Mid-Prairie Community-based School District
Central Office Community Room
1636 Hwy 22 East
PO Box 150
Wellman, Ia 52356
Tentative Agenda
1. Opening- 6:15 PM
a. Call to order by President
b. Adopt an Agenda
2. Work Session
a. Hawk Highlight-
b. Board and administration dialogue
i.Building Needs Updates (Building Administration)
1.East Elementary
2.West Elementary
3.Home School
4.Middle School
5.High School
ii.Facility Long-term prioritizing
iv.Certified Enrollment Numbers
v.Softball Lights Update
vi.Iowa School Performance Profile
3. Business Meeting- at the conclusion of the work session
a. Public Forum 7:00 p.m.
b. Consent Items
i.Minutes Previous Meeting
ii.Finance Report
iii.Payment of Bills
iv.Open Enrollment Requests
v.Personnel Items
vi.Fundraising Requests
4. The Board will Focus on School Finance
a.Middle School Gym Floor
b.Hills Bank Trust Investment Management Accounts Setup
c.Resolution 10424221 LEP Allowable Growth
5. The Board Will Focus on Student Learning
i.Junior High Girls Wrestling Coach Recommendation
ii.Closed Session: Student Behavior
6. Work Session for Unfinished Section B Items
7. Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting
8. Board Highlights