Mid-Prairie Community School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
June 13, 2022 – 6:15 p.m.
Vice-President Marianne Schlabach called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Marianne Schlabach, and Jake Snider.
Board members absent: Jeremy Pickard and Jed Seward.
Also Present: Mark Schneider, Jeff Swartzentruber, Chuck Banks, Robin Foster, Rob Hruby, Greg Jergens, Rachel Kerns, Amy Shalla, and Frank Slabaugh.
Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Denise Chittick. Motion carried 5-0.
English Language Arts / Foreign Language Presentation
Kristan Hunter, Curriculum Leader, presented the work of the English Language Arts and Foreign Language groups as they reviewed curriculum needs for their respective areas. Some members of the two teams were present to assist Hunter in the presentation. They first discussed process followed by the teams as they reviewed curriculum and looked for improvements, especially for grades 6-12 using vision priority, needs assessment, exploration, and evaluation steps. The teams shared assessment data for Mid-Prairie and compared to the state level. 2021-2022 state level data is not yet available. Hunter then provided a summary of costs for each area for the next six years. Each team also discussed the curriculum chosen for the various grade levels and rationale for their choices. The Board asked questions on process and for clarification during the presentation. Board members affirmed the teams and the importance of students being engaged in the curriculum.
District Annual Report
Rachel Kerns, HSAP Director, facilitated and presented the 2021-2022 Annual Report document and spoke of the items in detail. She appreciated the opportunity to work with the Administrative Team on this project throughout the year. This 8-page report highlights many of the great things that have happened in the District for the year. Each Administrator highlighted items from their respective pages. Kerns asked the Board for their impressions and feedback. The Board provided input for the report and ideas for future content.
Board Member and Administrator Dialogue
Mid-Prairie and 13 other districts received a grant to apprentice paraprofessionals towards a teaching career path. Currently there are 8 MP paraprofessionals that are participating in the process. Brief reports were given by a number of Building Administrators.
Board Development and Inservice Activities
Nothing was discussed.
Public Forum– 7:00 p.m.
No one spoke.
Consent Items
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the following consent items.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
The minutes of May 9, 2022 and May 18, 2022;
Finance Report
The Finance Report for May 2022;
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for June 13, 2002; and Prepaid Bills;
Open Enrollment Requests – None presented for approval
Personnel Items
Contract issued to Kylie Hanshaw, Third Grade Teacher, $40,003 per annum;
Contract issued to Sarah Roy, Fourth Grade Teacher, $40,003 per annum;
Contract issued to Christine Meader, Fall Musical Director, $3,459 per season;
Contract issued to Christine Meader, Spring Play Director, $3,459 per season;
Contract issued to Kelby Bender, MS Assistant Softball Coach, $989 per season;
Resignation of Lisa Doser, MS Physical Education Teacher, $77,614 per annum, effective June 10, 2022;
Resignation of Lisa Doser, 7th Grade Volleyball Coach, $3,219 per annum, effective June 10, 2022;
Resignation of Lisa Doser, MS Girls Basketball Coach, $3,219 per annum, effective June 10, 2022;
Resignation of Mat Freel, HS Girls Assistant Soccer Coach, $3,069 per season, effective May 31, 2022;
Resignation of Justin Barthelman, HS Girls Head Soccer Coach, $5,116 per season, effective June 5, 2022;
Resignation of Christine Meader, Assistant Director of the Fall Musical, $2,046 per season, effective May 20, 2022;
Resignation of Christine Meader, Assistant Director of the Spring Play, $2,192 per season, effective May 20, 2022;
Resignation of Melissa Fleming, Middle School Girls Track Coach, $2,728 per season, effective May 25, 2022;
Resignation of Sadie Chacon, Middle School Nurse, $37,871 per annum, effective May 24, 2022:
Resignation of Emily Brehm-Stecher, Middle School Special Education Teacher, $45,175 per annum, effective June 6, 2022;
Resignation of Crystal Adair, Middle School General Cook, $14.56 per hour; effective May 31, 2022;
Resignation of Linda Wilson, Middle School General Cook, $16.48 per hour, effective May 23, 2022;
Fundraising Requests
High School Baseball requests approval to raise funds through sale of meals through the baseball season for field renovations, equipment, supplies and volunteer coaches;
Mary Allred seconded the consent items. Motion carried 5-0.
Student Learning
English Language Arts / Foreign Language Curriculum Materials
Based upon the presentation in the Work Session, the Curriculum groups have requested Curriculum Funds be designated for new materials in the amounts of $57,941 for Secondary English Language Arts and $45,916 for District Foreign Language. These costs are projected for the next six years. Not all of the costs would be paid up front, rather than spread equally over the six year period. The Board asked questions for clarification and discussed the various concepts presented.
Mary Allred moved to approve the expenditures as presented for new Secondary English Language Arts Curriculum in the amount of $57,941 and District Foreign Language Curriculum in the amount of $45,916. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Sharing Agreements with Lone Tree Community School District
Superintendent Schneider presented the two 28E Agreements with Lone Tree Community School District for the 2022-2023 School Year. The first 28E Agreement is to share our Transportation Director with Lone Tree at 20% FTE where Mid-Prairie holds the contract for Teresa Hartley. The second 28E Agreement is to share our Special Education Director with Lone Tree at 20% FTE where Mid-Prairie holds the contract for Amy Shalla. The supplemental weighting the Districts will received for the sharing agreements is 4 Student FTEs for Transportation Director and 2 Student FTEs for Special Education Director. The total of 6 FTEs will generate additional revenue of approximately $44,500 to each District. Mid-Prairie Sharing Revenue would total 18 Student FTEs if passed for a total additional revenue of $113,500 for the 2022-2023 School Year. If these 28E Agreements are enacted by the Board, they will then be presented to the Lone Tree School Board for formal approval.
Denise Chittick moved to approve the 28E Sharing Agreements for the Transportation Director and the Special Education Director for the 2022-2023 School Year as presented. Mary Allred seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Student/Parent Handbooks
Superintendent Schneider drew the Board’s attention to the handbooks for each building. High School Principal Chuck Banks noted the High School Handbook. Changes were made to the following sections of the Handbook: Academic Letter; Honor Roll, Absence Procedure, Early Release/Late Arrival, Makeup Work, Academic Eligibility for Interscholastic Competition, Dress Code, and Excused Absences. The ALC, Virtual Academy, and Middle School have no changes to their handbooks. Home School made minor changes to their student handbook and noted those. The Elementary Schools made a few minor changes to the handbooks to include: allowing hats and stating social media guidelines for staff posting pictures, especially no pictures of students. The Board asked questions for clarification.
Denise Chittick moved to accept the Student/Parent Handbooks changes as presented. Gabrielle Frederick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
IASB Legislative Priorities
Superintendent Schneider drew the Board’s attention to the IASB Legislative Priorities document for the 2021-2022 Legislative Year. IASB has begun the inquiry and process for districts to determine their legislative priorities for the 2022-2023 Year. The process starts with the Board review of this document and then process to determine the priorities to communicate to IASB for next year. Schneider asked the Board to begin that process with a timeline to determine the priorities either at the next meeting.
Approximately $14,500,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2022
Superintendent Schneider, Board Secretary Swartzentruber, and Matt Gillaspie of Piper Sandler as the Municipal Advisor reported on the bidding process at the Bond Sale today, June 13, 2022. Bids were received and evaluated. The bid that is recommended to the Board is: from Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. as one of the two bids received. Gillaspie provided rationale and background for the proposed winning bid. The bid is $12,566,306.75 at a true interest rate of 4.3688% for the purchase of $12,780,000 of bonds at par value. The Board asked questions for clarification and understanding. A resolution is required in order to accept the bid and move to closing of the sale on July 13, 2022.
Denise Chittick moved to resolve directing the sale of $12,780,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2022 to Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. at a True Interest Rate of 4.3688%. Gabrielle Frederick seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - absent Jeremy Pickard - absent
Marianne Schlabach - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - yes
Motion carried 5-0.
Bank Depository Resolution
Superintendent Schneider and Business Manager Swartzentruber presented the resolution in recognition of the funds to be received when the Revenue Bonds close in July. This will precede the annual Depository Resolution required in August although the funds received in July will exceed the current limits.
RESOLVED, that the Mid-Prairie Community School District of Wellman, Iowa in Washington County, Iowa approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of the Mid-Prairie School, all funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1983) as amended by 1984 Iowa Acts. S.F. 2220. The Business Manager/Board Secretary is hereby authorized to deposit the Mid-Prairie School funds in amounts not exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below.
Location of Maximum Balance Maximum balance in
Depository name Home Office effect under prior effect under this
___________________ __________ resolution resolution .
UMB Bank, N.A. (ISJIT) Des Moines 3,000,000 3,000,000
Hills Bank Hills 12,000,000 25,000,000
Federation Bank Wellman 5,000,000 5,000,000
CBI Bank & Trust Kalona 5,000,000 5,000,000
Miles Capital Mgmnt Des Moines 2,000,000 2,000,000
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve 06132201 as presented reading from the resolution to increase the Hills Bank deposit amount to $25,000,000. Mary Allred seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Gabrielle Frederick - yes Mary Allred - yes
Jed Seward - absent Jeremy Pickard - absent
Marianne Schlabach - yes Jake Snider - yes
Denise Chittick - abstained
Motion carried 4-0 with Denise Chittick abstaining.
Kalona Community Center and Wellman Parkside YMCA Gymnasium Leases
Superintendent Schneider discussed the two five year leases to be signed with the YMCA and City Administrators. He noted that both leases have a few minor changes due to usage and governance. The Kalona lease agreement starts with an annual payment to the City of Kalona of $15,000 and increases by $1,000 per year to provide gymnasium access to the District for one-half of the gymnasium. The Wellman lease agreement starts with an annual payment split in half to the City of Wellman and to the Washington County YMCA of $15,000 and also increases by $1,000 per year. The lease terms have been reviewed by each entity. Superintendent Schneider recommends the leases be approved prior to the July 1st start dates.
Mary Allred moved to approve the 5-year lease documents for the Kalona and Wellman facilities to the City of Kalona and the City of Wellman/Washington County YMCA as presented. Denise Chittick seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Director and Central Office Staff Compensation for 2022-2023
Superintendent Schneider provided a schedule of compensation for the 2022-2023 School Year to the Board. Six people are on the schedule. He performed a review of these positions compensation as compared to the 10 school districts immediately larger and 10 school districts immediately smaller the Mid-Prairie. After analysis, he provides a recommendation tonight for the compensation. He provided further rationale for the recommendation on each position. Increases in compensation packages ranged from 3.2% to 28.0% with the group’s percentage increase at 11.3%.
Denise Chittick moved to approve Directors and Central Office Staff wage and package increases for 2022-2023 as presented. Mary Allred seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Work Session
Completion of Unfinished Work Session Items
There were no unfinished items from the Work Session section of the meeting.
Rob Hruby and Greg Jergens reported on the meetings they and their teams conducted with the architects as to the needs of the Middle School and East Elementary buildings. Superintendent Schneider reminded the board that the final plans will be presented to the Board for approval.
Superintendent Schneider noted the Review of
Next Meeting and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, June 27, 2022, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: IASB Legislative Priorities, Grant Wood AEA Power School Agreement for 2022-2023; and Review of Board Policies 100 and 400 begins at the next meeting;
The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.