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May 9, 2022

Mid-Prairie Community School District

Kalona, Wellman, West Chester

Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA  52356

May 9, 2022 – 3:00 p.m.


President Jeremy Pickard called the meeting to order.

Board members present:   Mary Allred, Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Jeremy Pickard, Marianne Schlabach, Jed Seward, Jake Snider.

Board members absent:  None.

Also Present:  Mark Schneider, Jeff Swartzentruber, Chuck Banks, Robin Foster, Rob Hruby, Greg Jergens, Rachel Kerns, Amy Shalla, and Frank Slabaugh.

Mary Allred moved to adopt the agenda as presented.  Seconded by Gabrielle Frederick.  Motion carried 7-0.

Work Session

Introductory Comments by Trent Grundmeyer

Board President Pickard reviewed the agenda for the day due to the level of detail and non-standard elements of the meeting.

Trent Grundmeyer gave instructions on the session for the Board and the process of interviews of the finalist candidates and deliberations.

New Superintendent Finalist Interviews – Closed Session

Marianne Schlabach moved to continue to closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual who’s hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual request a closed session as provided by 21.5(i), Code of Iowa.  Seconded by Gabrielle Frederick.

Roll Call Vote:    Gabrielle Frederick           - yes                           Mary Allred                        - yes

                          Jed Seward                       - yes                          Jeremy Pickard                  - yes

                          Marianne Schlabach         - yes                          Jake Snider                        - yes

                          Denise Chittick                  - yes

Motion carried 7-0.

The Board entered Closed Session at 3:16 p.m.

The Board exited Closed Session at 5:59 p.m. and took a break before reconvening.

President Pickard reconvened the meeting at 6:15 p.m.


Public Forum– 6:15 p.m.

Liz Harris, President of the MPEA, expressed thanks to the School Board for their work.  The appreciation gift bags are for the Board’s enjoyment.

Consent Items

Mary Allred moved to approve the following consent items.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of April 25, 2022;

Finance Report

The Finance Report for April 2022;

Payment of Bills

The bills as listed for May 9, 2022; Prepaid Bills;

Open Enrollment Requests

Travis and Amber Becker request Wyatt Becker (Alternative Kindergarten), attend Mid-Prairie from Highland Community School District for the 2022-23 School Year;

Lisa Kesten requests Lucy Kesten (Kindergarten), attend Mid-Prairie from Iowa City Community School District for the 2022-23 School Year;

Personnel Items

Work Agreement issued to Crystal Adair, Middle School General Cook, $14.59 per hour;

Work Agreement issued to Jodi Meader, HSAP Media Secretary, $14.92 per hour;

Hourly Contract issued to Pattie Madison, HSAP Supervising Teacher, $25.65 per hour;

Contract Issued to Justin Barthelman, HS Assistant Football Coach, $3,347 per annum;

Contract Issued to Elizabeth Dehogues, Behavioral Interventionist, $47,934;

Contract Issued to Emily Brehm-Stecher, MS Special Education Teacher, $45,175;

TLC Contracts for 2022-2023 Issued to:

Contract Issued to Emily Zehr, TLC PBIS/SEL Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Hannah Mougin, TLC Literacy Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Jennifer Roth, TLC Literacy Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Emma Brenneman, TLC Students Supports Team Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Melanie Steinhart, TLC Students Supports Team Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Terra Huber, TLC Students Supports Team Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Jessica Swartzentruber, TLC Students Supports Team Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Rachel Foubert, TLC School Culture Committee Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Terri Adam, TLC School Culture Committee Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Ashley Bartels, TLC School Culture Committee Teacher, $2,867 per annum;

Contract Issued to Elsa Schmidt, TLC Instructional Lead Teacher, $2,000 per annum;

Contract Issued to Traci Zahradnek, TLC Instructional Lead Teacher, $2,000 per annum;

Contract Issued to Sara Puttmann, TLC Instructional Lead Teacher, $2,000 per annum;

Contract Issued to Sarah O’Rourke, TLC Instructional Lead Teacher, $2,000 per annum;

Contract Issued to Jessica Jones, TLC Instructional Lead Teacher, $2,000 per annum;

Contract Issued to Sheila Raim, TLC Lead Supervising Teacher, $2,000 per annum;

Contract Issued to Natalie Silbaugh, TLC Data Coordinating Teacher, $1,000 per annum;

Contract Issued to Collette McClellen, TLC Technology Teacher, $1,000 per annum;

Volunteer Coaches Spring of 2022

Zeb Evans, HS Softball Assistant Coach, Up to $2,400 from Resale/Concessions;

Jed Seward, HS Baseball Assistant Coach, Up to $1,500 from Resale/Concessions;

Brody Miller, HS Baseball Assistant Coach, Up to $1,500 from Resale/Concessions;

Aaron Fleming, MS Track Assistant Coach, $-0-

Resignation of Maria Flores, WE Paraprofessional, $14.21 per hour, effective End of 2021-2022 School Year;

Fundraising Requests

MP HSAP Roots and Shoots Program requests approval to raise funds through the annual Spring Flower Fundraiser, annual Fall Mum Fundraiser and other related activities from April of 2022 to April of 2023 to be used to purchase equipment, supplies, outdoor education, outdoor games, and learning and growing opportunities for students and families;

Marianne Schlabach seconded the consent items.  Motion carried 7-0.

Special Presentations

Recognition of Retiring Staff

Superintendent Schneider introduced the retiring staff and invited comments from those in attendance for each staff person.  Staff persons retiring at the end of the 2021-2022 School Year include five people: Marian Marley, Jane Blieu, Terri Duwa, Norman Brooks, and Beth Spenler.

People came to honor the teachers and staff and many people shared memories and thanks to each person as they were honored individually.  Superintendent Schneider presented each person with a plaque of recognition.  The Board expressed their appreciation to each person for their many years of service to the District.


Project Manager Contract with Carl A. Nelson Company

Superintendent Schneider reviewed the Construction Project Manager Contract between the District and Carl A. Nelson Company to manage the construction projects for the Revenue Bonds.  The AIA Contract form outlines the scope of work.  Carl A. Nelson Company personnel were on a Zoom call to answer questions as needed.   No questions were asked.

Denise Chittick moved to approve the Project Manager Contract with Carl A. Nelson Company for the construction projects as outlined in the scope of work.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Architect Contract with Shive-Hattery

Superintendent Schneider reviewed the Architect Contract between the District and Shive-Hattery, Inc. including the addendum to provide architectural services for the construction projects that will result from the issuance of the Revenue Bonds.  The AIA Contract form outlines the scope of work.  Shive-Hattery, Inc. personnel were on a Zoom call to answer questions as needed.  No questions were asked.

Jake Snider moved to approve the Contract with Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the architectural services as outlined in the scope of work.  Jed Seward seconded the motion.    Motion carried 7-0.

Salaries for Principals, Middle School Dean of Students, and HSAP

Superintendent Schneider recommends a 3.2% package increase for Principals, and Assistant AD and Middle School Dean for the 2022-2023 School Year.  This is consistent with the 3.2% package approval for Teachers and Support Staff passed at an earlier School Board Meeting.  HSAP Administrative Staff and Hourly Teaching Staff raises differ from the 3.2% increase proposal due to various circumstances.  These increases and the various related situations were presented and discussed by Schneider with the School Board.

Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the District Administrators and Middle School Dean of Students wage and package increases of 3.2%, and HSAP Administrative and Teaching Staff increases all for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 as presented.  Mary Allred seconded the motion.  Motion carried 7-0.

Resolution to Fix the Date of Sale of Revenue Bonds, Electronic Bidding Procedures, and Approve the  Official Statement

Superintendent Schneider and Business Manager Swartzentruber presented the resolution for the sale of $14,500,000 of Revenue Bonds, Electronic Bidding Procedures and the Preliminary Official Statement (POS).  The resolution is required for passage prior to the schedule Bond Sale on June 13, 2022.  The Resolution asks for more than the intended sale amount of $12,625,000 in order to provide maximum flexibility and the amount with the Public Hearing in December of 2021.  The District can sell less than the resolution amount but cannot sell higher than the amount.  It is standard practice to set the resolution amount higher.  The Board asked final questions for clarification. 

Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the resolution fixing the date of sale for June 13, 2022 at 1:00 p.m., of approximately $14,500,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue bonds Series 2022, approving electronic bidding procedures and approving official Statement.  Denise Chittick seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Roll Call Vote:    Gabrielle Frederick           - yes                              Mary Allred                        - yes

                          Jed Seward                       - yes                             Jeremy Pickard                  - yes

                          Marianne Schlabach         - yes                             Jake Snider                        - yes

                          Denise Chittick                  - yes

Motion carried 7-0.         

Announcements and Suggestions for Next Agenda

A special Board Meeting is set for Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 6:15 p.m. to discuss the Middle School Building Addition, Renovation Plans, and Footprint Layout. (See additional notes on Closed Session, below)

The next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, June 13, 2022, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room.  Agenda items to include: The Annual Report, English and Language Arts materials will be requested, and Wages for Central Office and Director Staff.

Work Session / Closed Session

New Superintendent Finalist Discussion – Return to Closed Session

Gabriella Frederick moved to continue to closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual who’s hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual request a closed session as provided by 21.5(i), Code of Iowa.  Seconded by Marianne Schlabach.

Roll Call Vote:    Gabrielle Frederick           - yes                                     Mary Allred                        - yes

                          Jed Seward                       - yes                                     Jeremy Pickard                  - yes

                          Marianne Schlabach         - yes                                     Jake Snider                        - yes

                          Denise Chittick                  - yes

Motion carried 7-0.

The Board entered Closed Session at 7:16 p.m.

The Board exited Closed Session at 10:07 p.m.

Extend an Offer to a Candidate

Denise Chittick moved to extend and offer to the chosen candidate for Superintendent of the Mid-Prairie Community District.  Marianne Schlabach seconded the motion.  Motioned carried 5-2 (Jed Seward and Jake Snider voted no).

The Board will discuss the additional details in closed session at the May 18, 2022 special meeting on candidate negotiations.


The meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.