The board values the participation and the support of non-school sponsored community groups, including, but not limited to, booster clubs that strive for the betterment of the school district and the education program. The board will work closely with these groups.
School sponsored activities are defined as activities conducted by school employees that are contained within the school employee’s job expectations and by which the school employee has a contractual obligation. Non-school sponsored activities are defined as activities 1) conducted by a non-school employee, or 2) conducted by a school employee but the activity is not contained within the employee’s job expectations and for which the school employee has no contractual obligations to conduct the activity.
A non-school sponsored group or individual is any group or individual that carries out non- school sponsored activities.
Non-school sponsored groups or individuals will be allowed to use school district facilities for non-school sponsored activities provided they have completed, signed, and returned the proper application form and the application has been approved by the superintendent or his/her designee.
The district shall use multiple means of written and electronic communication to make reasonable efforts to identify for parents and community members those activities, groups and individuals that are non-school sponsored. The superintendent shall be responsible for creating administrative regulations for the notification processes. Examples of communications and notice placement may include, but not limited to, district website and pages, handbooks, materials distributed to the home or newspapers, and email messages.
Prior to fund-raising for the purchase of goods or services for the school district, school and non-school sponsored groups will submit a request to the school board for school board approval.
The building principal and/or the activities director will be the liaison with the non-school sponsored groups affiliated with the respective attendance center or activities program.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8
Cross Reference: 903 Public Participation in the School District
Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
905 Use of School District Facilities and Equipment