February 13, 2023

Mid-Prairie Community School District

Kalona, Wellman, West Chester

Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA  52356

February 13, 2023 – 6:15 p.m.



Vice President Gabrielle Frederick called the meeting to order in because of the leave early/absence of President Jeremy Pickard.

Board members present:   Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Marianne Schlabach, Jed Seward, Jake Snider.

Board members absent:  Jeremy Pickard.

Also Present:  Brian Stone, Jeff Swartzentruber, Chuck Banks, Robin Foster, Rob Hruby, Greg Jergens, Rachel Kerns, Amy Shalla, and Frank Slabaugh.

Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Denise Chittick.  Motion carried 6-0.

Public Forum

The Mid-Prairie Golden Hawks Archery Club, an independent and non-school sponsored group that has operated for four years, various coaches spoke about the space needs and positive experiences of their club. Currently, they are set up at the West Chester School gym where 16 students can practice at a time.  The season starts in October and the State meet is in March.  For the current season there are 96 athletes and 12 coaches in the program. The coaches are required to participate with an archery unit in the schools for physical education.  They have a goal of bringing a tournament to the District.  The group wants the Board to be aware of their space needs for practice.  Others, including students, also introduced themselves and discussed aspects of the program.  The ability to participate on a team is one of the significant benefits as many of the participants are not out for other school sponsored teams.

Hawk Highlight – IHSSA State Large Group Speech Contest and All-State Nominations

Christie Meader, High School Speech Coach, and her four All State awarded students, talked about the IHSSA State Large Group Speech Contest and All-State Nominations.  The students touched on the conference competition, district competition, and then the state competition.  District competition is quite rigorous as a One rating makes the competitor eligible for State.  Should a competitor receive two One Ratings, then they are eligible for an All-State Nomination.  Only 5% of students receive an All-State Nomination.  Mid-Prairie has four All State Awardees.  The individual season is now starting.  There 20 participants each for both Large Group and Individual seasons.


Administrative Reports in written form were provided to the Board for their review, consideration and questions.  Superintendent Stone noted the reports are for the Board to review with verbal reports not necessarily needed each meeting.  Questions are welcomed and encouraged.

Superintendent Stone reported on the OPN activities including the initial kick-off meeting for the Steering Committee on Thursday, February 9th.  Work is being done on a community survey.  Also, on Friday, February 10th, OPN representatives visited the buildings for an initial walk-through.  The Board asked questions for clarification.  A Community Facilities Committee will be convened soon after the community survey is completed.


Consent Items

Mary Allred moved to approve the following consent items.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of January 23, 2023;

Finance Report

The Finance Report for January 2023;

Payment of Bills

The bills as listed for February 13, 2023, and Prepaid Bills;

Open Enrollment Requests

Tyler and Amanda Stutsman request Beau Stutsman (Prekindergarten), attend Mid-Prairie from Iowa City Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;

Amelia Johnston requests Sullivan Johnston (Kindergarten), attend Mid-Prairie from Lone Tree Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;

Eden O’Connor requests Eamon O’Connor (Kindergarten), attend Mid-Prairie from Williamsburg Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;

Jessica Cary requests Kaylee Kindred (Grade 8) attend Keota Community School District from Mid-Prairie;

Ross White requests Rylea White (Grade 3) attend Keota Community School District from Mid-Prairie;

Personnel Items

Contract issued to Wyatt Cady, High School Boys Head Soccer Coach, $4,339 per season;

Contract issued to Melanie Steinhart, Middle School Softball Coach, $1,860 per annum;

Contract Issued to Kristan Hunter, TLC Curriculum Leader for 2023-2024; Existing Staff;

Contract Issued to Emily Zehr, TLC West Elementary Instructional Coach 2023-2024; Existing Staff;

Contract Issued to Sarah Ihde, TLC East Elementary Instructional Coach 2023-2024; Existing Staff;

Contract Issued to Erin Cavanagh, TLC High School Instructional Coach 2023-2024; Existing Staff;

Contract Issued to Kelsi TeBockhorst, TLC Middle School Instructional Coach 2023-2024; Existing Staff;

Resignation of Mike TeBockhorst, East Elementary Lead Custodian, $19.45 per hour, effective February 28, 2023;

Resignation of Melody Black, West Elementary Kindergarten Teacher, $65,774 per annum, effective end of 2022-2023 School Year;

Resignation of Emma Brenneman, 6th Grade Science Teacher, $49,314 per annum, effective end of 2022-2023 School Year;

Resignation of Joyce Billups, East Elementary Kindergarten Teacher, $55,043 per annum, effective end of 2022-2023 School Year;

Resignation of Chris Kern, 0.5 FTE High School Physical Education Teacher; $27,416 per annum, effective end of 2022-2023 School Year;

Resignation of Jamie Clark, Middle School Track Coach, $2,217 per season, effective January 27, 2023;

Fundraising Requests - None presented for approval;

Mary Allred seconded the consent items.  Motion carried 6-0.

Student Learning

Proposed 2023-2024 School Calendar)

Superintendent Stone presented the recommended 2023-2024 School Calendar to the Board for their consideration.  The Interest Based Committee has worked through the process of the calendar over the past few weeks.  The Calendar contains 1,115 instructional hours, compared to the State minimum of 1,080 hours.  Stone asked Board members Chittick and Seward to comment on the process and any observations they might have for the full Board.  It was noted the Parent Teacher Conferences are on the same night.  Also, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the additional day off rather than the Monday after Thanksgiving. 

Marianne Schlabach moved to approve the 2023-2024 School Calendar as presented.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 6-0.

Student Trip Out of State

Amy Shalla, Special Education Administrator, shared the Proposal from Matt Freel, Behavioral Interventionist.  Freel requests permission to lead a small group of High School Students to Griffin, Georgia to assist with disaster recovery efforts.  The group would consist of 15 students and supervisory adults traveling to Georgia during the week of March 20th, which is the week after Spring Break week.  The trip is funded with Title IV funds, a grant from Fund for Academic Excellence, and private donations.  The group will be partnering with UMCOR.  Mid-Prairie has partnered with UMCOR from four years ago when Freel led a group to Tampa, Florida after hurricane Irma.   The Board asked questions for clarification and understanding.

Jake Snider moved to approve the trip to Griffin, Georgia for students and staff to travel out of the state of Iowa in the Week of March 20, 2023.  Denise Chittick seconded the motion.  Motion carried 6-0.

Second Reading, School Board Policy 505.5, Graduation Requirement Policy

Vice President Frederick noted the Policy had passed the First Reading on January 24, 2023.  No changes have been proposed from the First Reading.  A request for any additional comments or discussion by the Board was made.  Board member Snider expressed some reservation for the lack of foreign language.  He also expressed concerns about the Math third credit class and Algebra II.  Principal Banks responded to both concerns constructively.  Foreign language will continue to be reviewed.  Also, the State is moving toward requiring Algebra II for high school students.  Board members discussed the flexibility and continued movement and improvement to the plan and policy currently on the table.  Vice President asked for a motion to pass Board Policy 505.5 Graduation Requirements on Second Reading. 

Marianne Schlabach made the motion to approve on Second Reading of Board Policy 505.5, Graduation Requirement Policy as presented.  Denise Chittick seconded the motion.    Motion carried 6-0.


Flexibility Account Spending Resolution

Superintendent Stone and Business Manager Swartzentruber noted that the Flexibility Transfer Account Resolution was passed at the January 23, 2023 Board Meeting.  The resolution passed allowed for the transfer of $252,034.80 from Home School Assistance Program to the Flexibility Account.  A resolution is also required to approve the spending and spending plan for the funds transferred to the Flexibility Account. 

Marianne Schlabach moved to approve Resolution 021323 Directing Expenditures from the Flexibility Fund and read pertinent parts of the resolution. Jed Seward seconded the motion. 

Roll Call Vote:    Gabrielle Frederick          - yes                      Mary Allred                        - yes

                          Jed Seward                      - yes                      Jeremy Pickard                  - absent

                          Marianne Schlabach        - yes                      Jake Snider                        - yes

                          Denise Chittick                  - yes

Motion carried 6-0.

Certified Budget Hearing and Presentation Schedule Options

School Business Official Swartzentruber shared the scheduling handout for the Certified Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.  Due to the Board’s meeting schedule and to the ongoing actions with the State Legislature and Governor, there is some ambiguity as to how and when the 2023 2024 Certified Budget Information will be finalized.  Based on those issues, the Certified Budget is due either April 17, 2023 or May 1, 2023.  Public Hearing dates to be set and posted could be a bit complicated.  There are three options.  While we may aim for the first one, the budget presentation may be made on the night of the Public Hearing and be the same date for Board Action to approve.  The Board asked questions for understanding and clarification.

Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. for the Middle School and East Elementary School Additions and Renovations

Vice President Gabrielle Frederick opened the Hearing at 7:00 p.m. for public comment on the additions and renovations for the Middle School and the East Elementary School using the proceeds from Revenue Bonds.  It is noted that bids on the projects will be opened on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 2 p.m. in the Central Office Community Room.  No one spoke.  Frederick closed the public hearing at 7:01 p.m.

Public Hearing at 7:10 P.M. for the High School Track Reconstruction

Vice President Gabrielle Frederick opened the Hearing at 7:10 p.m. for public comment on the reconstruction of the High School Track.  It is noted that bids on the projects will be opened on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 2 p.m. in the Central Office Community Room.  A group of parents and coaches were present for the Public Hearing.  Concerns were expressed about the timing of the project—there were impressions that it would be done before this track season.  Questions were asked about the current timeline.  Frustrations for the timing were expressed by others in the group including injury history and also six-lane versus eight-lane sizing—where conference, Districts can be hosted, as well as economic benefit.  Also, the shot and discuss throwing circles need attention.  The Board acknowledged the concerns presented.  The Board directed Superintendent Stone to have a conversation with Tad Morrow of Carl A. Nelson Company on the concept of the eight-lane track. The Board thanked the group for their input on this process.  Frederick closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m.

Board Development and Inservice Activities

Nothing added at this time.

Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda

The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, February 27, 2023, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.  Agenda items to include:  Approval of the bids for the Middle School and East Elementary Additions and Renovations and High School Track Reconstruction Projects; and WCRF Grant Application Resolution for Fine Arts Boosters and possible Middle School Library project submittals.

Board Highlights

  • Appreciate Jed’s statements about caring for our students during the Track Public Forum
  • Archery in the Public Forum was appreciated as were the Large Group Speech Group that went to State and both of these groups’ success individuals; especially when the Archery participants that have never been part of a team;
  • The passion that SBO Swartzentruber’s puts into the paperwork and processes for the District;


The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m.