Initial setup and training is $3,000 should the District choose to move forward. The state emergency response grant may be applicable though the District cannot commit to anything until the grant process is approved for the District. It can be tied into law enforcement or county emergency response teams. The Board
Jake Snider arrived during this agenda item at 6:22 p.m.
Public Forum
No one spoke.
President Snider assumed the chair of the meeting after the end of the Public Forum.
Consent Items
Mary Allred moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of July 8, 2024 and July 29, 2024;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for July 2024 and for the first accrual for Year to Date June 2024;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for August 12, 2024 and Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 8 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 4 students;
Personnel Items
Resignation of Kayla Schneider, West Elementary Preschool Paraprofessional; $15.38 per hour; effective end of 2023-2024 Contract;
Resignation of Sydney Miller, East Elementary Paraprofessional (20 hours), $15.32 per hour, effective end of 2023-2024 Contract;
Fundraising Requests – No fundraising request are submitted for approval;
Dance Team requests permission to raise funds working with Leading Edge Fundraising for one month beginning August 23, 2024 to raise funds for competitions, uniforms, choreography, and team apparel.
National FFA Convention Trip October 22-26, 2024 to Indianapolis – Student out of state travel approval for this annual convention;
28E Agreement with Kirkwood Community College on the College K-12 Partnership Agreement – For the current Fiscal Year 2024-2025 activities;
Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the consent items. Motion carried 5-0.
Finance and Long-Range Planning
Bank Depository Resolution for the 2024-2025 School Year
School Business Official Swartzentruber presented the resolution for the 2024 2025 School Year. This is the annual Depository Resolution required in August. There are two changes from last year as spending on the Revenue Bonds completes and spending on the 2024 Issue General Obligation Bonds begins.
RESOLVED, that the Mid-Prairie Community School District of Wellman, Iowa in Washington County, Iowa approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of the Mid-Prairie School, all funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1983) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts. S.F. 2220. The Business Manager/Board Secretary is hereby authorized to deposit the Mid-Prairie School funds in amounts not exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below.
Location of Maximum Balance Maximum balance in
Depository name Home Office effect under prior effect under this
___________________ __________ resolution resolution .
UMB Bank, N.A. (ISJIT) Des Moines 3,000,000 2,000,000
Hills Bank Hills 25,000,000 25,000,000
Federation Bank Wellman 5,000,000 5,000,000
CBI Bank & Trust Kalona 5,000,000 6,000,000
Miles Capital Mgmnt Des Moines 2,000,000 2,000,000
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve 08122401 as presented reading from the resolution. Jed Seward seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - absent Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - yes Ryan Schlabaugh - yes
Randy Billups - absent Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - abstain
Motion carried 4-0 (Chittick Abstained).
Accept the 2023 Annual Financial Audit
School Business Official, Jeff Swartzentruber presented a brief overview of the audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2023. He handed out the Governance Letter to the Board as requested by the Auditors. He noted the Auditor comments provided and the District response to those comments. He also noted the later presentation date than in previous years and the reasons for the delay.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to accept the 2022-2023 Audited Financial Statements as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Second Reading of IASB Board Policy Primer Updates
Superintendent Stone reviewed the changes as passed on First Reading at the July 8, 2024, meeting and drew the Board’s attention to the summary document. Board Policies where changes are needed include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about the Policies in the IASB Policy Primer. Discussion was quite brief with concerns about 200.4 expressed. It was asked that 200.4 be discussed further before any action on Second Reading is taken.
Jed Seward moved to approve the changes to Policies 401.6, 501.12, 502.6, 505.2, 603.1, 603.12, 607.2, 708, 710.1, 801.3, and 803.2 on Second Reading as presented. Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Second Reading of Board Policy Chapter 700’s Non-Instructional Operations and Business Services
Superintendent Stone Board reviewed the changes as passed on First Reading at the July 8, 2024, meeting and drew the Board’s attention to the summary document. All policies were reviewed due to changes with IASB model policy language. Chapter 700 Board Policies where changes are needed include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about the Chapter 700 Policies. There was no additional discussion.
Jed Seward moved to approve the changes to Policies 701.1, 701.2, 701.3, 701.4, 702, 703.1, 703.2 (Removed), 704.1, 704.3, 704.4, 705.1, 705.4, 706.2, 707.4, 709, 710.2, 711.8, and 713 on Second Reading as presented. SS seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Second Reading of Board Policy Chapter 800’s Buildings and Sites
Superintendent Stone Board reviewed the changes as passed on First Reading at the July 8, 2024, meeting and drew the Board’s attention to the summary document. All policies were reviewed. Chapter 800 Board Policies where changes are needed include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about the Chapter 800 Policies. There was no additional discussion.
Jed Seward moved to approve the changes to Policy 804.4 on Second Reading as presented. Mary Allred seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Second Reading of Board Policy Chapter 900’s School District-Community Relations
Superintendent Stone Board reviewed the changes as passed on First Reading at the July 8, 2024, meeting and drew the Board’s attention to the summary document. All policies were reviewed. Chapter 900 Board Policies where changes are needed include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about the Chapter 900 Policies. Discussion was quite brief. Stone provided an update on 905.3 from EMC, the Districts Insurance carrier that EMC is not in favor of the additional language at the end of the policy as their official statement.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the changes to Policy 903.1, 903.2, 903.3, 903.4, 904.1, 904.2, and 905.2 on Second Reading as presented. Mary Allred seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
IASB Convention, November 20-24, 2024. SBO Swartzentruber noted that registration is now open. He requests the Board contact him about plans for attendance. He will register the Board that plan to attend, arrange for payment of fees, and help to determine transportation needs. The Board discussed the desire to have as many Board Members attend as possible to both increase networking opportunities with other districts and amongst Board Members.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, August 26, 2024 at 6:15 p.m. Agenda items to include: IASB Legislative Priorities, IASB Needs Assessment, and further discussion about the E3 application that was introduced in the Hawk Highlight as well as other building initiatives, Board Policy 200.4 and comparatives to other policies already in place; Further discussion on the planning done with Tammi Drawbaugh of IASB.
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday 9, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.
Student Learning
Tour of East Elementary and Middle School
The Board toured the two schools to see the status of the buildings as well as the new construction and renovations that have been completed for the new school year.
The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
July 29, 2024– 6:15 p.m.
Vice President Gabrielle Frederick called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jake Snider prior to his arrival.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:30 pm).
Board members absent: Jake Snider (arrived at 6:30 pm).
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Ryan Schlabaugh. Motion carried 6-0.
Business Meeting
Consent Items
Board Secretary Jeff Swartzentruber notes the late resignation of Jodi Schultz, General Cook, at the High School.
Randy Billups moved to approve the following consent items.
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 5 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 1 students;
Personnel Items
Contract issued to Duncan McCain, High School Boys Head Wrestling Coach, $4,407 per season;
Contract issued to Elizabeth Harris, High School Color Guard Coach, $2,376 per annum;
Resignation of Kimberlea Troyer, Middle School General Cook, $15.24 per hour, effective August 1, 2024;
Resignation of Jodi Schultz, High School General Cook, $15.06 per hour, effective August 1, 2024;
Fundraising Requests
High School Football requests approval to raise funds through the sale of discount card for funds for volunteer coaches pay, player/coach apparel, equipment, jerseys, and supplies;
Jed Seward seconded the consent items. Motion carried 6-0.
Student Learning
Second Reading of Attendance Policies
Superintendent Stone reviewed the need to pass these two policies on second reading before August in order to add the current language to the Student Handbooks. These Board Policies include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about both policies. Discussion was quite brief.
Randy Billups moved to approve the changes to Policies 501.3, 501.10, on Second Reading as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
Work Session
Board Professional Learning Provided by IASB
Tammi Drawbaugh, Board Consultant from IASB, led the Board in a Board Operations Training and Visioning session.
(Snider arrived at 6:30 p.m. during the first question of the Board Process)
Next Meeting of the Board
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Second Reading of School Board Policies, 2023 Independent Auditor Report, and Annual Banking Resolution
The meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
July 8, 2024 – 6:15 p.m.
Vice President Gabrielle Frederick called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jake Snider.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, and Ryan Schlabaugh.
Board members absent: Jed Seward, and Jake Snider.
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by Vice-President
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Ryan Schlabaugh. Motion carried 5-0.
Hawk Highlight – Dr. Chris Grier – This agenda item was moved to the end of the meeting. Dr. Grier presented on a concept for District Employees Well-Being Initiative. The plan includes various deliverables to Staff first, followed then to Students, and Families. The program was piloted at the Home School Education Center in the 2023-2024 School Year. Rachel Kerns, Home School Assistance Program Director, talked about the Home School Staff’s experience during the past year with the Program. They worked with Dr. Grier on the first Friday of every month at their staff meeting. The impact on the staff led to changes in interactions with students.
Public Forum
No one spoke.
Consent Items
Jeff Swartzentruber, School Business Official, reported on status of the 2023 Audit. It should be presented in draft form in the coming week.
Randy Billups moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of June 24, 2024 and July 1, 2024;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for Year to Date June 2024 #1 Cash Basis:
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for July 8, 2024; Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 6 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 1 students;
Personnel Items
Contract issued to Jacob Lampe, Middle School Behavioral Interventionist, $47,500 per annum;
Fundraising Requests – No Fundraising requests submitted;
Mary Allred seconded the consent items. Motion carried 5-0.
Student Learning
Building Handbooks
Superintendent Stone recalled the previous meeting on June 24, 2024 where the handbooks were reviewed by the Board. It is acknowledged that the next step is acceptance of the handbooks. Time was provided for the Board to ask questions and have additional discussion about the handbooks.
Denise Chittick moved to accept the Handbooks for the High School, Middle School, Elementary Schools, Home School Assistance Program, Virtual Academy, and Alternative Learning Center as presented. Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
First Reading of IASB Board Policy Primer Updates
Superintendent Stone reviewed the changes as discussed at the June 24, 2024 meeting and drew the Board’s attention to the summary document. Board Policies where changes are needed include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about the Policies in the IASB Policy Primer. Discussion was quite brief.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the changes to Policies 200.4, 401.6, 501.3, 501.10, 501.12, 502.6, 505.2, 603.1, 603.12, 607.2, 708, 710.1, 801.3, and 803.2 on First Reading as presented. Mary Allred seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
First Reading of Board Policy Chapter 700’s Non-Instructional Operations and Business Services
Superintendent Stone Board reviewed the changes as discussed at the June 24, 2024 meeting and drew the Board’s attention to the summary document. All policies were reviewed due to changes with IASB model policy language. Chapter 700 Board Policies where changes are needed include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about the Chapter 700 Policies. Discussion was quite brief.
Denise Chittick moved to approve the changes to Policies 701.1, 701.2, 701.3, 701.4, 702, 703.1, 703.2 (Removed), 704.1, 704.3, 704.4, 705.1, 705.4, 706.2, 707.4, 709, 710.2, 711.8, and 713 on First Reading as presented. Mary Allred seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
First Reading of Board Policy Chapter 800’s Buildings and Sites
Superintendent Stone Board reviewed the changes as discussed at the June 24, 2024 meeting and drew the Board’s attention to the summary document. All policies were reviewed. Chapter 800 Board Policies where changes are needed include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about the Chapter 800 Policies. Discussion was quite brief.
Randy Billups moved to approve the changes to Policy 804.4 on First Reading as presented. Ryan Schlabaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
First Reading of Board Policy Chapter 900’s School District-Community Relations
Superintendent Stone Board reviewed the changes as discussed at the June 24, 2024 meeting and drew the Board’s attention to the summary document. All policies were reviewed. Chapter 900 Board Policies where changes are needed include:
Time was provided for the Board to have additional discussion about the Chapter 900 Policies. Discussion was quite brief.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to approve the changes to Policy 903.1, 903.2, 903.3, 903.4, 904.1, 904.2, and 905.2 on First Reading as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
Tammi Drawbaugh, consultant with IASB will be providing a training even to the Board on July 29th from 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. The Board discussed topics for Drawbaugh to address with the Board. Items mentioned include: Lane—Roles and Responsibility, Goals, Governance, and Changes to Open Meeting Laws. The Board discussed the meaning of some of these items listed and approach.
Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Work Session Meeting will be on Monday, July 29th at 6:15 p.m. as noted in the above Board Development and Inservice agenda item.
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Acceptance of the 2023 Audit, Bank Depository Resolution, and 2nd Reading of Board Policies.
The meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.
President Jake Snider called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, Jake Snider.
Board members absent: None.
Staff Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, School Business Official/Board Secretary Jeff Swartzentruber, Human Resource Coordinator Carmela Ulin.
Gabrielle Frederick moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Jed Seward. Motion carried 7-0.
Superintendent Evaluation per Iowa Code 21.5 Subsection 1e.
Gabrielle Fredrick asked for a motion to go into closed session to conduct the evaluation of Superintendent Stone.
Ryan Schlabaugh moved to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5, 1e. to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation, and that individual requests a closed session.
Mary Allred seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - yes Randy Billups - yes
Ryan Schlabaugh - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 7-0.
Board Entered Closed Session at 5:17 p.m.
Board Exited Closed Session at 7:27 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.