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Original Adopted Date: 2-14-1983                                  Last Revised Date: 2-26-2024                                 Last Reviewed Date: 6-10-24


The board recognizes the importance of citizen participation in school district matters.  In order to assure citizens are heard and board meetings are conducted efficiently and in an organized manner, the board will set aside a specific time for public comment.  

Public Comment During Board Meetings

Citizens wishing to address the board during public comment must notify the board secretary prior to the board meeting. The MPCSD board president will recognize these individuals to make their comments at the appropriate time during public comment.  Citizens wishing to present petitions to the board may also do so at this time.  The board however, will only receive the petitions and not act upon them or their contents.  Those wishing to speak on an agenda item at its scheduled point in the meeting must request to the board secretary to do so at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

The MPCSD board president has the discretion to limit the amount of time set aside for public participation.  

  • In-person, public comments are limited to two (2) minutes
  • Public comments will not exceed thirty (30) total minutes per meeting
  • The board president may modify this time limit, if deemed appropriate or necessary
  • Iowa Law prohibits the MPCSD Board from discussing specific employees or their job performance

Public comment is a time set aside for community input, but the board will not discuss or take any action on any matter during public comment. Public comment shall be limited to regular board meetings and will not be routinely held during special board meetings.  

If the pressure of business or other circumstances dictate, the board president may decide to eliminate this practice.  The board president shall recognize these individuals to make their comments at the appropriate time.  The orderly process of the board meeting shall not be interfered with or disrupted.  Only those speakers recognized by the board president shall be allowed to speak.  Comments by others are out of order.  If disruptive, the individual making the comments or another individual causing disruption may be asked to leave the board meeting.

For the purposes of this policy disruptive behavior includes, but not limited to, the following:  profanity, elevated voice volume or condescending tone, excessive sarcasm, intentionally interrupting the speaker or proceedings, using bullying, harassing, or threatening speech, etc. Individuals that are disruptive and prevent the meeting from continuing or operating in a normal way will be given a warning.  If disruptive behavior continues, the individual may be asked to leave the meeting.

Individuals who have a complaint about employees may bring their complaint to the board only after they have followed board policy addressing citizens' complaints.  Students who have a complaint may only bring their complaint to the board after they have followed board policy addressing students' complaints.


Legal Reference:          Iowa Code §§ 21; 22; 279.8

Cross Reference:         205      Board Member Liability

                                     210.8   Board Meeting Agenda

                                         1. Public Hearings

                                         2. Communication Channels

                                   401.4   Employee Complaints

                                         1. Public Complaints About Employees

                                   502.4  Student Complaints and Grievances