January 13, 2025

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a caring learning environment.

Vision Statement

“Every Student, Every Day”


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



6:15 PM


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of mission statement- Vice President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Public Forum

  2. Consent Agenda

    1. Payment of Bills

    2. Open Enrollment Requests

    3. Personnel Items

    4. Fundraising Requests

  3. Student Learning.

    1. Building and Department Reports

      1. High School

      2. Middle School

      3. West Elementary

      4. East Elementary

      5. Home School 

      6. Virtual Learning

      7. Special Education

      8. Transportation

      9. Curriculum

      10. Activities 

    2. SBRC Resolution Request for Additional Allowable Growth for At-Risk & Drop-Out Prevention Program (Document)

    3. First Reading of Board Policies

      1. 710.4 Meal Charges (Policy)

      2. 804.5 Stock Prescription Medication Supply (Policy)

  4. Finance and Long-Range Planning

    1. Board Policy 407.1 Licensed Employee Early Resignation Amount Determination (Policy)

    2. Board Policy 405.2 Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection Sign-On Incentive (Policy)

    3. Certified Budget Season Update Report

  5. Board Development and Inservice Activities

  6. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

    1. January 27th Board Work Session

      1. Cell Phone Policy

      2. Dollar amount towards Community Auditorium

      3. Next steps to moving 2nd grade to West Elementary for 26-27 school year

      4. District Strategic Plan

    2. February 10th Board Business Meeting

  7. Superintendent Evaluation per Iowa Code 21.5 subsection 1e. (Closed Session)

  8. Adjournment


Prepared: 1/10/2025
