The board values the participation and the support of non-school sponsored community groups, including, but not limited to, booster clubs that strive for the betterment of the school district and the education program. The board will work closely with these groups.
School sponsored activities are defined as activities conducted by school employees that are contained within the school employee’s job expectations and by which the school employee has a contractual obligation. Non-school sponsored activities are defined as activities 1) conducted by a non-school employee, or 2) conducted by a school employee but the activity is not contained within the employee’s job expectations and for which the school employee has no contractual obligations to conduct the activity.
A non-school sponsored group or individual is any group or individual that carries out non- school sponsored activities.
Non-school sponsored groups or individuals will be allowed to use school district facilities for non-school sponsored activities provided they have completed, signed, and returned the proper application form and the application has been approved by the superintendent or his/her designee.
The district shall use multiple means of written and electronic communication to make reasonable efforts to identify for parents and community members those activities, groups and individuals that are non-school sponsored. The superintendent shall be responsible for creating administrative regulations for the notification processes. Examples of communications and notice placement may include, but not limited to, district website and pages, handbooks, materials distributed to the home or newspapers, and email messages.
Prior to fund-raising for the purchase of goods or services for the school district, school and non-school sponsored groups will submit a request to the school board for school board approval.
The building principal and/or the activities director will be the liaison with the non-school sponsored groups affiliated with the respective attendance center or activities program.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8
Cross Reference: 903 Public Participation in the School District
Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
905 Use of School District Facilities and Equipment
The board recognizes the valuable resource it has in the members of the school district community. When possible and in concert with the education program, members of the school district community may be asked to volunteer or to assist employees in duties other than teaching. The school district may officially recognize the contributions made by volunteers.
An adult volunteer is defined as any adult that is not a school employee or a currently attending district student, who may work during the school day or during a school sponsored activity that could include individual, small or large group student activities. Individuals not directly working with students may still be defined as adult volunteers if the work is performed repeatedly over a significant period of time.
Persons wishing to volunteer for school-sponsored activities must submit an application form to the district Human Resource Coordinator and undergo a background check. The background check will include: Social Security Number Verification & Address History, County Criminal Records Search, Federal Criminal Records Search, National Criminal Database Alias Search & Government Watch List, Sex Offender Records Search, and Iowa Child & Dependent Adult Abuse Registry Information Search.
The district Human Resources Coordinator will review any criminal convictions contained on the background check report and compare them to the Iowa Board of Education Examiners criminal conviction disqualification list for teacher licensure. If a volunteer applicant has a criminal conviction on his/her background check report that is contained within the Iowa Board of Education Examiners criminal convictions disqualification list, the volunteer applicant will be disqualified from volunteering for school-sponsored activities in the district.
Any convictions not on the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners criminal convictions disqualification list will be reviewed by the administration for a decision about whether or not the applicant can volunteer.
An individual who is disqualified from volunteering for school-sponsored activities in the district may appeal his/her disqualification to the school board in an open session of a school board meeting by completing the appropriate appeal form.
The district will cover the complete cost of the background check. The district will accept donations for the cost of background checks.
Prior to being allowed to volunteer for school-sponsored activities, all approved volunteers must sign and return to the district Human Resource Coordinator a copy of the Volunteer Code of Conduct signifying knowledge and acceptance of district expectations for volunteers.
The approval to volunteer for-school sponsored activities will be effective for two years from the date of approval. Individuals wishing to continue to volunteer after the two-year period must resubmit a volunteer application and the necessary information in order to conduct another background check.
In order to meet the needs of students or the district in an emergency situation, the superintendent may temporarily waive requirements for the volunteer application and background check process until the emergency is over.
Recruitment, training, utilization, and the maintenance of records for the purposes of insurance coverage and/or recognition of school district volunteers are the responsibility of the superintendent.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.80; 670
Cross Reference: 603.1 Basic Instruction Program
903.1 Non-School Sponsored Community Groups
903.3 Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
The board welcomes the interest of parents and other members of the school district community and invites them to visit the school buildings and sites. Visitors, which include persons other than employees or students, must notify the principal or his/her designee of their presence in the facility upon arrival and sign in.
An adult visitor is defined as any adult that is not a school employee or currently attending district student who visits school during the school day for an isolated event or attends a school- sponsored activity. The visitor shall not have responsibility for children.
Persons who wish to visit a classroom while school is in session shall make prior arrangements with the school office so class disruption can be minimized.
Visitors shall conduct themselves in a manner fitting to their age level and maturity and with mutual respect and consideration for the rights of others while attending school events. Visitors failing to conduct themselves accordingly may be asked to leave the premises.
It shall be the responsibility of employees to report inappropriate conduct. It is the responsibility of the superintendent and principals to take the action necessary to cease the inappropriate conduct. If the superintendent or principals are not available, a school district employee will act to cease the inappropriate conduct.
All student visitors must have prior approval from the building principal.
All visitors during school hours shall wear appropriate badges identifying them as visitors.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 716.7
Cross Reference: 902 Press, Radio and Television News Media
Non-School Sponsored Community Groups
Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
School sponsored or approved activities are an important part of the school program and offer students the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities not offered during the regular school day. School sponsored or approved activities are provided for the enjoyment and opportunity for involvement they afford the students.
The public is permitted to attend school sponsored or approved activities only as guests of the school district, and, accordingly as a condition of such permission, they must comply with the school district's rules and policies. The public will not be allowed to interfere with the enjoyment of the students participating, other spectators or with the performance of employees and officials supervising the school sponsored or approved activity. The public, like the student participants, are expected to display mature behavior and sportsmanship. The failure to do so is not only disruptive but is embarrassing to the students, the school district and the entire community.
To protect the rights of students to participate without fear of interference, and to permit the sponsors and officials of sponsored or approved activities to perform their duties without interference, the following provisions are in effect:
Abusive, verbal or physical conduct by the public directed at participants, officials or sponsors of sponsored or approved activities or at other attendees will not be tolerated.
Verbal or physical conduct by the public that interferes with the performance of students, officials or sponsors of sponsored or approved activities will not be tolerated.
The use of vulgar or obscene language directed at students, officials or sponsors participating in a sponsored or approved activity or at other attendees will not be tolerated.
If an attendee at a sponsored or approved activity becomes physically or verbally abusive, uses vulgar or obscene language, or in any way impedes the performance of an activity, the attendee may be removed from the event by the individual in charge of the event and the superintendent may recommend the exclusion of the attendee at future sponsored or approved activities.
Upon recommendation of the superintendent, the board shall cause a notice of exclusion from activities to be sent to the attendee involved. The notice shall advise the attendee of the district's right to exclude the individual from school district activities and events and the duration of the exclusion. If the attendee disobeys the district's order, law enforcement authorities will be contacted and asked to remove the attendee. If an attendee has been notified of exclusion and thereafter attends a sponsored or approved activity, the attendee shall be advised that his/her attendance will result in prosecution.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8, .66; 716.7
Cross Reference: 205 Board Member Liability
504 Student Activities
802.6 Vandalism
903 Public Participation in the School District
The board recognizes that students, employees, parents or citizens may want to distribute materials within the school district that are non-curricular. Non-curricular materials to be distributed must be approved by the building principal and meet certain standards prior to their distribution.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the building principals, to draft administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Legal Reference: U.S. Const. amend. I.
Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988).
Bethel School District v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986).
New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325 (1985).
Tinker v. Des Moines Ind. Comm. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503 (1969).
Bystrom v. Fridley High School, 822 F.2d 747 (8th Cir. 1987).
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.22
Cross References: 502.3 Freedom of Expression
503.1 Student Conduct
504 Student Activities
603.9 Academic Freedom
The Mid-Prairie Board of Directors encourages joint fund-raising activities by the Athletic, Fine Arts and Student Boosters organizations to enhance the curriculum and enrich the educational experiences of its students. To the extent determined by the superintendent, the Board of Directors will match, from the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) fund, the funds provided by the booster groups above for the purposes cited above.
During August of each year, the Board of Directors will determine the total amount of matching funds available for booster group use during the school year. The total amount will be divided equally between the three booster groups and be available during the school year for appropriate PPEL matching fund expenditures.
All requests for matching funds shall be accompanied by the required forms before any matching fund expenditure by any booster group can be made. Matching fund expenditure requests at or below the superintendent purchasing authorization limit as specified in Board Policy 705.1 may be approved by the superintendent. Matching fund expenditure requests above the superintendent purchasing authorization limit as specified in Board Policy 705.1 shall need school board approval.
Funds gained by the booster groups through other grant opportunities will not be eligible for district matching funds. However, district matching funds may be used for other granting possibilities if the district matching funds are matched by monies directly raised by the booster group for another grant application. In this instance, district approval is needed prior to the submission of the other grant application.
Designated matching funds allocations may be carried over for up to 3 school years with superintendent annual approval. Booster groups wishing to carry over matching fund allocations more than 3 years shall only be able to do so with school board approval. In no instance shall a matching fund allocation be carried over for more than 5 years.
The superintendent shall be responsible for creating administrative regulations governing the matching fund expenditure process.