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June 10, 2024

Mission Statement:

Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world in a
caring learning environment.


Mid-Prairie Community School District


Central Office Community Room

1636 Hwy 22 East

Wellman, IA 52356



Tentative Agenda


  1. Opening – 6:15 PM

    1. Call to Order by President

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Reading of School Mission Statement by Vice-President

    4. Adopt an Agenda

    5. Hawk Highlight- Kirkwood Culinary Educational Classes at MP- Glenda Seward

    6. Public Forum


  1. Work Session

    1. Administration Reports and Board Dialogue

      1.  Summer Project Building Update

                           2.  Fuel Bid Pricing Reports

  1. Diesel Fuel Bid

  2. Propane Fuel Bid


3.     Business Meeting

  1. Consent Items

    1.  Minutes Previous Meeting

    2.  Finance Report

    3.  Payment of Bills

    4.  Open Enrollment Requests

    5.  Personnel Items

    6.  Fundraising Requests


       B.  The Board will Focus on Student Learning and Planning

  1.  Second Reading of Changes to Board Policies in Chapter 200 (Document)

    1. Excluding 200.4

  2.  High School Choir Request to Travel to Augustana College October 13-14, 2024


       C.  The Board will Focus on School Finances.

   1. Superintendent Contract and Compensation Package for Fiscal Year



4.    Board Development and Inservice Activities

A. Tammy Drawbaugh-July 29th, 6:15-7:15


5.    Announcements and Suggestions for Next Meeting

A. June 24th Board Meeting @ 6:15 PM


6.    Tour of East Elementary and Middle School Construction Progress    


7.     Board Highlights


8.     Adjournment


Prepared: 6/7/2024
