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May 8, 2023

Mid-Prairie Community School District

Kalona, Wellman, West Chester

Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA  52356

May 8, 2023 – 6:15 p.m.


President Jeremy Pickard called the meeting to order.

Board members present:   Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Jeremy Pickard, Marianne Schlabach, Jed Seward, Jake Snider (arrived at 6:22 p.m.).

Board members absent:  Jake Snider (arrived at 6:22 p.m.).

Also Present:  Brian Stone, Jeff Swartzentruber, Chuck Banks, Rob Hruby, Greg Jergens, Rachel Kerns, and Frank Slabaugh.

Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Denise Chittick.  Motion carried 6-0.

Hawk Highlight – This agenda item was tabled until 6:40 p.m. in the Student Learning section of the agenda.

Public Forum

A large group of High School and Middle School staff members were present to read a prepared statement on the staff reduction of the Assistant Principal/Activities Director. There is concern for the way the decision was made, a perceived lack of transparency with the decision that was made for the next school year.  A list of the increased duties and a list of questions on how certain tasks and responsibilities will be in the next school year was also included.  They are concerned about the impact this will have on students and learning.


The Board asked questions and discussed the report forms shared by each Administrator about their areas of responsibility.

Rachel Kerns, HSAP Director, celebrated the last day of the HSAP enrichment program and shared the activities of the day.  There will be strings program on the baseball diamond on May 25th.

Rob Hruby, MPMS Principal, shared about the Kindness Thursday on May 4th as the students entered the community during their WIN Time.

Mr. Stone, handed out plaques of appreciation to the Board members.

Chuck Banks, MPHS Principal, shared the change of the seating arrangement during graduation.

(Jake Snider arrived at 6:22 p.m.)


Consent Items

Marianne Schlabach moved to approve the following consent items.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of April 24, 2023;

Finance Report

The Finance Report for April 20203;

Payment of Bills

The bills as listed for May 8, 2023; and Prepaid Bills;

Open Enrollment Requests

Marah Sharairi requests Layla Abdelaziz (Grade 3) and Rashid Abdelaziz (Grade 2) attend Mid-Prairie’s Home School Assistance Program from Clear Creek Amana Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;

Ellie Hill requests Stephanie Hill (Kindergarten) attend Mid-Prairie’s Home School Assistance Program from Highland Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;

Katie Robinson requests Vienna Robinson (Kindergarten) attend Mid-Prairie’s Home School Assistance Program from Iowa City Community School District for the 2023-24 School Year;

Kelli Schweitzer requests Halie Schweitzer (Grade8) attend Mid-Prairie’s Home School Assistance Program from Lone Tree Community School District for the 2022-23 School Year;

Personnel Items

Contract issued to Mercedes Specht, Seventh Grade Volleyball Coach, $2,276.00 per annum;

Contract issued to Liza Fontaine, Fifth Grade Teacher, $48,303 per annum;

Resignation of Kaylyn LeGrand, Fifth Grade Teacher, New Hire for 2023-24 School Year, effective April 26, 2023;

Resignation of Cory Evans, District Nutrition Director, $55,480.00 per annum, effective June 5, 2023;

TLC Assistant Coaches for 2023-2024

Crystal Gingerich, HSAP, $2,000                                  Rachel Foubert, Middle School, $2,000

Tracy Rusch, Middle School, $2,000                          Ashley Bartels, Middle School, $2,000

Melanie Steinhart, Middle School, $2,000              Jenny Riggan-Sexton, Middle School, $2,000

Mariah Schlabach, West Elementary, $2,000         Kelsey Stumpf, West Elementary, $2,000

Hannah Mougin, West Elementary, $2,000            Elizabeth Dehogues, West Elementary, $2,000

Emily Pennington, West Elementary, $2,000         Jill Poock, East Elementary, $2,000

Melissa Gerot, East Elementary, $2,000                  Hallie Whitten, East Elementary, $2,000

Jennifer Roth, East Elementary, $2,000                   Paula Buckwalter, East Elementary, $2,000

Kara Troyer, East Elementary, $2,000                       Melissa O’Rourke, East Elementary, $2,000

Elsa Schmidt, High School, $2,000                              Traci Zahradnek, High School, $2,000

Sara Puttmann, High School, $2,000                         Jessica Jones, High School, $2,000

Sarah O’Rourke, High School, $2,000                       

Collette McClellen, High School, Technology, $1,000

Natalie Silbaugh, High School, Data, $1,000

TLC Professional Partners for 2023-2024

                Terri Adam, Middle School, $750                                Kim McAtee, Middle School, $750

                Jessica Swartzentruber, Middle School, $1,000    Marnett Meier, West Elementary, $500

                Hannah Mougin, West Elementary, $500                Melissa O’Rourke, East Elementary, $500

                Jill Lundberg, East Elementary, $500                         Mackenzie Kos, East Elementary, $500

                Paula Buckwalter, East Elementary, $500               Chris Tyler, High School, $500

Volunteer Coaches – Summer of 2023

Byron Yoder, Baseball Assistant Coach

Zeb Evans, Softball Assistant Coach

Fundraising Requests

High School Baseball requests approval to raise funds through the sale of 30 reserved seats at the Baseball Field for travel, expenses, coaches’ apparel and miscellaneous small equipment;

High School Baseball requests approval to raise funds through the sale of apparel for travel expenses, coaches’ apparel and miscellaneous supplies;

High School Baseball requests approval to raise funds through hosting a barbeque on May 26th at the Williamsburg game to raise funds for a batting cage protector;

MPHS Graduating Seniors Class 2022-2023

Kirsten Alice Albright                      Grady Alan Gingerich                      Landry Grace Pacha

Grace Cecelia Allred                        Taylor Raquel Gingerich                Zoey Lin Parker

Jaxon Rock Armstrong                   Brianna Jo Gingerich                       Payton Benjamin Peck

Donovan Joseph Bailey                  Josie Mae Greiner                            Brittney Lynn Pfeifer

Emma Elizabeth Baker                   Ella Kathryn Groenewold              Evan Todd Phillips

Sophia Jane Baker                            Taylor Lawrence Hansen-Rich     Camron Jon Pickard

Nathan Michael Bauwens             Maya Jai Harris                                  Alivia Grace Poock

Alexander Jeffrey Bean                 Cera Fae Harsch                                Dillon Michael Poole

Ryan James Beatty                          Braden Rodney Hartley                  Kylie Mae Reinier

Allison Rae Bolanos                         Hallie Marie Hershberger             Zaiden G. Reschly

Levi Jon Bontrager                           Alexa Jo Huber                                  Warren Harold Scharff

Terry James Bordenave                 Elizabeth Anne James                    Beau Allen Schlabach

Kaelyn Marie Brady                         Paityn Olivia Jennings                    Emil Lauren Schlabach

Danielle Lynn Brown                       Stephanie Valentine Jimenez      Madeline Rebecca Schrader

Cain Nickolas Brown                       Amara Elaine Jones                         Jacey Ruth Sisson

Ella Courtney Brunk                        Elizabeth Marie Kalm                      Bella Marie Sobaski

Aiden James Bush                            Koby Lee Karnes                               Dylan James Sojka

Demetrius Jaeden Christensen   Ruby Jonice King                               Caleb Jay Stephenson

Owen Scott Clark                              Lacee Rae Kos                                    Jordan Alan Stock

Marissa Elaine Cline                        Schalyn Elizabeth Lee                     John Andrew Stultz

Grace Eileen Conway                      Drake Kenneth Mann                     Paytin Renee Swartzentruber

Blake Michael Creed                       Ben Edward Mattes                        Jaxsen Ray Timmerman

Shawn Michael Dodds                    Kaden William Meader                  Owen Michael Trimpe

Mariyah Maelee Dusenbery        Collin William Miller                        Nathan Edward Wallington

Kenadi Nicole Fay                             Jerred Frank Miller                           Aidan James West

Noah Andrew Ford                          Leslie Freda Miller                            Kyle Lynn Yoder

Peyton Elena Freeman                   Kina Marie Miller                              Mose Christian Yoder

Irman Ganibegovic                          Ann Pearl Morrison                         Molly Claire Yoder

Mia Renee Garvey                           Shian Kathryn Muller                      Kelyn Dale Yoder

Dade Thaddeus Gehling                Kyan James Nash                              Braydon Cole Younge

Micaela Margaret Ghumm           Kenneth Edward Noble                 Jackson Lyle Zahradnek

                                                                Maya Olivia Nonnemann

MPCSD Virtual Academy Seniors Class of 2022-2023

Colin Conway McClellen                Hannah Jo Tandy

MP-HSAP Seniors Class of 2022-2023

Ava Leone Hatch                               Jacqueline R. Hentrich                    Emma Ruth Johnson

Josephine Scherer Martin             Nolan Dean Miller                            Isaac Jacob Myers

Avery Michael Schartz                    Johanna Schwartz                            Emily Ann Righter

Madison Rose Stai                            Illa Ann Stevenson

Gabrielle Frederick seconded the consent items.  Motion carried 7-0.

Student Learning

District Student Wellness Curriculum Presentation

Kristan Hunter, District Curriculum Leader, along with teachers/counselor Aaron Coghlan, High School Physical Education and Health Teacher, and Kelly Tyler, West Elementary Counselor, presented the process to find new curriculum resources for the Physical Education, Health, and Guidance to the School Board.  The process of researching the curriculum was discussed to integrate the curriculum K-12 to the standards.  Coghlan discussed their PLC process and the use of heart rate monitors that are proposed.  There was also a new set of Health Texts for High School and Middle School The desired outcomes for the chosen curriculum were discussed.  The estimated cost of the new Physical Education Resources is more on the equipment needed for monitoring equipment that can be purchased from PPEL/SAVE in the amount of $10,680.20—as this is under the Superintendent spending limit, there is no action required by the Board.  The Health Curriculum involves the approval of Board approved Curriculum materials over a 7-year period of $6, 299. Hunter and Tyler discussed the Guidance materials with a focus on social and emotional needs using CASEL competencies.  The essential learnings in the CASEL competencies was of great interest as the curriculum was researched and chosen.  Guidance materials require 7-year digital access to support K-4 Guidance Classes and 6-12 Guidance, Advisory and Seminar supports for $13,286.60.  The Board asked questions for clarification.

Marianne Schlabach moved to approve the new Health Curriculum over a 7-year period in the amount of $6,299, as presented.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the new Guidance Curriculum for all grades over a 7-year period in the amount of $13,286.60, as presented.  Denise Chittick seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Hawk Highlight – This agenda item was tabled to 6:40 p.m. Michelle Bessman and her Fifth-Grade students presented a fund-raising opportunity with Paws ‘n More by selling Candy grams as part of their Junior Achievement project.  In their slide presentation they showed their order form and process for fundraising with a timeline.  The group provided a Fundraising Form for the Board to consider.

Jed Seward moved to approve the Paws ‘n More fundraising project as a part of the Junior Achievements class project.  Jake Snider seconded the motion.  Motion carried 7-0.

Second Reading of Board Policy 711.7 School Bus Safety Instruction

Board President Pickard noted that Board Policy 711.7 School Bus Safety Instruction passed on first reading at the April 24, 2023, Board Meeting.  He asked if there were any questions related to the proposed changes in the Policy.  The first paragraph notes that safety drills need to be conducted at least once per year.  The new regulations are at least two times in a year.

Jed Seward moved to approve the amendment of Board Policy 711.7 School Bus Safety Instruction on Second Reading to change from at least once per year to two times per year.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.


Sale of Buses

Superintendent Stone and Business Official Swartzentruber discussed the recommendation to sell one to two school buses to English Valleys Community School District.  These were the buses that would have been traded at a value of $3,500 each for the purchase of the two new buses anticipated to be delivered in the Fall of 2023.  The District contacted Hoglund Bus Company to check on their openness for the District to sell the buses to English Valleys and received their approval.  English Valleys offered to buy the buses at the value of trade in.  The District Countered with $4,500 for one bus and $8,000 for a both buses. The intent is to both be a good neighbor and to recognize the condition of the buses as not pristine.  The Board asked questions for clarification and understanding. 

Denise Chittick moved to approve the sale of 1 or 2 buses to English Valleys Community School District for $4,500 for one bus or $8,000 for both buses as recommended and the additional purchase payment to Hoglund Bus Company for each bus.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Summer Projects 2023

Superintendent Stone directed the Boards attention to the Summer Projects list.  He has worked with the Lead Custodians in each building to reach a total value of projects at $192,500.  The original goal for summer projects was set at $150,000.  However, there are two projects at HSAP that require immediate attention, totaling about $47,000, and as a result, were added to the list.  All of these items are planned to be spent out of PPEL Funds.  The following items exceed the Superintendent spending authority and as such need to be approved by the Board in order to proceed.  These are:

  • West Elementary Floor Replacement with Tile Floors for the 3 rooms in the 4th Grade Wing, Nurse’s Office, Principal’s Office, Reception Area and Supply Room at a cost of $22,864.00.
  • Home School Education Center replacement of the Air Conditioning Unit on the Library roof at a cost of $23,367.50.
  • Home School Education Center replacement of Steel Doors in the gymnasium at a cost of $23,894.53.

Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the Summer 2023 Projects list as presented including the 3 items in excess of $20,000.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Student Feeds for 2023-2024

Superintendent Stone shared the Student Fee Schedule for 2023-2024.  The proposed fee schedule recommends continuing the Book Rental Fees for 2023-2024 at $50 per student from Four-Year-Old Preschool to Grade 12 as was reinstated in 2022-2023.  These fees bring in about $70,000.  As the Nutrition Fund continues in a strong position with a positive fund balance, the District is not required to raise student meal prices for 2023-2024, and as such is not recommending a change.  However, an increase of $0.05 per carton of milk is recommended.  There has not been an increase in extra milk since 2013-2014, when the prices as $0.42 per carton.  The State of Iowa has mandated a $0.70 increase for Adult Lunches for next year from $4.15 per lunch to $4.85 per lunch.  As a result, there is also a proposed increase of $0.50 for Adult Breakfasts.  There has been no increase since 2019-2020 School Year due to the Federal Program for all student free lunch through the 2021-2022 School Year.  The Federal Program is ended in 2021-2022.  Other increases recommended are for Band and Choir Uniform Cleaning Fees, which are based upon cleaning costs. The new fee for Band Uniform Cleaning is $21.00, increased from $17.00.  The new fee for Choir Uniform Cleaning is $17.00, increased from $11.00.

Mary Allred moved to approve the 2023-2024 Student Fees schedule as presented.  Marianne Schlabach seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Annual Superintendent Evaluation – Closed Session

Jed Seward moved to continue to closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual request a closed session as provided by 21.5(1)(i), Code of Iowa.  Seconded by Marianne Schlabach.

Roll Call Vote:    Gabrielle Frederick         - yes                      Mary Allred                        - yes

                                Jed Seward                         - yes                      Jeremy Pickard                  - yes

Marianne Schlabach       - yes                      Jake Snider                        - yes

                                Denise Chittick                  - yes                     

Motion carried 7-0.

The Board entered closed session at 7:12 p.m.

The Board returned to open session at 10:11 p.m.

Board Development and Inservice Activities

Nothing was added at this time.

Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda

There is only one Board Meeting in May as the Graduation Activities on May 28th are a Board attendance commitment.

The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, June 12, 2023 at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.  Agenda items to include: K-5 Math Curriculum Review, Superintendent Stone’s compensation package, Review the Joint Statement Policy in Board Policy 302.5,

Board Highlights

  • Agreed it was a great meeting in closed session
  • Appreciated the 5th Grade Fundraiser presentation


The meeting adjourned at 10:15p.m.