Original Adopted Date: 4-11-83                                       Last Revised Date: 8-12-24                                  Last Reviewed Date: 8-12-24

The board supports economic development in Iowa, particularly in the school district community. As permitted by law, purchasing preference will be given to Iowa goods and services from locally-owned businesses located within the school district or Iowa based companies if the cost and other considerations are relatively equal and meet the required specifications. However, when spending federal Child Nutrition Funds, geographical preference is allowed only for unprocessed agricultural food items as a part of response evaluation. Other statutory purchasing preferences will be applied as provided by law, including goals with regard to procurement from certified targeted small businesses, minority-owned businesses, and female owned businesses.

Goods and Services

The board shall enter into goods and services contract(s) as the board deems to be in the best interest of the school district. It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to approve purchases, except those requiring board approval as described below or as provided by in law. The superintendent may coordinate and combine purchases with other governmental bodies to take advantage of volume price breaks. Joint purchases with other political subdivisions will be considered in the purchase of equipment, accessories, or attachments with an estimated cost of $50,000 or more.

Purchases for goods and services shall conform to the following:

  1. The superintendent shall have the authority to authorize purchases without prior board approval and without competitive request for proposals, quotations, or bids for goods and services up to $25,000.

  2. For goods and services costing at least $25,000 and up to the legal limit, the superintendent shall receive proposals, quotations, or bids for the goods and

services to be purchased prior to board approval. The quotation process may be informal, and include written or unwritten quotations.

  1. For goods and services exceeding, the legal limit in number two, the competitive request for proposal (RFP) or competitive bid process shall be used and received prior to board approval. RFPs and bids are formal, written submissions via sealed process.

In the event that only one quotation or bid is submitted, the board may proceed if the quotation or bid meets the contract award specifications.

The contract award may be based on several cost considerations including, but not limited to the following:

  • The cost of the goods and services being purchased;

  • Availability of service and/or repair;

  • The targeted small business procurement goal and other statutory purchasing preferences; and

  • Other factors deemed relevant by the board.

The Board may elect to exempt certain professional services contracts from the thresholds and procedures outlined above.

The thresholds and procedures related to purchases of goods and services do not apply to public improvement projects.

Public Improvements

The board shall enter into public improvement contract(s) as the board deems to be in the best interest of the school district. ‘Public improvement’ means “a building or construction work which is constructed under the control of a governmental entity and for which either of the following applies: (1) has been paid for in whole or in part with funds of the governmental entity; (2) a commitment has been made prior to construction by the governmental entity to pay for the building or construction work in whole or in part with funds of the governmental entity. This includes a building or improvement constructed or operated jointly with any public or private agency.”

The district shall follow all requirements, timelines, and processes detailed in Iowa law related to public improvement projects. The thresholds regarding when competitive bidding or competitive quotations is required will be followed. Competitive bidding is required for public improvement contracts exceeding the minimum threshold stated in law. Competitive quotations are required for public improvement projects that exceed the minimum threshold amount stated in law, but do not exceed the minimum set for competitive bidding. The board shall approve competitive bids and competitive quotes. If the total cost of the public improvement does not warrant either competitive bidding or competitive quotations, the district may nevertheless proceed with either of these processes, if it so chooses.

The award of all contracts for the public improvement shall be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. In the event of an emergency requiring repairs to a school district facility that exceed bidding and quotation thresholds, please refer to policy 802.3 – Emergency Repairs.

The district shall comply with all federal and state laws and regulations required for procurement, including the selection and evaluation of contractors.  The superintendent or designee is responsible for developing an administrative process to implement this policy, including, but not limited to, procedures related to suspension and debarment for transactions subject to those requirements.


Legal Reference:

Iowa Code §§ 26; 28E; 72.3; 73; 73A; 285; 297; 301.

261 I.A.C. 54.

281 I.A.C. 43.25.

Cross Reference:

705 Expenditures

801.4 Site Acquisition

802 Maintenance, Operation and Management

802.3 Emergency Repairs

803 Selling and Leasing



Original Adopted Date:  1-26-98                                                                   Last Revised Date:                    Last Reviewed Date: 8-12-24

Generally, the school district shall not purchase items on behalf of employees.  The school district may in unusual and unique circumstances do so.  It is within the discretion of the board to determine when unique and unusual circumstances exist.

No purchase is made unless the employee has paid the school district prior to the order being placed and the employee has agreed to be responsible for any taxes or other expenses due.


Legal Reference:       Iowa Code § 279.8

Cross Reference:     703   Budget



Original Adopted Date:  4-11-83                                      Last Revised Date:  2-24-14                                Last Reviewed Date: 8-12-24

The board authorizes the issuance of warrants for payment of claims against the school district for goods and services.  The board shall allow the warrants after the goods and services have been received and accepted in compliance with board policy and the claims audited by the board.

Claims for payment of freight, drayage, express, postage, printing, water, lights, telephone, rents, and payment of salaries pursuant to the terms of a written contract may be paid by the Business Manager prior to formal audit and approval by the board.  In addition the Business Manager, upon approval of the board president, may issue warrants for approved registrations, claims offering a discount for early payment, approved travel expenses, approved goods and services delivered C.O.D. and other verified bills filed with the Business Manager when the board is not in session prior to payment of these claims and prior to audit and approval by the board.  The Business Manager shall examine the claims and verify bills.

The Business Manager shall determine to the Business Manager’s satisfaction that the claims presented to the board are in order and are legitimate expenses of the school district.  It is the responsibility of the secretary to bring claims to the board.

The Board President and Business Manager may sign warrants by use of an electronic signature or rubber stamp.  If the board president is unavailable to personally sign warrants, the vice president may sign warrants on behalf of the president.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop the administrative regulations regarding this policy.

Legal Reference:         Love v. City of Des Moines, 210 Iowa 90, 230 N.W. 373 (1930).

                                 Iowa Code §§ 279.8, .29, .30, .36; 291.12; 721.2(5)

                                 281 I.A.C. 12.3(1).

                                 1980 Op. Att'y Gen. 102, 160, 720.

                                 1976 Op. Att'y Gen. 69.

                                 1972 Op. Att'y Gen. 130, 180, 392, 456, 651.

                                 1936 Op. Att'y Gen. 375.

Cross Reference:     705   Expenditures


Original Date:  8-12-24                                                             Last Revised Date: 8-12-24                                       Last Reviewed Date: 8-12-24

The board recognizes that school district funds are public funds, and as such, should be used to further a public purpose and the overall educational mission of the school community.  The district is committed to managing and spending public funds in a transparent and responsible manner.  Prior to making a purchase with public funds, an individual should be comfortable defending the purchase/reimbursement to the taxpayers in the district.  If the individual is uncomfortable doing so, the purchase may not fulfill a public purpose and additional guidance should be sought before the purchase is made.    


Individuals who have concerns about the public purpose of a purchase or reimbursement should utilize the district’s Internal Controls policy and regulation as a resource for questioning a purchase.  Concerns should be reported to the superintendent and/or the board president.  


The superintendent shall develop a process for approving expenditures of public funds.  The board will review expenditures and applicable reports as necessary to ensure proper oversight of the use of public funds.  To the extent possible, expenditures shall be pre-approved by the district prior to expending the funds.  Purchases of food and refreshment for district staff, even within district, should comply with the district’s Employee Travel Compensation policy, and all other applicable policies.  All purchases/reimbursements shall comply with applicable laws, board policies and district accounting requirements.


Additional guidance regarding appropriate expenditures of school funds is provided in the regulation accompanying this policy


NOTE:  All use of public funds should directly serve a public purpose in a clear and transparent manner.  Districts should consider what purchasing and reimbursement flexibility is needed for their district and apply all restrictions equally.  


Legal Reference:

Iowa Constitution Art. III, sec. 31; 

Iowa Code §§ 68A.505; 279.8; 721.2.

281 I.A.C. 98.70





I.C. Iowa Code


Iowa Code § 279.8

Directors - General Rules - Bonds of Employees

Iowa Code § 68A.505

Campaign Finance - Use of Public Money

Iowa Code § 721.2

Misconduct in Office - Nonfeloniuos

Iowa Constitution

Iowa Constitution



I.A.C. Iowa Administrative Code


281 I.A.C. 98

Education - Categorical Funding



Iowa Constitution


Iowa Constitution

Art. III, § 31


Cross References




Employee Travel Compensation


Local - State - Federal - Miscellaneous Revenue


Student Activities Fund


Purchasing – Bidding


Purchasing – Bidding - Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure


Purchasing – Bidding - Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts


Payment for Goods and Services


Internal Controls


Internal Controls - Procedures


Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment


Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment - Regulation


Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment - Fees Schedule


Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment - Application Form


Community Use of School District Buildings & Sites & Equipment - Indemnity and Liability Insurance Agreement