Original Adopted Date: 4-24-89

Last Revised Date: 7-10-23

Last Reviewed Date: 7-10-23

The board has sole discretion to approve instructional materials for the school district.  This authority is delegated to licensed employees to determine which instructional materials, other than textbooks, will be utilized by and purchased by the school district.

In reviewing current instructional materials for continued use and in selecting additional instructional materials, licensed employees will consider the current and future needs of the school district as well as the changes and the trends in education and society.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent to report to the board the action taken by licensed employees.

The board will make the final decision about instructional materials after receiving a recommendation from the superintendent.  The superintendent may develop another means for the selection of instructional materials.  Instructional materials are reviewed as needed and at least every 7 years.

Education materials given to the school district must meet the criteria established above.  The gift must be received in compliance with board policy.

The superintendent will establish additional criteria to guide the selection of instructional materials through administrative regulation, ensuring alignment with educational goals and compliance with laws.

 Legal Reference:        Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14; 301 (2013).

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.3(12).

Cross Reference:    208      Ad Hoc Committees

                                    505      Student Scholastic Achievement

                                    602      Curriculum Development

                                    605      Instructional Materials



Original Adopted Date: 4-24-89

Last Revised Date: 7-10-23

Last Reviewed Date: 7-10-23

Parents and other members of the school district community may view the instructional materials used by the students.  All instructional materials, including teacher's manuals, films, tapes or other supplementary material which will be used in connection with any survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of any federally funded programs must be available for inspection by parents. 

The instructional materials must be viewed on school district premises.  Copies may be obtained according to board policy. The district will publish on the district website a comprehensive list of all books available to students in libraries operated by the school district.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations regarding the inspection of instructional materials.

 Legal Reference:       Goals 2000:  Educate America Act, Pub. L. No. 103-227, 108 Stat.125                (1994).

                                    Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14; 301 (2013).

 Cross Reference:        602      Curriculum Development

                                    605      Instructional Materials

                                    901.1   Public Examination of School District Records



Original Adopted Date: 4-24-89

Last Revised Date: 7-10-23

Last Reviewed Date: 7-10-23

Members of the school district community may object to the instructional and library materials utilized in the school district and ask for their use to be reconsidered.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principals, to develop administrative regulations for reconsideration of instructional materials.  Information related to the process for reconsideration of instructional and library materials will be made available on the district’s website.

Parents or guardians of students enrolled in the district have the ability to request that their student not be able to access certain instructional material or check out certain library materials.] For purposes of prohibiting access to instructional materials, Iowa law has defined instructional materials to mean either printed or electronic textbooks and related core materials that are written and published primarily for use in elementary school and secondary school instruction and are required by a state educational agency or district for use by students in the student’s classes by the teacher of record.  Instructional materials does not include lesson plans. 

 Legal Reference:          Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14; 301 (2013).

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.3(12).

Cross Reference:        215      Public Participation in Board Meetings

                                    402.5   Public Complaints About Employees

                                    602      Curriculum Development

                                    605      Instructional Materials

605.03-R(1) Objection to Instructional and Library Materials

605.03-R(1) Objection to Instructional and Library Materials-Reconsideration of Instructional Materials Regulation

A.         A member of the school district community may raise an objection to instructional materials used in the school district's education program. While the individuals recommending the selection of such material were duly qualified to make the selection and followed the proper procedure and observed the criteria for selecting such material; the district must be ready to acknowledge that an error in selection may have been made despite this process.  School employees regularly read great numbers of reviews in the selection process, and occasional errors are possible.

1.    The complainant will address the complaint at the lowest organizational level of licensed staff.  Often this will be the classroom teacher.

2.     The school official or employee receiving a complaint regarding instructional or library materials will try to resolve the issue at the lowest organizational level.  The materials generally will remain in use pending the outcome of the reconsideration procedure.

        a.    The school official or employee initially receiving a complaint will explain to the individual the district's selection procedure, criteria to be met by the instructional materials, and qualifications of those persons selecting the material.

        b.    The school official or employee initially receiving a complaint will explain to the individual the role of the objected material in the education program, its intended educational purpose, and additional information regarding its use.  In the alternative, the employee may refer the individual to the teacher-librarian who can identify and explain the use of the material.

        c.    The school official or employee receiving the initial complaint will direct the complainant to complete the Request for Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Form, and notify the building level principal of receipt of the complaint within two school days after the reconsideration form is received.  Schools officials will offer to assist the complainant in completing the form, but if a complainant refuses to complete the form, the complaint will be deemed invalid and no further action taken.

B.    Request for Reconsideration

    1.    A member of the school district community may formally challenge instructional and library materials on the basis of appropriateness used in the school district's education program.  This procedure is for the purpose of considering the opinions of those persons in the school district and the community who are not directly involved in the selection process.

    2.    Each attendance center and the school district's central administrative office will keep on hand and make available Request for Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Forms.  

    3.    The individual will state the specific reason the instructional or library material is being challenged.  The Request for Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Form is signed by the individual and filed with the building-level principal.  

    4.    The building-level principal will promptly file the objection with the Superintendent for re-evaluation.

    5.       The Superintendent will convene a reconsideration committee within two weeks of receipt of the Reconsideration Form.

    6.       The committee will make their recommendation to the Superintendent within five school days of meeting.

    7.       The Superintendent will issue a decision related to the Reconsideration Request Form within 5 school days of receipt of the committee’s recommendation.  A copy of the Superintendent’s decision will be provided to the complainant.

    8.       An appeal of the Superintendent’s decision may be filed with the board secretary within five days of the Superintendent’s decision.  The board will determine whether to hear the appeal at the next regular meeting or within 30 days of the Superintendent’s decision, whichever is later.  If the board elects to hear the appeal, the board will act to affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Superintendent.  The board’s decision will be communicated to the complainant. The board’s decision will be deemed final.

    9.       Generally, access to challenged instructional material will not be restricted during the reconsideration process.  However, in unusual circumstances, the instructional material may be removed temporarily by following the provisions of Section B.10.d. of this rule.

   10.     The Reconsideration Committee

                  a.       The reconsideration committee is made up of eight members.

                           (1)    One licensed employee designated annually, as needed, by the superintendent.

                           (2)    One teacher-librarian designated annually by the superintendent.

                           (3)    One member of the administrative team designated annually by the superintendent.

                           (4)    Three members of the community appointed annually, as needed, by the board.  

                  b.       The committee will select their chairperson and secretary.

                  c.       The committee will meet at the request of the superintendent.

                  d.       Special meetings may be called by the board to consider temporary removal of materials in unusual circumstances.  A recommendation for temporary removal will require a two-thirds vote of the committee.

                  e.       The committee may be subject to applicable open meetings and public records laws.  Notice of the committee meeting is made public through appropriate communication methods as required by law.

                  f.        The committee will receive the completed Reconsideration Request Form from the superintendent.

                  g.       The committee will determine its agenda for the meeting which may include the following:

                            (1)    Distribution of copies of the completed Reconsideration Request Form.

                            (2)        An opportunity for the individual or a group spokesperson to talk about or expand on the Reconsideration Request Form.

                            (3)    Distribution of reputable, professionally prepared reviews of the challenged instructional material if available.

                            (4)    Distribution of copies of the challenged instructional material as available.

                 h.    The Committee will determine whether interested persons, including the individual filing the challenge, may have the opportunity to share their views.  The committee may request that individuals with special knowledge be present to give information to the committee. 

                  i.    The committee's final recommendation may be to take no removal action, to remove the challenged material from the school environment, or to limit the educational use of the challenged material.  The sole criterion for the final recommendation is the appropriateness of the material for its intended educational use.  The written final recommendation and its justification are forwarded to the superintendent, the complainant and the appropriate attendance centers.

                  j.    The individual filing the challenge is kept informed by the Superintendent of the status of the reconsideration request throughout the reconsideration process.  The individual filing the challenge and known interested parties are given appropriate notice of meetings as required by law.

                  k.    Following the superintendent’s decision with respect to the committee's recommendation, the individual may appeal the decision to the board for review.  

                   l.    A recommendation to sustain a challenge will not be interpreted as a judgment of irresponsibility on the part of the individuals involved in the original selection or use of the material.

                  m.    Requests to reconsider materials which have previously been reconsidered by the committee must receive approval of two-thirds of the committee members before the materials will again be reconsidered.  

                   n.    If necessary or appropriate in the judgment of the committee, the committee may consolidate related challenges, or decline to hear multiple challenges to the same materials.  Generally, the committee will not hear subsequent challenges to the same materials within the same school year.




Original Adopted Date: 5-10-00

Last Revised Date: 

Last Reviewed Date: 7-10-23

The board supports the use of innovative methods and the use of technology in the delivery of the education program.  The board encourages employees to investigate economic ways to utilize instructional television, audiovisual materials, computers, and other technological advances as a part of the curriculum.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop a plan for the use of technology in the curriculum and to evaluate it annually.  The superintendent will report the results of the evaluation and make a recommendation to the board annually regarding the use of technology in the curriculum.

 Legal Reference:         Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013).

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.3(12), 12.5(4), .5(10). 

Cross Reference:         602      Curriculum Development

                                    605      Instructional Materials



Original Adopted Date: 2-8-88

Last Revised Date: 7-10-23

Last Reviewed Date: 7-10-23

The school district will maintain a media center in each building for use by employees and by students during the school day.

Materials for the centers will be acquired according to board policy, "Instructional Materials Selection." The district shall provide access to all parents and guardians of students enrolled in the district an online catalog of all books available to students in the school libraries.  This access will be displayed on the school district’s website.  Any challenges to library materials will be handled following the process for handling challenges to instructional and library materials as established in board policy.  

It is the responsibility of the principal of the building in which the media center is located to oversee the use of materials in the media center.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop procedures for the selection and replacement of both library and instructional materials, for the acceptance of gifts, for the weeding of library and instructional materials, and for the handling of challenges to either library or classroom materials.

 Legal Reference:         Iowa Code §§ 256.7(24); 279.8; 280.14; 301 (2013).

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.3(11), (12).

 Cross Reference:     602      Curriculum Development

                                    605      Instructional Materials



Original Adopted Date: 9-9-96

Last Revised Date: 8-26-02, 07-09-12

Last Reviewed Date: 7-10-23

The board is committed to making available to students and staff members access to a wide range of electronic learning facilities, equipment, and software, including computers, computer-like equipment (such as tablets), computer network systems, and the internet.  The goal in providing this technology and access is to support the educational objectives and mission of the school district and to promote resource sharing, innovation, problem-solving, and communication.  The District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and/or internet connection is not a public access service or a public forum.  The District has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material accessed and/or posted through the use of its computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and/or internet connection.

Access to the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network, and internet shall be available to all students and staff within the District.  However, access is a privilege, not a right.  Each student and staff member must have a signed acceptable use agreement on file prior to having access to and using the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and the internet.  The amount of time and type of access available for each student and staff member may be limited by the District’s technology and the demands for the use of the District’s technology.  Even if students have not been given access to and/or use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and the internet, they may still be exposed to information from the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and/or the internet in guided curricular activities at the discretion of their teachers.

Every computer and/or computer-like equipment in the District having internet access shall not be operated unless internet access from the computer is subject to a technology protection measure (i.e. filtering software).  The technology protection measure employed by the District shall be designed and operated with the intent to ensure that students are not accessing inappropriate sites that have visual depictions that include obscenity, child pornography or are otherwise harmful to minors.  The technology protection measure may only be disabled for an adult’s use if such use is for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.

The technology coordinator may close a user account at any time as required and administrators, faculty, and staff may request the technology coordinator to deny, revoke or suspend user accounts.  Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with computer systems may be denied access to the District’s computers, the District’s computer-like equipment, the District’s computer network systems and the internet.  Students and staff members will be instructed by the District’s technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel on the appropriate use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment computer network and the internet.

The use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and internet access shall be for educational purposes only.  Students and staff members shall only engage in appropriate, ethical, and legal utilization of the District’s computers, computer network systems, and internet access.  Student and staff member use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and internet access shall also comply with all District policies and regulations.  The following rules provide guidance to students and staff for the appropriate use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and internet access.  Inappropriate use and/or access will result in the restriction and/or termination of the privilege of access to and use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and internet access and may result in further discipline for students up to and including expulsion and/or other legal action and may result in further discipline for staff members up to and including termination of employment and/or other legal action.  The District’s administration will determine what constitutes inappropriate use and their decision will be final.  Inappropriate use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network and internet access includes, but is not limited to a violation of the following rules:

-Do not make or disseminate offensive or harassing statements or use offensive or harassing language including disparagement of others based on age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status.  Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.  Be polite and follow the same privacy, ethical, educational, and other considerations observed regarding other forms of communication.

-Do not access, create or disseminate any material that is obscene, libelous, indecent, vulgar, profane or lewd; any material regarding products or services that are inappropriate for minors including products or services that the possession and/or use of by minors is prohibited by law; any material that constitutes insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses others; and/or any material that presents a clear and present likelihood that, either because of its content or the manner of distribution, will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities, will cause the commission of unlawful acts or will cause the violation of lawful school regulations.

-Do not disseminate or solicit sexually oriented messages or images.

-Do not transmit your credit card information or other personal identification information, including your home address or telephone number from any District computer without prior permission from the building principal, the superintendent or other appropriate personnel.  Do not publish personal or private information about yourself or others on the internet without prior written permission.  If any information is to be provided regarding students, it should be limited to the student’s first name and the initial of the student’s last name only.  Do not arrange or agree to meet with someone met online.

-Do not use the District’s computers, computer-like equipment and/or computer network systems to participate in illegal activities.  Illegal activities include, but are not limited to, gambling, fraud, and pornography.

-Do not subscribe to or access listservs, bulletin boards, online services, e-mail services, social networking sites (i.e., myspace, Facebook,) or other similar services without prior permission from the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel.

-Do not use, possess or attempt to make or distribute illegal/unauthorized copies of software or other digital media.  Illegal/unauthorized software or other digital media means any software or other digital media that has been downloaded or copied or is otherwise in the user’s possession or being used without the appropriate registration and/or license for the software or in violation of any applicable trademarks and/or copyrights, including the payment of any fees to the owner of the software or other digital media.

-Do not alter, modify, corrupt or harm in any way the computer software stored on the District’s computers or computer network systems.  Do not install any software on the hard drive of any District computer or on the District’s computer network systems or run any personal software from either floppy disk, CD-ROM, DVD, flash drives or other storage media or alter or modify any data files stored on the District’s computers, computer-like equipment or computer network systems without prior permission and/or supervision from the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel.

-Do not download any programs or files from the internet without prior permission from the District’s technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel.  Any programs or files downloaded from the internet shall be strictly limited only to those that you have received permission from the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel to download.

-Do not use any encryption software from any access point within the District.

-Do not share a personal user account with anyone.  Do not share any personal user account passwords with anyone or leave your account open or unattended.

-Do not access the District’s computers, computer-like equipment or computer network systems or use the District’s internet connection from a non-District computer without prior authorization from the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel.

-Do not use an instant messenger service or program, internet relay chat or other forms of direct electronic communication or enter a chat room while using the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems and/or the District’ internet connection without prior authorization from the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel.

-Do not disable or circumvent or attempt to disable or circumvent filtering software without prior permission from the District’s technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel.

-Do not play any games or run any programs that are not related to the District’s educational program.

-Do not vandalize the District’s computers, computer-like equipment or its computer network systems.  Vandalism is defined as any attempt to harm, modify, deface or destroy physical computer equipment, computer-like equipment or the computer network and any attempt to harm or destroy data stored on the District’s computer equipment, computer-like equipment or the computer network or the data of another user.  All users are expected to immediately report any problems or vandalism of computer equipment to the administration, the technology coordinator or the instructor responsible for the equipment.

-Do not commit or attempt to commit any act that disrupts the operation of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment or computer network systems or any network connected to the internet, including the use or attempted use or possession of computer viruses or worms or participation in hacking or other unlawful/inappropriate activities on line.  Users must report any security breaches or system misuse to the administration or technology coordinator.  Do not demonstrate any security or other network problems to other users; give your password to another user for any reason; and/or use another individual's account.  Do not attempt to log on to any device as a system administrator.

-Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users or would waste system resources (e.g. listening to internet radio, printing web pages without prior permission from the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel, staying on the network longer than is necessary to obtain needed information).

-Do not use the District’s computers, computer-like equipment and/or computer network systems for any commercial or for-profit purposes, personal or private business, (including but not limited to shopping or job searching), product advertisement or political lobbying.

-Do not use the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems and/or the internet to access, download, transmit, and/or disseminate any material in violation of any federal or state law, copyrighted material, obscene material, hate literature, material protected by trade secret, computer viruses and/or worms, offensive material, spam e-mails, any threatening or harassing materials, and/or any material that will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities.  If a user encounters potentially inappropriate information, the user shall immediately terminate contact with such information and notify the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel of the contact with inappropriate information.

-Do not plagiarize information accessed through the District’s computer; computer-like equipment, computer network systems and/or the internet.  Students and staff shall obtain permission from appropriate parties prior to using copyrighted material that is accessed through the District’s computer, computer network systems, and/or the internet.

The District will, within the curriculum currently being offered, include age-appropriate content related to children’s use of the internet.  This may include anti-bullying and harassment considerations, social networking considerations and other considerations involving internet usage.

Although reasonable efforts will be made to make sure students will be under supervision while on the network, it is not possible to constantly monitor individual students and what they are accessing on the network.  Some students may encounter information that may not be of educational value and/or may be inappropriate.  If a student encounters such information, the student should terminate access to the information immediately and notify supervisory personnel or other appropriate personnel of what occurred.

Students will be able to access the District’s computers, computer-like equipment and computer network systems, including use of the internet, through their teachers and/or other appropriate supervisors.  Individual electronic mail addresses will be issued to students.  Students will not be allowed to use e-mail except under very specific, limited educational circumstances.  If a student has an electronic mail address that has been set up outside of school, the student may be permitted to access that e-mail account or use that address to send and receive mail at school.

Parents will be required to sign a permission form to allow their students to access the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems and the internet.  Students and staff members will sign a form acknowledging they have read and understand the District’s policies and regulations regarding appropriate use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems and the internet; that they will comply with the policies and regulations; and understand the consequences for violation of the policy or regulations.  Prior to publishing any student work and/or pictures on the internet, the District will obtain permission from the student’s parents to do so.

The District has the right, but not the duty, to monitor any and all aspects of its computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems and internet access including, but not limited to, monitoring sites students and staff visit on the internet and reviewing e-mail.  The administration and the technology coordinator shall have both the authority and right to examine all computer and computer-like equipment and internet activity including any logs, data, e-mail, computer disks and/or other computer related records of any user of the system.  Student use of e-mail is limited to District and educational purposes only.  Staff email use that is not district and educationally related is restricted to lunch and break time.  Students and staff waive any right to privacy in anything they create, store, send, disseminate or receive on the District’s computers, computer-like equipment and computer network systems, including the internet.

No warranties, expressed or implied, are made by the District for the computer technology and internet access being provided.  Although the District has taken measures to implement and maintain protection against the presence of computer viruses, spyware, and malware on the District’s computers, computer network systems, and internet access, the District cannot and does not warranty or represent that the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems or internet access will be secure and free of computer viruses, spyware or malware at all times.  The District, including its officers and employees, will not be responsible for any damages including, but not limited to, the loss of data, delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries or service interruptions caused by negligence or omission.  Individual users are solely responsible for making backup copies of their data.  The District is not responsible for the accuracy of information users access on the internet and is not responsible for any unauthorized charges students or staff members may incur as a result of their use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems, and/or internet access.  Any risk and/or damages resulting from information obtained from the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems, and/or internet access is assumed by and is the responsibility of the user.

Students, parents, and staff members may be asked from time to time to sign a new consent and/or acceptable use agreement to reflect changes and/or developments in the law or technology.  When students, parents, and staff members are presented with new consent and/or acceptable use agreements to sign, these agreements must be signed for students and/or staff to continue to have access to and use of the District’s computers, computer-like equipment, computer network systems, and the internet.

The interpretation, application, and modification of this policy are within the sole discretion of the school district.  Any questions or issues regarding this policy should be directed to the Superintendent, any building principal or the technology coordinator.  The board will review and update this policy as necessary.  The district will maintain this policy at least five (5) years after the termination of funding pursuant to the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) or E-rate.

 Legal References:      Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013).

Cross References:      502      Student Rights and Responsibilities

                                    506      Student Records

                                    605.5   Media Centers



Original Adopted Date: 7-9-12

Last Revised Date:

Last Reviewed Date: 7-10-23

The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe environment for students through the use of technology protection measures (i.e. filtering software) to enhance education in the school district.

The internet is an ever expanding resource that adds large quantities of content on a daily basis.  However, some of the content is inappropriate for student use and may even be harmful to students' health, safety and welfare.  Therefore, the school district has determined that it will establish this policy to limit student access to certain undesirable topics, including but not limited to, information and images that are obscene, constitute child pornography or are otherwise harmful to minors.  Since it is not feasible for the school district to continually monitor the content of the internet, the school district will employ technology protection measures in the form of internet filtering software in an attempt to block access to these types of harmful and inappropriate materials.

The school district’s implementation of internet filtering software does not guarantee that students will be prevented from accessing materials that may be considered inappropriate and/or harmful.  However, it is a meaningful effort on the part of the school district to prevent students from accessing inappropriate and/or harmful materials on the internet.  The school district makes no guarantee that the filtering software will be available at all times or that the filtering software will block all inappropriate and/or harmful material.

If there is an accessible Uniform Resource Locator [URL] that may be inappropriate, students, staff, and parents may request a review by designated district personnel, by completing an Add URL to Blocked Status Form.  Upon review, the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel will make a determination about blocking access to that site.  If there is an educationally valuable URL that is blocked, students, staff, and parents may fill out the Remove URL from Blocked Status Form.  The technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel will review the request and make a determination about unblocking the site.

Staff members may request that the internet filtering software be disabled for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.  A Bona Fide Research Form will need to be filled out and reviewed by the technology coordinator or other appropriate personnel before the internet filtering software is disabled.

Legal References:  Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013)

Cross Reference:   605.6         Appropriate Use of Internet



Original Adopted Date: 4-9-18

Last Revised Date: 

Last Reviewed Date: 7-10-23

In order for students to experience a diverse curriculum, the board encourages employees to supplement their regular curricular materials with other resources.  In so doing, the board recognizes that federal law makes it illegal to duplicate copyrighted materials without authorization of the holder of the copyright, except for certain exempt purposes.  Severe penalties may be imposed for plagiarism, unauthorized copying or using of media, including, but not limited to, print, electronic and web-based materials, unless the copying or using conforms to the "fair use" doctrine.  Under the "fair use" doctrine, unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted materials is permissible for such purposes as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research providing that all fair use guidelines are met. 

While the school district encourages employees to enrich the learning programs by making proper use of supplementary materials, it is the responsibility of employees to abide by the school district's copying procedures and obey the requirements of the law.  In no circumstances shall it be necessary for school district staff to violate copyright requirements in order to perform their duties properly.  The school district will not be responsible for any violations of the copyright law by employees or students.  Violation of the copyright law by employees may result in discipline up to, and including, termination.  Violation of the copyright law by students may result in discipline, up to and including, suspension or expulsion.

Parents or others who wish to record, by any means, school programs or other activities need to realize that even though the school district received permission to perform a copyrighted work does not mean outsiders can copy it and re-play it.  Those who wish to do so should contact the employee in charge of the activity to determine what the process is to ensure the copyright law is followed.  The school district is not responsible for outsiders violating the copyright law or this policy.

Any employee or student who is uncertain as to whether reproducing or using copyrighted material complies with the school district's procedures or is permissible under the law should contact the building principal or librarian who will also assist employees and students in obtaining proper authorization to copy or use protected material when such authorization is required.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.

 Legal References:        17 U.S.C. § 101 et al. (2012)

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.3(12).

 Cross References:        605.6   Internet Appropriate Use