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Original Adopted Date: 3-4-89                                            Last Revised Date: 2-13-23                                        Last Reviewed Date: 10-10-22

Students must successfully complete the courses required by the School Board for graduation. Students must successfully complete each grade level, grades one through twelve, and complete all the required courses of study prior to graduation as determined by the State Department of Education and the school board.

The requirement will be 28 credits for students graduating from the Mid-Prairie High School (MPHS), Mid-Prairie Virtual Academy (MPVA), and Home School Assistance Program (HSAP). The requirement will be 20 credits for students graduating from the Alternative Learning Center (ALC) program.  It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure that students complete grades one through twelve and the appropriate number of credits prior to graduation.

There are qualifications for a homeschool student transferring to MPHS wanting to receive a Mid-Prairie High School Diploma. We recommend the student meets with the MPHS counselors as soon as possible, so they can facilitate the process and help the student be successful in the transition. The following information will give an idea of what is required/expected, but specifics can only be determined by meeting with the MPHS counselor.


Seniors must graduate from the program where they begin their senior year with the exception of HSAP. 


Seniors may move from MPHS to HSAP mid-year and graduate with an unaccredited HSAP Diploma if those graduation requirements are met. 


Transfer credits will be determined by administrative discretion, an audit of transcripts, and/or placement tests/assessments determined by the high school. A placement test is required for transfer credits from IPI or an unaccredited institution to be considered for the MPHS Diploma. Transfer credits from an unaccredited institution (including home school/HSAP) will not count towards the high school GPA or class rank. 


The Mid-Prairie School Board believes that a student’s post-secondary plan should help determine the appropriate high school courses. Appropriate elective courses will be recommended based on interest and future college and career readiness planning. Student course selections will be supported by the Student Services Department, Seminar Advisors, and Administration and will be communicated to parents/guardians.


Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year:

All MPHS/MPVA/ALC students shall meet the following minimum requirements:

4 credits Language Arts (including English 9, English 10, Literature and .5 Composition)

3 credits Social Studies (including US History and .5 Government)

3 credits Science (Biology, Earth/Environmental Science, and Physical Science or Chemistry) 

3 credits Math* (Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II or Technical Math)

*Students in the graduating class of 2024 will be required to complete 3 credits of any combination of Math courses.

All HSAP students shall meet the following minimum requirements:

4 credits Language Arts 

3 credits Social Studies (including US History and .5 Government)

3 credits Science 

3 credits Math 

In addition to the requirements above:

All students in grades 9-12 at MPHS and MPVA must take .5 credit of Physical Education each year. Students must also take .5 credit of Parent Education and .5 credit of Financial Literacy prior to graduation. The balance of the graduation requirements shall be made up of elective credits.

ALC students must complete 2 credits of Physical Education and 1.0 credit Parent Education prior to graduation. The balance of the graduation requirements shall be made up of elective credits.

Students graduating from HSAP must take 2 credits of Physical Education, .5 Health, and .5 credits of Financial Literacy prior to graduation. The balance of the graduation requirements shall be made up of elective credits.

When illness, accident, or other unusual circumstances are a factor, credit may be granted for work at a recognized extension school when supervised by the Mid-Prairie principal. The required courses of study will be reviewed by the school board every third year, or more often, if necessary.

Legal Reference:    Iowa Code $$ 256.11,  .11A; 279.8; 280.3. .14; 281 I.A.C. 12.2, .5


Cross Reference:    505 Student Scholastic Achievement

            603.3 Special Education