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December 12, 2022

Mid-Prairie Community School District

Kalona, Wellman, West Chester

Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA  52356

December 12, 2022 – 6:15 p.m.


President Jeremy Pickard called the meeting to order.

Board members present:   Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Jeremy Pickard, Marianne Schlabach, Jed Seward, Jake Snider.

Board members absent:  None.

Also Present:  Brian Stone, Jeff Swartzentruber, Chuck Banks, Robin Foster, Rob Hruby, Greg Jergens, Amy Shalla, and Frank Slabaugh.

Marianne Schlabach moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Mary Allred. 

Gabrielle Frederick moved to redact 5C – Paraprofessional Recommendation for West Elementary on the agenda.  Jed Seward seconded the amendment.  Motion Carried 7-0.

Motion to accept the agenda as amended was voted upon.  Motion Carried 7-0.


Hawk Highlight

Elsa Schmidt and FFA students highlighted their trip to National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana from October 26th to October 29th at Lucas Oil Stadium.  They traveled with West Branch FFA.  There were side trips as well.  They visited a dairy farm prior to the opening session.  After the opening session they visited two Indiana colleges to learn about their programs.  They also attended the FFA Expo and Career Show.  They experienced the World’s Toughest Rodeo.  A highlight was David Murry receiving his FFA American Degree.  He is the 27th member of Mid-Prairie FFA to receive this degree and is one year removed from high school.  The students expressed thanks for the opportunity to attend.  The Board asked questions for clarification and expansion of understanding.  There are currently about 65 FFA Members attending Mid-Prairie.

Board Member and Administrator Dialogue

The Administrators shared updates.  Amy Shalla shared about the Christmas gift drive for Mid-Prairie families that applied through HACAP. Rob Hruby shared about the Middle School’s Iowa Scorecard receiving a high rating.  However, there is one area/grouping that is identified as “targeted” for assistance.  They are looking forward to addressing this area.  Greg Jergens shared the K-5 grades are piloting new math curriculum.  Noted the buildings are enjoying the holiday festivities and focus.  Frank Slabaugh noted the Virtual Academy is currently serving 25 students.  Additionally, HSAP students are taking Chemistry as well as a few High School students for some course offerings that do not fit their schedules.  The company that Virtual Academy uses for services has asked to highlight Mid-Prairie and the approach taken for Virtual Academy.  Chuck Banks has been working with a Staff Council on graduation requirements and hope to have a recommendation for the Board in January.  He is very proud of the work that has been accomplished.  Gabrielle Frederick stated how proud of our elementary school staff and their work on curriculum, especially the Math nights at both elementary buildings where 203 families attended.  Robin Foster noted the PLC work that the building teams have been doing together and the progress that has been made to date.  While there is still work to be done, the dynamics in the buildings has been exciting.  Brian Stone noted how impressed he is with the Administration Team as they have been working on the PLC activities within the buildings.  He would like to share this with the Board the happenings within the teams and the accomplishments that continue to develop.  Stone also distributed the emergency preparedness flipcharts to each of the buildings.  Stone shared that he is on the IHSAA Board as the Southeast Iowa Representative.  Jeff Swartzentruber reported that the two new school buses were delivered on Friday, December 9th.  These buses are equipped with cargo holds and will replace the current cargo buses.

Facility Planning Update

Superintendent Stone shared the update.  A Facilities Planning Committee group is in the process of being formed.  Stone also discussed the Architectural Request for Qualifications process and the timeline for the Architectural Firm Search.  The timeline include the January 9, 2023, Board Meeting where the firms are paired down the 3 to 4 finalist firms.  Following that the January 18, 2023 session would be for interviewing the finalist firms.  The questions were:  1) Who would be included from Board and Administrative Team; 2) It is a full Board participation on January 9, 2023, and then January 18, 2023 starting at 4:30 p.m., alone or with Administrative Team and potentially others?  The Board discussed the questions.  These would be in closed session.  Three members volunteered to represent the Board – Jake Snider, Jed Seward, and Jeremy Pickard, with Gabrielle Frederick a possible addition in lieu of the entire Board participating.  There would also be other staff involved in the process.


Public Forum– 7:00 p.m.

No one spoke.

Consent Items

Mary Allred moved to approve the following consent items.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of November 28, 2022;

Finance Report

The Finance Report for November 2022;

Payment of Bills

The bills as listed for December 12, 2022, and Prepaid Bills;

Open Enrollment Requests

Nolan and Kim Decker request Tristan Decker (Grade 9), attend Mid-Prairie from English Valleys Community School District for the 2022-23 School Year;

Nate and Deb Carlson request Dempsey Carlson (Grade 5) and Harlynn Carlson (Grade 3), attend Mid-Prairie from Iowa City Community School District for the 2022-23 School Year;

Personnel Items

Resignation of Jordan Tebockhorst, West Elementary Lead Custodian, $18.56 per hour, effective December 15, 2022;

Volunteer Coaches for Winter of 2022

Vinnie Bowlin, High School Boys Wrestling Assistant Coach, $-0- to be paid;

Justin Garvey, High Schools Girls Wrestling Assistant Coach, $-0- to be paid;

Fundraising Requests

Mid-Prairie Student Boosters requests approval to raise funds through a Trivia Night, Open Gym Childcare with FCCLA students on February 11, 2023, with funds raised to enhance the PK-12th Grade Student Educational Experiences;

Mid-Prairie Student Boosters requests approval to raise funds through an online fundraiser via contact of friends and families for donations from January 23 to February 10, 2023, with funds raised to enhance the PK-12th Grade Student Educational Experiences and provide a “day of awareness;

Marianne Schlabach seconded the consent items.  Motion carried 7-0.


Second Reading of School Board Policy 802.4 Fixed Assets

Board President Pickard asked for any questions from the Board with regard to the policy.  There were none.

Jed Seward moved to approve School Board Policy 802.4 Fixed Assets on Second Reading as presented.  Gabrielle Frederick seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Second Reading of School Board Policy 708 Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records

Board President Pickard asked for any questions from the Board with regard to the policy.  There were none.

Mary Allred moved to approve School Board Policy 708 Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records on Second Reading as presented.  Denise Chittick seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Budget Guarantee Resolution for FY2023-2024

Business Manager Swartzentruber provided the Regular Program Budget Adjustment Resolution #121222 and recommended approval of the resolution.  Due to the District’s Resident Student Count on October 1, 2022, reported as 30.60 students down from the previous October 1, 2021 Student Count, it is very likely that increased funding by the State of Iowa for schools will not meet last year’s budget funding.  The resolution allows for the District to receive at least 101% of the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Revenue. Open Enrolled In students were up 29.60 students from the October 1, 2021 Student Count. While this offset is encouraging, the funds from Open Enrolled Students come from semi-annual bills to the districts from which the Open Enrolled In students come. 

Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve Resolution #121222 Regular Program Budget Adjustment as presented.  Marianne Schlabach seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:    Gabrielle Frederick          - yes                      Mary Allred                        - yes

                           Jed Seward                     - yes                      Jeremy Pickard                  - yes

                           Marianne Schlabach       - yes                      Jake Snider                        - yes

                           Denise Chittick                - yes

Motion carried 7-0.

Student Learning

Review RFP for the architect search process

Superintendent Stone and Tad Morrow of Carl A. Nelson Company reviewed the current Request for Qualifications document to be sent to architectural firms as part of the process of reviewing the next steps of the Long-term Plan currently in development.  The document, while in draft form, would be sent to 7 to 10 firms.  It was noted that this is part of the due diligence process and to be consistent in our approach.  The subset of the Board and appointed group will winnow the list down to 3 or 4 firms that would be contacted for interviews as noted during the Work Session Facilities Update.  The process is to make it about the most qualified firm that includes a number of criteria where fees are a part of the process but not the most important deciding factor.

Denise Chittick moved to approve the Request for Qualifications Process as presented in the search for an Architectural Firm.  Jake Snider seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

First Reading of Board Policy 507.9 Cardiac Emergency Response Plan/Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

Superintendent Stone outlined the need to revise and update Policy 507.9.  Training requirements are being strengthened within the policy.  The Board asked questions for clarification and understanding.  It is recommended that the revised policy be considered for approval on First Reading. 

Mary Allred moved to approve Board Policy 507.9 Cardiac Emergency Response Plan/Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) on First Reading as presented.  Marianne Schlabach seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Closed Session

Board President Pickard noted that the Board needs to enter closed session to discuss the purchase or sale of a particular real estate parcel.  President Pickard asked for a motion to enter closed session.

Gabrielle Frederick moved for the Board to enter to closed session as provided in section 21.5(l)(i) of the open meetings law to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the school district would have to pay or lower the price the board would receive for that property.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:    Gabrielle Frederick          - yes                      Mary Allred                        - yes

                          Jed Seward                      - yes                      Jeremy Pickard                  - yes

                          Marianne Schlabach        - yes                      Jake Snider                        - yes

                          Denise Chittick                 - yes

Motion carried 7-0.

The Board entered Closed Session at 7:17 p.m.

The Board exited Closed Session at 7:32 p.m.

Work Session

Completion of Unfinished Work Session Items

There were no unfinished items from the Work Session section of the meeting.

Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda

The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, January 9, 2023, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.  Agenda items to include:  Second Reading 507.9; Set a Public Hearing on the Flexibility Account Transfer; and Set a Public Hearing for the Specifications and Bid Process to let bids for the East Elementary, Middle School, and High School Track additions and renovations.

Board Highlights

  • The Board took a Holiday Greeting video at the end of the meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.