October 14, 2023

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight- Marci Stanfield, Nutrition Director

    6. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

    5. ALC Graduate

  3. Student Learning.

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. West Elementary

      4. East Elementary

      5. Home School 

      6. Virtual Learning

      7. Special Education

      8. Transportation

      9. Curriculum

      10. Activities 


      4.  Finance and Long-Range Planning

  1. Appointment of Level 1 Investigators

  2. Additional Allowable Growth Resolution for Limited English Proficiency Funds (Document)


      5.  Board Development and Inservice Activities

       a.IASB Convention, November 20-22, 2024 Board Registration


      6. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

  1. October 28th Board Work Session @ 6:15 PM

  2. November 11th Board Meeting @ 6:15 PM.


      7.  Adjournment


Prepared: 10/11/2024
